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Created May 9, 2010 13:48
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case class Hoge()
case class Foo()
case class Dummy()
trait C[A, Conv] {
def method(a: A): Conv
trait Show[A] { def format(a: A): String }
object InstanceDeclarations {
implicit object HogeInstance extends C[Hoge, String] {
def method(a: Hoge): String = "Hoge"
implicit object FooInstance extends C[Foo, Dummy] {
def method(a: Foo): Dummy = Dummy()
implicit object ShowString extends Show[String] {
def format(a: String): String = a
import InstanceDeclarations._
object ConstraintsOnAssociativeType {
def func[S, Conv](s: S)(implicit cs: C[S, Conv], show: Show[Conv]): String = show.format(cs.method(s))
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