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Kota Mizushima kmizu

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class SuperA
def foo(): String
class SuperB
def foo(): String
case class Hoge()
case class Foo()
case class Dummy()
trait C[A, Conv] {
def method(a: A): Conv
trait Show[A] { def format(a: A): String }
case class X() {
// type T = String // この行を入れると何故かコンパイルを通る…
case class Y()
trait C[A] {
type T
trait Show[A] { def format(a: A): String }
// This file must be compiled under Scala 2.8.0 with -Xexperimental
case class Hoge()
case class Foo()
case class Dummy()
trait C[A] {
type Conv
def method(a: A): Conv
// It compiled under Scala However, it doesn't compile under Scala 2.8.0.RC2.
import scala.collection.mutable.{Map}
object TypeInferenceFailure {
def f(x: Int) = x match {
case 0 => null.asInstanceOf[List[String]]
case _ => null.asInstanceOf[Map[Int, Int]]
* This source-code is based on
* source-code on
* Using foldLeft often simplifies functional codes.
* Question: Do you want to play this game?
* You put down some money and roll a die between 1 and 100
* Depending on your roll:
* 1-50: I keep your money.
object ImplicitRunnable {
//implicit def any2Runnable(block: => Any): Runnable = new Runnable {
// def run { block }
implicit def fun2Runnable(block: () => Any): Runnable = new Runnable {
def run { block() }
def main(args: Array[String]) {
//This file should be compiled unser scala 2.8.0.RC2 with -P:continuations:enable
import scala.util.continuations._
import scala.collection._
trait Generator[+A] extends Traversable[A] {
def moveNext(): Boolean
def current: A
def foreach[U](f: A => U): Unit = {
while(moveNext()) {
def sort(src: List[Int]): List[Int] = src match {
case (Nil|_::Nil) => src
case _ =>
def merge(l: List[Int], r: List[Int]): List[Int] = (l, r) match {
case (Nil, ys) => ys
case (xs, Nil) => xs
case (x::xs, y::ys) => if(x < y) x::merge(xs, r) else y::merge(l, ys)
val (l, r) = src.splitAt(src.length / 2)
merge(sort(l), sort(r))
object MyMain extends Application {
abstract sealed class Either[+A,+B] {
def map[C, D >: A](f:B => C) : Either[D,C]
def flatMap[C, D >: A](f:B => Either[D,C]) : Either[D,C]
case class Right[A,B](b:B) extends Either[A,B] {
def map[C, D >: A](f:B => C) = Right(f(b))
def flatMap[C, D >: A](f:B => Either[D,C]) = f(b)
case class Left[A,B](a:A) extends Either[A,B] {