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Created October 4, 2012 05:18
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RPN expression parser, derived from
[mizushima]$ scala ReversePolishNotationParsers.scala
1 1 + = 2
3 1 - = -2
3 2 * = 6
8 2 / = 0
2 (2 2 +) + = 6
2 2 2 + + = 6
(2 2 +) 2 + = 6
(2 2 +) (4 2 +) * = 24
((2 2 +) (4 2 +) *) 2 / = 0
import scala.util.parsing.combinator._
class ReversePolishNotationParsers extends JavaTokenParsers {
def parse(data:String) = parseAll(expression(Nil), data)
def expression(stack: List[Ast]):Parser[Ast] = (
((("+" | "-" | "*" | "/") ~ success(stack)) into {result: String ~ List[Ast] =>
result match {
case opChar ~ (op1 :: op2 :: rest) =>
val newAst = Operator(opChar, op1, op2)
expression(newAst::rest) | success(newAst)
case _ ~ _ => failure("the number of operands is less than 2")
| (factor into {op => expression(op::stack) })
def factor:Parser[Ast] = ("""[0-9]+""".r | "("~expression(Nil)~")") ^^ {
case n:String => Operand(n.toInt)
case "("~(opr:Operator)~")" => opr
abstract sealed class Ast
case class Operator(operator:String, operand1:Ast, operand2:Ast) extends Ast
case class Operand(value:Int) extends Ast
def eval(ast:Ast):Int = {
ast match {
case Operator("+", operand1, operand2) => eval(operand1) + eval(operand2)
case Operator("-", operand1, operand2) => eval(operand1) - eval(operand2)
case Operator("*", operand1, operand2) => eval(operand1) * eval(operand2)
case Operator("/", operand1, operand2) => eval(operand1) / eval(operand2)
case Operand(value) => value
val inputs = List(
"1 1 +"
,"3 1 -"
,"3 2 *"
,"8 2 /"
,"2 (2 2 +) +"
,"2 2 2 + +"
,"(2 2 +) 2 +"
,"(2 2 +) (4 2 +) *"
,"((2 2 +) (4 2 +) *) 2 /"
val parsers = new ReversePolishNotationParsers{i => (i, parsers.parse(i))}.filter{_._2.successful}.foreach { case (i, r) =>
printf("%s = %d%n", i, eval(r.get))
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