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Created August 11, 2020 17:14
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import datetime
import pendulum
import requests
from prefect import task, Flow, Parameter, case
from prefect.schedules import Schedule
from prefect.schedules.clocks import CronClock
from prefect.tasks.secrets import PrefectSecret
from prefect.tasks.notifications.slack_task import SlackTask
# Parameter Task value given at runtime
city = Parameter(name="City", default="Walnut Creek")
# PrefectSecret Task stored in Cloud UI
api_key = PrefectSecret("WEATHER_API_KEY")
# Extraction Task pulls 5-day, 3-hour forcast for the provided City
@task(max_retries=2, retry_delay=datetime.timedelta(seconds=5))
def pull_forecast(city, api_key):
base_url = ""
url = base_url + "appid=" + api_key + "&q=" + city
r = requests.get(url)
data = r.json()
return data
# Analysis Task determines whether there will be rain in forecast data
@task(tags=["analysis", "parser"])
def is_raining_this_week(data):
rain = [
forecast["rain"].get("3h", 0) for forecast in data["list"] if "rain" in forecast
return True if sum([s >= 1 for s in rain]) >= 1 else False
# SlackTask integration enables notifications to Slack through webhooks
rain_notification, dry_notification = SlackTask(
message="There is rain in the forecast for this week, watch out!",
), SlackTask(
message="There will be NO rain this week, someone tell Toto!",
# Define the Flow
with Flow("Rain Flow") as flow:
forecast = pull_forecast(city=city, api_key=api_key)
rain = is_raining_this_week(forecast)
with case(rain, True):
with case(rain, False):
# Register to Prefect Cloud in designated project
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