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Last active October 15, 2018 18:09
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  • Save kmorozov/afc48004f39085bcc27575cc8efa2cb8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Feat-costs plugin for Archive of Nethys
// ==UserScript==
// @name FeatCosts
// @namespace com.dnineteen
// @include*
// @include
// @include*
// @include
// @require
// @version 1.0.5
// 1.0.1 -> made includes work more consistently
// 1.0.2 -> Added Ultimate Combat
// 1.0.3 -> Added POW and parts of ARG. Fixed bug with multiple options.
// 1.0.4 -> made multi-point display more helpful
// 1.0.5 -> Nethys changed his domain name. Updated.
// @grant none
// allow pasting
// ==/UserScript==
$(function () {
costData = window.featCostData;
costMap = {
$.each(costData, function (index, item)
key = item.feat.toLowerCase().trim();
costMap[key] = {};
costMap[key].options = {};
costMap[key].options[item.option] = item.points;
costMap[key].points = item.points;
captured = ? /ItemName=([^&]+)/.exec( [1] : null;
if (captured)
addTagToTitle(costMap, decodeURIComponent(captured).toLowerCase().trim());
function addTagToTitle(costMap, featName)
featDef = costMap[featName] ? costMap[featName] : {'points' : '?'};
costTag = $('<span style=\'padding:2px;\'/>').append('(Feat Point Cost: ' + featDef.points + ')');
else if(featDef.options)
table = $("<table/>");
head = $("<tr/>");
head.append($("<td/>").append("<b>Feat Point Cost</b>"))
$.each(featDef.options, function(index, item){
row = $("<tr/>");
$('H1.title').append($('<span style=\'padding:2px;\'/>').append('(Feat Point Cost: see table)'));
function addTagsToTable(costMap)
$('a').each(function (index, item) {
link = $(item);
if (link.attr('href').indexOf('FeatDisplay') != - 1)
captured = /ItemName=([^&]+)/.exec(link.attr('href')) [1];
if (!captured)
featName = decodeURIComponent(captured).toLowerCase().trim();
featDef = costMap[featName] ? costMap[featName] : {};
costTag = $('<span style=\'padding:2px;\'/>').append('[' + featDef.points + ']');
else if(featDef.options)
min = Number.MAX_VALUE;
max = 0;
$.each(featDef.options, function(option, points){
if(points > max) max = points;
if(points < min) min = points;
costTag = $('<span style=\'padding:2px;\'/>').append('[' + min + '-' + max + ']');
window.featCostData = [
"feat": "Core Rulebook"
"feat": "Acrobatic",
"points": 4
"feat": "Acrobatic Steps",
"points": 6
"feat": "Agile Maneuvers",
"points": 4
"feat": "Alertness",
"points": 4
"feat": "Alignment Channel",
"points": 6
"feat": "Animal Affinity",
"points": 4
"feat": "Arcane Armor Mastery",
"points": 6
"feat": "Arcane Armor Training",
"points": 2
"feat": "Arcane Strike",
"points": 4
"feat": "Armor Proficiency, Heavy",
"points": 3
"feat": "Armor Proficiency, Light",
"points": 1
"feat": "Armor Proficiency, Medium",
"points": 2
"feat": "Athletic",
"points": 4
"feat": "Augment Summoning",
"points": 8
"feat": "Bleeding Critical",
"points": 4
"feat": "Blind-Fight",
"points": 3
"feat": "Blinding Critical",
"points": 8
"feat": "Brew Potion",
"points": 4
"feat": "Catch Off-Guard",
"points": 3
"feat": "Channel Smite",
"points": 3
"feat": "Cleave",
"points": 3
"feat": "Combat Casting",
"points": 3
"feat": "Combat Expertise",
"points": 1
"feat": "Combat Reflexes",
"points": 4
"feat": "Command Undead",
"points": 8
"feat": "Craft Magic Arms and Armor",
"points": 8
"feat": "Craft Rod",
"points": 8
"feat": "Craft Staff",
"points": 8
"feat": "Craft Wand",
"points": 8
"feat": "Craft Wondrous Item",
"points": 8
"feat": "Critical Focus",
"points": 4
"feat": "Critical Mastery",
"points": 5
"feat": "Dazzling Display",
"points": 6
"feat": "Deadly Aim",
"points": 8
"feat": "Deadly Stroke",
"points": 5
"feat": "Deafening Critical",
"points": 2
"feat": "Deceitful",
"points": 4
"feat": "Defensive Combat Training",
"points": 4
"feat": "Deflect Arrows",
"points": 3
"feat": "Deft Hands",
"points": 4
"feat": "Diehard",
"points": 6
"feat": "Disruptive",
"points": 3
"feat": "Dodge",
"points": 4
"feat": "Double Slice",
"points": 4
"feat": "Elemental Channel",
"points": 5
"feat": "Empower Spell",
"points": 8
"feat": "Endurance",
"points": 1
"feat": "Enlarge Spell",
"points": 3
"feat": "Eschew Materials",
"points": 2
"feat": "Exhausting Critical",
"points": 5
"feat": "Exotic Weapon Proficiency",
"points": 3
"feat": "Extend Spell",
"points": 3
"feat": "Extra Channel",
"points": 4
"feat": "Extra Ki",
"points": 4
"feat": "Extra Lay on Hands",
"points": 4
"feat": "Extra Mercy",
"points": 4
"feat": "Extra Performance",
"points": 4
"feat": "Extra Rage",
"points": 4
"feat": "Far Shot",
"points": 3
"feat": "Fleet",
"points": 3
"feat": "Forge Ring",
"points": 8
"feat": "Gorgon's Fist",
"points": 3
"feat": "Great Cleave",
"points": 3
"feat": "Great Fortitude",
"points": 4
"feat": "Greater Bull Rush",
"points": 8
"feat": "Greater Disarm",
"points": 6
"feat": "Greater Feint",
"points": 6
"feat": "Greater Grapple",
"points": 8
"feat": "Greater Overrun",
"points": 5
"feat": "Greater Penetrating Strike",
"points": 4
"feat": "Greater Shield Focus",
"points": 4
"feat": "Greater Spell Focus",
"option": " Abjuration",
"points": 3
"feat": "Greater Spell Focus",
"option": " Conjuration",
"points": 5
"feat": "Greater Spell Focus",
"option": " Divination",
"points": 3
"feat": "Greater Spell Focus",
"option": " Enchantment",
"points": 5
"feat": "Greater Spell Focus",
"option": " Evocation",
"points": 5
"feat": "Greater Spell Focus",
"option": " Illusion",
"points": 5
"feat": "Greater Spell Focus",
"option": " Necromancy",
"points": 5
"feat": "Greater Spell Focus",
"option": " Transmutation",
"points": 3
"feat": "Greater Spell Penetration",
"points": 4
"feat": "Greater Sunder",
"points": 5
"feat": "Greater Trip",
"points": 8
"feat": "Greater Two-Weapon Fighting",
"points": 3
"feat": "Greater Vital Strike",
"points": 3
"feat": "Greater Weapon Focus",
"points": 4
"feat": "Greater Weapon Specialization",
"points": 4
"feat": "Heighten Spell",
"points": 2
"feat": "Improved Bull Rush",
"points": 3
"feat": "Improved Channel",
"points": 4
"feat": "Improved Counterspell",
"points": 2
"feat": "Improved Critical",
"points": 4
"feat": "Improved Disarm",
"points": 3
"feat": "Improved Familiar",
"points": 8
"feat": "Improved Feint",
"points": 3
"feat": "Improved Grapple",
"points": 3
"feat": "Improved Great Fortitude",
"points": 4
"feat": "Improved Initiative",
"points": 6
"feat": "Improved Iron Will",
"points": 4
"feat": "Improved Lightning Reflexes",
"points": 4
"feat": "Improved Overrun",
"points": 2
"feat": "Improved Precise Shot",
"points": 8
"feat": "Improved Shield Bash",
"points": 3
"feat": "Improved Sunder",
"points": 2
"feat": "Improved Trip",
"points": 3
"feat": "Improved Two-Weapon Fighting",
"points": 4
"feat": "Improved Unarmed Strike",
"points": 1
"feat": "Improved Vital Strike",
"points": 4
"feat": "Improvised Weapon Mastery",
"points": 3
"feat": "Intimidating Prowess",
"points": 3
"feat": "Iron Will",
"points": 4
"feat": "Leadership",
"points": 8
"feat": "Lightning Reflexes",
"points": 4
"feat": "Lightning Stance",
"points": 5
"feat": "Lunge",
"points": 5
"feat": "Magical Aptitude",
"points": 4
"feat": "Manyshot",
"points": 8
"feat": "Martial Weapon Proficiency",
"points": 2
"feat": "Master Craftsman",
"points": 1
"feat": "Maximize Spell",
"points": 8
"feat": "Medusa's Wrath",
"points": 7
"feat": "Mobility",
"points": 3
"feat": "Mounted Archery",
"points": 6
"feat": "Mounted Combat",
"points": 4
"feat": "Natural Spell",
"points": 8
"feat": "Nimble Moves",
"points": 3
"feat": "Penetrating Strike",
"points": 4
"feat": "Persuasive",
"points": 4
"feat": "Pinpoint Targeting",
"points": 6
"feat": "Point Blank Shot",
"points": 4
"feat": "Power Attack",
"points": 8
"feat": "Precise Shot",
"points": 4
"feat": "Quick Draw",
"points": 2
"feat": "Quicken Spell",
"points": 8
"feat": "Rapid Reload",
"points": 2
"feat": "Rapid Shot",
"points": 8
"feat": "Ride-By Attack",
"points": 8
"feat": "Run",
"points": 2
"feat": "Scorpion Style",
"points": 3
"feat": "Scribe Scroll",
"points": 8
"feat": "Selective Channeling",
"points": 6
"feat": "Self-Sufficient",
"points": 4
"feat": "Shatter Defenses",
"points": 6
"feat": "Shield Focus",
"points": 4
"feat": "Shield Master",
"points": 8
"feat": "Shield Proficiency",
"points": 2
"feat": "Shield Slam",
"points": 8
"feat": "Shot on the Run",
"points": 6
"feat": "Sickening Critical",
"points": 6
"feat": "Silent Spell",
"points": 2
"feat": "Simple Weapon Proficiency",
"points": 1
"feat": "Skill Focus",
"points": 4
"feat": "Snatch Arrows",
"points": 2
"feat": "Spell Focus",
"option": " Abjuration",
"points": 3
"feat": "Spell Focus",
"option": " Conjuration",
"points": 5
"feat": "Spell Focus",
"option": " Divination",
"points": 3
"feat": "Spell Focus",
"option": " Enchantment",
"points": 5
"feat": "Spell Focus",
"option": " Evocation",
"points": 5
"feat": "Spell Focus",
"option": " Illusion",
"points": 5
"feat": "Spell Focus",
"option": " Necromancy",
"points": 5
"feat": "Spell Focus",
"option": " Transmutation",
"points": 3
"feat": "Spell Mastery",
"points": 1
"feat": "Spell Penetration",
"points": 6
"feat": "Spellbreaker",
"points": 5
"feat": "Spirited Charge",
"points": 8
"feat": "Spring Attack",
"points": 6
"feat": "Staggering Critical",
"points": 6
"feat": "Stand Still",
"points": 5
"feat": "Stealthy",
"points": 4
"feat": "Step Up",
"points": 5
"feat": "Still Spell",
"points": 2
"feat": "Strike Back",
"points": 0
"feat": "Stunning Critical",
"points": 8
"feat": "Stunning Fist",
"points": 3
"feat": "Throw Anything",
"points": 4
"feat": "Tiring Critical",
"points": 4
"feat": "Toughness",
"points": 6
"feat": "Tower Shield Proficiency",
"points": 2
"feat": "Trample",
"points": 6
"feat": "Turn Undead",
"points": 6
"feat": "Two-Weapon Defense",
"points": 4
"feat": "Two-Weapon Fighting",
"points": 5
"feat": "Two-Weapon Rend",
"points": 8
"feat": "Unseat",
"points": 6
"feat": "Vital Strike",
"points": 4
"feat": "Weapon Finesse",
"points": 5
"feat": "Weapon Focus",
"points": 4
"feat": "Weapon Specialization",
"points": 4
"feat": "Whirlwind Attack",
"points": 8
"feat": "Widen Spell",
"points": 3
"feat": "Wind Stance",
"points": 3
"feat": "Bestiary"
"feat": "Ability Focus",
"points": 6
"feat": "Awesome Blow",
"points": 6
"feat": "Craft Construct",
"points": 8
"feat": "Empower Spell-Like Ability",
"points": 8
"feat": "Flyby Attack",
"points": 8
"feat": "Hover",
"points": 3
"feat": "Improved Natural Armor",
"points": 4
"feat": "Improved Natural Attack",
"points": 4
"feat": "Multiattack",
"points": 6
"feat": "Multiweapon Fighting",
"points": 6
"feat": "Quicken Spell-Like Ability",
"points": 8
"feat": "Snatch",
"points": 3
"feat": "Wingover",
"points": 3
"feat": "Advanced Player's Guide"
"feat": "Additional Traits",
"points": "special"
"feat": "Allied Spellcaster",
"points": 3
"feat": "Arcane Blast",
"points": 3
"feat": "Arcane Shield",
"points": 2
"feat": "Arcane Talent",
"points": 2
"feat": "Aspect of the Beast",
"points": 6
"feat": "Bashing Finish",
"points": 8
"feat": "Blood of Heroes",
"points": 6
"feat": "Bloody Assault",
"points": 3
"feat": "Bodyguard",
"points": 6
"feat": "Bouncing Spell",
"points": 6
"feat": "Breadth of Experience",
"points": 5
"feat": "Bull Rush Strike",
"points": 5
"feat": "Charge Through",
"points": 3
"feat": "Childlike",
"points": 3
"feat": "Cloud Step",
"points": 3
"feat": "Cockatrice Strike",
"points": 2
"feat": "Combat Patrol",
"points": 8
"feat": "Cooperative Crafting",
"points": 2
"feat": "Coordinated Defense",
"points": 3
"feat": "Coordinated Maneuvers",
"points": 3
"feat": "Cosmopolitan",
"points": 2
"feat": "Covering Defense",
"points": 3
"feat": "Crippling Critical",
"points": 4
"feat": "Crossbow Mastery",
"points": 6
"feat": "Dastardly Finish",
"points": 5
"feat": "Dazing Assault",
"points": 8
"feat": "Dazing Spell",
"points": 8
"feat": "Deep Drinker",
"points": 6
"feat": "Deepsight",
"points": 2
"feat": "Disarming Strike",
"points": 6
"feat": "Disrupting Shot",
"points": 3
"feat": "Disruptive Spell",
"points": 3
"feat": "Diviner's Delving",
"points": 2
"feat": "Dreadful Carnage",
"points": 8
"feat": "Duck and Cover",
"points": 3
"feat": "Eagle Eyes",
"points": 3
"feat": "Eclectic",
"points": 6
"feat": "Ectoplasmic Spell",
"points": 3
"feat": "Eldritch Claws",
"points": 3
"feat": "Elemental Fist",
"points": 3
"feat": "Elemental Focus",
"points": 2
"feat": "Elemental Spell",
"points": 8
"feat": "Elven Accuracy",
"points": 3
"feat": "Enforcer",
"points": 8
"feat": "Expanded Arcana",
"points": 4
"feat": "Extra Bombs",
"points": 4
"feat": "Extra Discovery",
"points": 8
"feat": "Extra Hex",
"points": 8
"feat": "Extra Rage Power",
"points": 8
"feat": "Extra Revelation",
"points": 8
"feat": "Extra Rogue Talent",
"points": 6
"feat": "Fast Drinker",
"points": 8
"feat": "Fast Healer",
"points": 2
"feat": "Favored Defense",
"points": 6
"feat": "Fight On",
"points": 3
"feat": "Focused Shot",
"points": 3
"feat": "Focused Spell",
"points": 4
"feat": "Following Step",
"points": 3
"feat": "Furious Focus",
"points": 4
"feat": "Gang Up",
"points": 6
"feat": "Gnome Trickster",
"points": 1
"feat": "Go Unnoticed",
"points": 6
"feat": "Greater Blind-Fight",
"points": 3
"feat": "Greater Dirty Trick",
"points": 8
"feat": "Greater Drag",
"points": 6
"feat": "Greater Elemental Focus",
"points": 2
"feat": "Greater Reposition",
"points": 6
"feat": "Greater Shield Specialization",
"points": 3
"feat": "Greater Steal",
"points": 3
"feat": "Groundling",
"points": 3
"feat": "Heroic Defiance",
"points": 3
"feat": "Heroic Recovery",
"points": 3
"feat": "Hero's Fortune",
"points": 2
"feat": "Improved Blind-Fight",
"points": 3
"feat": "Improved Dirty Trick",
"points": 3
"feat": "Improved Drag",
"points": 3
"feat": "Improved Ki Throw",
"points": 5
"feat": "Improved Reposition",
"points": 3
"feat": "Improved Second Chance",
"points": 3
"feat": "Improved Share Spells",
"points": 6
"feat": "Improved Sidestep",
"points": 3
"feat": "Improved Steal",
"points": 3
"feat": "Improved Stonecunning",
"points": 2
"feat": "In Harm's Way",
"points": 6
"feat": "Intensified Spell",
"points": 8
"feat": "Ironguts",
"points": 2
"feat": "Ironhide",
"points": 4
"feat": "Keen Scent",
"points": 5
"feat": "Ki Throw",
"points": 3
"feat": "Leaf Singer",
"points": 3
"feat": "Light Step",
"points": 6
"feat": "Lingering Performance",
"points": 6
"feat": "Lingering Spell",
"points": 8
"feat": "Lookout",
"points": 3
"feat": "Low Profile",
"points": 3
"feat": "Luck of Heroes",
"points": 3
"feat": "Lucky Halfling",
"points": 8
"feat": "Major Spell Expertise",
"points": 6
"feat": "Master Alchemist",
"points": 2
"feat": "Merciful Spell",
"points": 5
"feat": "Minor Spell Expertise",
"points": 4
"feat": "Missile Shield",
"points": 3
"feat": "Mounted Shield",
"points": 3
"feat": "Mounted Skirmisher",
"points": 8
"feat": "Outflank",
"points": 7
"feat": "Paired Opportunists",
"points": 7
"feat": "Parry Spell",
"points": 8
"feat": "Parting Shot",
"points": 3
"feat": "Pass For Human",
"points": 2
"feat": "Perfect Strike",
"points": 3
"feat": "Persistent Spell",
"points": 8
"feat": "Point Blank Master",
"points": 8
"feat": "Practiced Tactician",
"points": 4
"feat": "Precise Strike",
"points": 4
"feat": "Preferred Spell",
"points": 8
"feat": "Punishing Kick",
"points": 2
"feat": "Pushing Assault",
"points": 3
"feat": "Racial Heritage",
"points": 2
"feat": "Raging Vitality",
"points": 6
"feat": "Ray Shield",
"points": 8
"feat": "Razortusk",
"points": 8
"feat": "Reach Spell",
"points": 4
"feat": "Rending Claws",
"points": 2
"feat": "Repositioning Strike",
"points": 3
"feat": "Saving Shield",
"points": 6
"feat": "Second Chance",
"points": 6
"feat": "Selective Spell",
"points": 8
"feat": "Shadow Strike",
"points": 4
"feat": "Shared Insight",
"points": 3
"feat": "Sharp Senses",
"points": 2
"feat": "Shield of Swings",
"points": 6
"feat": "Shield Specialization",
"points": 4
"feat": "Shield Wall",
"points": 5
"feat": "Shielded Caster",
"points": 5
"feat": "Sickening Spell",
"points": 8
"feat": "Sidestep",
"points": 4
"feat": "Smash",
"points": 2
"feat": "Smell Fear",
"points": 3
"feat": "Sociable",
"points": 4
"feat": "Spell Perfection",
"points": 8
"feat": "Spider Step",
"points": 3
"feat": "Stabbing Shot",
"points": 6
"feat": "Steel Soul",
"points": 8
"feat": "Step Up and Strike",
"points": 8
"feat": "Stone Sense",
"points": 8
"feat": "Stone Singer",
"points": 5
"feat": "Stone-Faced",
"points": 4
"feat": "Stunning Assault",
"points": 8
"feat": "Summoner's Call",
"points": 5
"feat": "Sundering Strike",
"points": 3
"feat": "Swap Places",
"points": 3
"feat": "Swift Aid",
"points": 6
"feat": "Taunt",
"points": 3
"feat": "Team Up",
"points": 6
"feat": "Teleport Tactician",
"points": 3
"feat": "Tenacious Transmutation",
"points": 3
"feat": "Thundering Spell",
"points": 6
"feat": "Touch of Serenity",
"points": 3
"feat": "Trick Riding",
"points": 4
"feat": "Tripping Strike",
"points": 8
"feat": "Under and Over",
"points": 6
"feat": "Underfoot",
"points": 6
"feat": "Vermin Heart",
"points": 6
"feat": "War Singer",
"points": 3
"feat": "Well-Prepared",
"points": 6
"feat": "Ultimate Magic"
"feat": "Abundant Revelations",
"points": 4
"feat": "Accursed Critical",
"points": 6
"feat": "Accursed Hex",
"points": 8
"feat": "Advanced Ranger Trap",
"points": 4
"feat": "Antagonize",
"points": 8
"feat": "Blighted Critical",
"points": 6
"feat": "Blighted Critical Mastery",
"points": 6
"feat": "Burning Spell",
"points": 6
"feat": "Channeled Shield Wall",
"points": 8
"feat": "Concussive Spell",
"points": 8
"feat": "Create Reliquary Arms and Shields",
"points": 6
"feat": "Create Sanguine Elixir",
"points": 3
"feat": "Defending Eidolon",
"points": 5
"feat": "Deny Death",
"points": 3
"feat": "Detect Expertise",
"points": 3
"feat": "Die for Your Master",
"points": 6
"feat": "Divine Interference",
"points": 8
"feat": "Dragonbane Aura",
"points": 3
"feat": "Echoing Spell",
"points": 8
"feat": "Eldritch Heritage",
"points": 8
"feat": "Ensemble",
"points": 3
"feat": "Evolved Familiar",
"points": 6
"feat": "Exploit Lore",
"points": 3
"feat": "Extended Bane",
"points": 4
"feat": "Extra Arcana",
"points": 8
"feat": "Extra Arcane Pool",
"points": 4
"feat": "Extra Cantrips or Orisons",
"points": 2
"feat": "Extra Evolution",
"points": 8
"feat": "Extra Ranger Trap",
"points": 4
"feat": "Extra Summons",
"points": 4
"feat": "Eyes of Judgment",
"points": 3
"feat": "Fast Empathy",
"points": 5
"feat": "Favored Judgment",
"points": 3
"feat": "Fearless Aura",
"points": 6
"feat": "Fire Music",
"points": 5
"feat": "Flaring Spell",
"points": 6
"feat": "Focused Eidolon",
"points": 3
"feat": "Gliding Steps",
"points": 6
"feat": "Grant Initiative",
"points": 4
"feat": "Greater Blighted Critical",
"points": 6
"feat": "Greater Eldritch Heritage",
"points": 8
"feat": "Greater Mercy",
"points": 6
"feat": "Greater Spell Specialization",
"points": 8
"feat": "Greater Wild Empathy",
"points": 5
"feat": "Implant Bomb",
"points": 6
"feat": "Improved Eldritch Heritage",
"points": 8
"feat": "Improved Monster Lore",
"points": 5
"feat": "Insightful Gaze",
"points": 8
"feat": "Intimidating Gaze",
"points": 3
"feat": "Judgment Surge",
"points": 6
"feat": "Ki Stand",
"points": 6
"feat": "Learn Ranger Trap",
"points": 8
"feat": "Life Lure",
"points": 6
"feat": "Moonlight Summons",
"points": 6
"feat": "Mystic Stride",
"points": 8
"feat": "Oracular Intuition",
"points": 3
"feat": "Painful Anchor",
"points": 3
"feat": "Piercing Spell",
"points": 8
"feat": "Planar Preservationist",
"points": 8
"feat": "Powerful Shape",
"points": 8
"feat": "Prodigy",
"points": 1
"feat": "Prophetic Visionary",
"points": 6
"feat": "Pure Faith",
"points": 4
"feat": "Quarterstaff Master",
"points": 3
"feat": "Quick Channel",
"points": 8
"feat": "Quick Wild Shape",
"points": 8
"feat": "Radiant Charge",
"points": 8
"feat": "Remote Bomb",
"points": 6
"feat": "Resilient Eidolon",
"points": 6
"feat": "Reward of Grace",
"points": 4
"feat": "Reward of Life",
"points": 6
"feat": "Ricochet Splash Weapon",
"points": 6
"feat": "Rime Spell",
"points": 8
"feat": "Sacred Summons",
"points": 8
"feat": "Sense Link",
"points": 3
"feat": "Shaping Focus",
"points": 8
"feat": "Sin Seer",
"points": 8
"feat": "Skeleton Summoner",
"points": 8
"feat": "Sorcerous Bloodstrike",
"points": 4
"feat": "Spell Bluff",
"points": 3
"feat": "Spell Hex",
"points": 4
"feat": "Spell Specialization",
"points": 8
"feat": "Spellsong",
"points": 8
"feat": "Split Hex",
"points": 8
"feat": "Split Major Hex",
"points": 8
"feat": "Spontaneous Metafocus",
"points": 4
"feat": "Starlight Summons",
"points": 4
"feat": "Sunlight Summons",
"points": 4
"feat": "Superior Summoning",
"points": 8
"feat": "Thanatopic Spell",
"points": 8
"feat": "Theurgy",
"points": 8
"feat": "Thoughtful Discernment",
"points": 4
"feat": "Threnodic Spell",
"points": 8
"feat": "Toppling Spell",
"points": 8
"feat": "Tripping Staff",
"points": 8
"feat": "Tripping Twirl",
"points": 8
"feat": "Ultimate Mercy",
"points": 8
"feat": "Ultimate Resolve",
"points": 4
"feat": "Uncanny Alertness",
"points": 3
"feat": "Uncanny Concentration",
"points": 4
"feat": "Undead Master",
"points": 4
"feat": "Unsanctioned Detection",
"points": 4
"feat": "Unsanctioned Knowledge",
"points": 8
"feat": "Versatile Channeler",
"points": 6
"feat": "Vigilant Eidolon",
"points": 3
"feat": "Voice of the Sibyl",
"points": 3
"feat": "Warrior Priest",
"points": 3
"feat": "Wild Speech",
"points": 6
"feat": "Witch Knife",
"points": 4
"feat": "Word of Healing",
"points": 3
"feat": "Ultimate Combat"
"feat": "Adder Strike",
"points": 4
"feat": "Adept Champion",
"points": 6
"feat": "Amateur Gunslinger",
"points": 2
"feat": "Arc Slinger",
"points": 3
"feat": "Back to Back",
"points": 2
"feat": "Betrayer",
"points": 2
"feat": "Binding Throw",
"points": 3
"feat": "Bludgeoner",
"points": 3
"feat": "Boar Ferocity",
"points": 6
"feat": "Boar Shred",
"points": 6
"feat": "Boar Style",
"points": 6
"feat": "Body Shield",
"points": 6
"feat": "Bolstered Resilience",
"points": 8
"feat": "Bonebreaker",
"points": 3
"feat": "Branded for Retribution",
"points": 3
"feat": "Break Guard",
"points": 3
"feat": "Broken Wing Gambit",
"points": 4
"feat": "Cartwheel Dodge",
"points": 3
"feat": "Cavalry Formation",
"points": 2
"feat": "Channeled Revival",
"points": 6
"feat": "Channeling Scourge",
"points": 4
"feat": "Charging Hurler",
"points": 3
"feat": "Chokehold",
"points": 0
"feat": "Cleaving Finish",
"points": 5
"feat": "Close-Quarters Thrower",
"points": 8
"feat": "Clustered Shots",
"points": 8
"feat": "Combat Medic",
"points": 1
"feat": "Combat Style Master",
"points": 3
"feat": "Contingent Channeling",
"points": 6
"feat": "Coordinated Charge",
"points": 8
"feat": "Crane Riposte",
"points": 6
"feat": "Crane Style",
"points": 2
"feat": "Crane Wing",
"points": 8
"feat": "Crusader's Fist",
"points": 6
"feat": "Crusader's Flurry",
"points": 2
"feat": "Crushing Blow",
"points": 4
"feat": "Deadly Finish",
"points": 1
"feat": "Death from Above",
"points": 4
"feat": "Death or Glory",
"points": 2
"feat": "Deathless Initiate",
"points": 3
"feat": "Deathless Master",
"points": 3
"feat": "Deathless Zealot",
"points": 6
"feat": "Deceptive Exchange",
"points": 6
"feat": "Defensive Weapon Training",
"points": 4
"feat": "Deft Shootist",
"points": 8
"feat": "Destructive Dispel",
"points": 8
"feat": "Devastating Strike",
"points": 4
"feat": "Dimensional Agility",
"points": 6
"feat": "Dimensional Assault",
"points": 6
"feat": "Dimensional Dervish",
"points": 8
"feat": "Dimensional Maneuvers",
"points": 4
"feat": "Dimensional Savant",
"points": 4
"feat": "Discordant Voice",
"points": 6
"feat": "Disengaging Feint",
"points": 4
"feat": "Disengaging Flourish",
"points": 4
"feat": "Disengaging Shot",
"points": 6
"feat": "Disorienting Maneuver",
"points": 6
"feat": "Dispel Synergy",
"points": 6
"feat": "Dispelling Critical",
"points": 6
"feat": "Dispelling Fist",
"points": 8
"feat": "Disposable Weapon",
"points": 6
"feat": "Disruptive Recall",
"points": 8
"feat": "Distance Thrower",
"points": 4
"feat": "Djinni Spin",
"points": 6
"feat": "Djinni Spirit",
"points": 8
"feat": "Djinni Style",
"points": 8
"feat": "Domain Strike",
"points": 6
"feat": "Double Bane",
"points": 8
"feat": "Drag Down",
"points": 3
"feat": "Dragon Ferocity",
"points": 8
"feat": "Dragon Roar",
"points": 8
"feat": "Dragon Style",
"points": 8
"feat": "Dramatic Display",
"points": 6
"feat": "Earth Child Binder",
"points": 8
"feat": "Earth Child Style",
"points": 6
"feat": "Earth Child Topple",
"points": 6
"feat": "Efreeti Stance",
"points": 6
"feat": "Efreeti Style",
"points": 8
"feat": "Efreeti Touch",
"points": 6
"feat": "Elusive Redirection",
"points": 8
"feat": "Enfilading Fire",
"points": 3
"feat": "Escape Route",
"points": 6
"feat": "Expert Driver",
"points": "idk"
"feat": "Extra Bane",
"points": 4
"feat": "Extra Grit",
"points": 4
"feat": "False Opening",
"points": 6
"feat": "Feint Partner",
"points": 3
"feat": "Felling Escape",
"points": 3
"feat": "Felling Smash",
"points": 8
"feat": "Feral Combat Training",
"points": 4
"feat": "Field Repair",
"points": 2
"feat": "Final Embrace",
"points": 8
"feat": "Final Embrace Horror",
"points": 8
"feat": "Final Embrace Master",
"points": 8
"feat": "Flanking Foil",
"points": 3
"feat": "Fortified Armor Training",
"points": 6
"feat": "Furious Finish",
"points": 2
"feat": "Gory Finish",
"points": 6
"feat": "Greater Channel Smite",
"points": 2
"feat": "Greater Rending Fury",
"points": 4
"feat": "Greater Snap Shot",
"points": 8
"feat": "Greater Whip Mastery",
"points": 6
"feat": "Guided Hand",
"points": 5
"feat": "Gunsmithing",
"points": 4
"feat": "Hammer the Gap",
"points": 3
"feat": "Harmonic Sage",
"points": 4
"feat": "Haunted Gnome",
"points": 2
"feat": "Haunted Gnome Assault",
"points": 6
"feat": "Haunted Gnome Shroud",
"points": 6
"feat": "Hero's Display",
"points": 8
"feat": "Hex Strike",
"points": 6
"feat": "Horse Master",
"points": 4
"feat": "Impact Critical Shot",
"points": 6
"feat": "Impaling Critical",
"points": 4
"feat": "Improved Back to Back",
"points": 4
"feat": "Improved Charging Hurler",
"points": 3
"feat": "Improved Cleaving Finish",
"points": 3
"feat": "Improved Devastating Strike",
"points": 6
"feat": "Improved Feint Partner",
"points": 6
"feat": "Improved Impaling Critical",
"points": 4
"feat": "Improved Rending Fury",
"points": 3
"feat": "Improved Snap Shot",
"points": 8
"feat": "Improved Stalwart",
"points": 8
"feat": "Improved Two-Weapon Feint",
"points": 2
"feat": "Improved Whip Mastery",
"points": 8
"feat": "Instant Judgment",
"points": 2
"feat": "Intimidating Bane",
"points": 2
"feat": "Janni Rush",
"points": 3
"feat": "Janni Style",
"points": 4
"feat": "Janni Tempest",
"points": 2
"feat": "Jawbreaker",
"points": 3
"feat": "Kirin Path",
"points": 4
"feat": "Kirin Strike",
"points": 4
"feat": "Kirin Style",
"points": 4
"feat": "Knockout Artist",
"points": 6
"feat": "Landing Roll",
"points": 4
"feat": "Leaping Shot",
"points": 4
"feat": "Mantis Style",
"option": "no stamina",
"points": 4
"feat": "Mantis Style",
"option": "with stamina",
"points": 6
"feat": "Mantis Torment",
"points": 4
"feat": "Mantis Wisdom",
"option": "no stamina",
"points": 2
"feat": "Mantis Wisdom",
"option": "with stamina",
"points": 4
"feat": "Marid Coldsnap",
"points": 8
"feat": "Marid Spirit",
"points": 8
"feat": "Marid Style",
"points": 8
"feat": "Master Combat Performer",
"points": 2
"feat": "Master Siege Engineer",
"points": "IDK"
"feat": "Masterful Display",
"points": 8
"feat": "Maximized Spellstrike",
"points": 8
"feat": "Menacing Bane",
"points": 4
"feat": "Merciful Bane",
"points": 2
"feat": "Mocking Dance",
"points": "IDK"
"feat": "Monastic Legacy",
"points": 3
"feat": "Monkey Moves",
"points": 6
"feat": "Monkey Shine",
"points": 8
"feat": "Monkey Style",
"points": 8
"feat": "Moonlight Stalker",
"points": 8
"feat": "Moonlight Stalker Feint",
"points": 4
"feat": "Moonlight Stalker Master",
"points": 6
"feat": "Murderer's Circle",
"points": 4
"feat": "Neckbreaker",
"points": 2
"feat": "Net Adept",
"points": 4
"feat": "Net and Trident",
"option": "no stamina",
"points": 4
"feat": "Net and Trident",
"option": "with stamina",
"points": 6
"feat": "Net Maneuvering",
"points": 4
"feat": "Net Trickery",
"points": 4
"feat": "Nightmare Fist",
"points": 8
"feat": "Nightmare Striker",
"option": "no stamina",
"points": 4
"feat": "Nightmare Striker",
"option": "with stamina",
"points": 8
"feat": "Nightmare Weaver",
"points": 8
"feat": "No Name",
"points": 4
"feat": "Opening Volley",
"points": 8
"feat": "Pack Attack",
"points": 2
"feat": "Panther Claw",
"points": 8
"feat": "Panther Parry",
"points": 8
"feat": "Panther Style",
"points": 8
"feat": "Passing Trick",
"points": 6
"feat": "Performance Weapon Mastery",
"points": "IDK"
"feat": "Performing Combatant",
"points": 2
"feat": "Pin Down",
"points": 4
"feat": "Pinning Knockout",
"points": 4
"feat": "Pinning Rend",
"points": 4
"feat": "Pinpoint Poisoner",
"points": 8
"feat": "Planar Wild Shape",
"points": 8
"feat": "Prone Shooter",
"points": 2
"feat": "Prone Slinger",
"points": 1
"feat": "Quick Bull Rush",
"points": 6
"feat": "Quick Dirty Trick",
"points": 8
"feat": "Quick Drag",
"points": 6
"feat": "Quick Reposition",
"points": 6
"feat": "Quick Steal",
"points": 6
"feat": "Raging Brutality",
"points": 8
"feat": "Raging Deathblow",
"points": 4
"feat": "Raging Hurler",
"points": 4
"feat": "Raging Throw",
"points": 6
"feat": "Rapid Grappler",
"points": 8
"feat": "Rapid Reload",
"points": 2
"feat": "Rebounding Leap",
"points": 4
"feat": "Rebuffing Reduction",
"points": 4
"feat": "Rending Fury",
"points": 4
"feat": "Revelation Strike",
"points": 6
"feat": "Rhetorical Flourish",
"points": 4
"feat": "Ricochet Shot Deed",
"points": 8
"feat": "Righteous Healing",
"points": 2
"feat": "Sap Adept",
"points": 8
"feat": "Sap Master",
"points": 8
"feat": "Savage Display",
"points": 4
"feat": "School Strike",
"points": 6
"feat": "Sea Legs",
"points": 4
"feat": "Secret Stash Deed",
"points": 2
"feat": "Seize the Moment",
"points": 6
"feat": "Shaitan Earthblast",
"points": 8
"feat": "Shaitan Skin",
"points": 8
"feat": "Shaitan Style",
"points": 8
"feat": "Shake It Off",
"points": 4
"feat": "Shapeshifter Foil",
"points": 3
"feat": "Shapeshifting Hunter",
"points": 4
"feat": "Shared Judgment",
"points": 8
"feat": "Siege Commander",
"points": 2
"feat": "Siege Engineer",
"points": 2
"feat": "Siege Gunner",
"points": 4
"feat": "Signature Deed",
"points": 8
"feat": "Skilled Driver",
"points": 4
"feat": "Slayer's Knack",
"points": 4
"feat": "Sling Flail",
"points": 3
"feat": "Snake Fang",
"points": 8
"feat": "Snake Sidewind",
"points": 6
"feat": "Snake Style",
"points": 8
"feat": "Snap Shot",
"points": 8
"feat": "Snapping Turtle Clutch",
"points": 8
"feat": "Snapping Turtle Shell",
"points": 4
"feat": "Snapping Turtle Style",
"points": 4
"feat": "Sneaking Precision",
"points": 6
"feat": "Sorcerous Strike",
"points": 6
"feat": "Spell Bane",
"points": 8
"feat": "Spinning Throw",
"points": 8
"feat": "Splintering Weapon",
"points": 4
"feat": "Stage Combatant",
"points": 2
"feat": "Stalwart",
"points": 4
"feat": "Stealth Synergy",
"points": 4
"feat": "Strangler",
"points": 2
"feat": "Strong Comeback",
"points": 4
"feat": "Stunning Pin",
"points": 2
"feat": "Sure Grasp",
"points": 4
"feat": "Sword and Pistol",
"points": 2
"feat": "Tandem Trip",
"points": 5
"feat": "Target of Opportunity",
"points": 6
"feat": "Team Pickpocketing",
"points": 3
"feat": "Tiger Claws",
"points": 2
"feat": "Tiger Pounce",
"points": 4
"feat": "Tiger Style",
"points": 2
"feat": "Trapper's Setup",
"points": 4
"feat": "Twin Thunders",
"option": "no stamina",
"points": 2
"feat": "Twin Thunders",
"option": "with stamina",
"points": 6
"feat": "Twin Thunders Flurry",
"points": 4
"feat": "Twin Thunders Master",
"points": 8
"feat": "Two-Handed Thrower",
"points": 4
"feat": "Two-Weapon Feint",
"points": 4
"feat": "Vicious Stomp",
"points": 8
"feat": "Wave Strike",
"points": 3
"feat": "Whip Mastery",
"option": "no stamina",
"points": 0
"feat": "Whip Mastery",
"option": "with stamina",
"points": 4
"feat": "Path of War"
"feat": "Advanced Study",
"points": 8
"feat": "Buckler Bash",
"points": 3
"feat": "Deadly Agility",
"points": 8
"feat": "Deadly Pairing",
"points": 7
"feat": "Defensive Expertise",
"points": 6
"feat": "Discipline Expertise",
"points": 4
"feat": "Discipline Focus",
"points": 6
"feat": "Discipline Mastery",
"points": 6
"feat": "Double Weapon Finesse",
"points": 6
"feat": "Extended Mark",
"points": 6
"feat": "Extra Gambit",
"points": 6
"feat": "Extra Marks",
"points": 4
"feat": "Extra Readied Maneuver",
"points": 8
"feat": "Extra Stalker Art",
"points": 8
"feat": "Fuse Styles",
"points": 3
"feat": "Greater Unarmed Strike",
"points": 4
"feat": "Guard's Glare",
"points": 8
"feat": "Lightning Recovery",
"points": 6
"feat": "Lightning Swap",
"points": 4
"feat": "Martial Charge",
"points": 8
"feat": "Martial Power",
"points": 8
"feat": "Martial Training I",
"points": 8
"feat": "Martial Training II",
"points": 8
"feat": "Martial Training III",
"points": 8
"feat": "Martial Training IV",
"points": 8
"feat": "Martial Training V",
"points": 8
"feat": "Martial Training VI",
"points": 8
"feat": "Powerful Mark",
"points": 8
"feat": "Ricochet Weapon",
"points": 4
"feat": "Serene Stride (General)",
"points": 8
"feat": "Tactical Rush",
"points": 8
"feat": "Take the Blow",
"points": 8
"feat": "Victorious Recovery",
"points": 8
"feat": "Weapon Group Adaptation",
"points": 4
"feat": "Advanced Race Guide"
"feat": "Adaptive Fortune",
"points": 8
"feat": "Agile Tongue",
"points": 8
"feat": "Airy Step",
"points": 2,
"undefined": "comes on line pretty late and is pretty slow"
"feat": "Angel Wings",
"points": 6
"feat": "Angelic Blood",
"points": 2
"feat": "Angelic Flesh",
"points": 4
"feat": "Aquatic Ancestry",
"points": 6
"feat": "Armor of the Pit",
"points": 6
"feat": "Attuned to the Wild",
"points": 2
"feat": "Beast Rider",
"points": 2
"feat": "Bestow Luck"
"feat": "Black Cat",
"points": 8
"feat": "Blazing Aura",
"points": 4
"feat": "Blistering Feint",
"points": 6
"feat": "Blood Beak",
"points": 4,
"undefined": "pick human, hope the campaign is human focused?"
"feat": "Blood Drinker",
"option": "in one species campaign",
"points": 4
"feat": "Blood Drinker",
"option": "multi-species campaign",
"points": 2
"feat": "Blood Feaster",
"points": 4
"feat": "Blood Salvage",
"points": 2,
"undefined": "poster child for an npc feat"
"feat": "Blood Vengeance",
"points": 2
"feat": "Blundering Defense",
"points": 6
"feat": "Born Alone",
"points": 4
"feat": "Brewmaster",
"points": 4
"feat": "Bullying Blow",
"points": 6
"feat": "Burn! Burn! Burn!",
"points": 4
"feat": "Burrowing Teeth",
"points": 8
"feat": "Carrion Feeder",
"points": 2
"feat": "Casual Illusionist",
"points": 4
"feat": "Catfolk Exemplar",
"points": 4
"feat": "Cautious Fighter",
"points": 4
"feat": "Celestial Servant",
"points": 8
"feat": "Channel Force",
"points": 6
"feat": "Claw Pounce",
"points": 8
"feat": "Cleave Through",
"points": 4
"feat": "Cloud Gazer",
"points": 8
"feat": "Cloven Helm",
"points": 4
"feat": "Courageous Resolve",
"points": 3
"feat": "Critical Versatility",
"points": 6
"feat": "Dark Sight",
"points": 3
"feat": "Dauntless Destiny",
"points": 3
"feat": "Deafening Explosion",
"points": 6
"feat": "Defiant Luck",
"points": 4
"feat": "Demoralizing Lash",
"points": 2
"feat": "Dented Helm",
"points": 3
"feat": "Desperate Swing",
"points": 2
"feat": "Destroyer's Blessing",
"points": 4
"feat": "Discerning Eye",
"points": 3
"feat": "Diverse Palate",
"points": 2
"feat": "Draconic Aspect",
"points": 4
"feat": "Draconic Breath",
"points": 4
"feat": "Draconic Glide",
"points": 3
"feat": "Draconic Paragon",
"points": 4
"feat": "Drow Nobility",
"points": 4
"feat": "Dwarf Blooded",
"points": 6
"feat": "Echoes of Stone",
"points": 4
"feat": "Elemental Jaunt",
"points": 6
"feat": "Elven Battle Training",
"points": 3
"feat": "Elven Spirit",
"points": 4
"feat": "Exile's Path",
"points": 4
"feat": "Expanded Fiendish Resistance",
"points": 4
"feat": "Expanded Resistance",
"points": 4
"feat": "Extra Elemental Assault",
"points": 2
"feat": "Fast Learner",
"points": 6
"feat": "Fearless Curiosity",
"points": 3
"feat": "Feline Grace",
"points": 3
"feat": "Ferocious Action",
"points": 2
"feat": "Ferocious Resolve",
"points": 6
"feat": "Ferocious Summons",
"points": 6
"feat": "Ferocious Tenacity",
"points": 3
"feat": "Fiend Sight",
"points": 4
"feat": "Fire Hand",
"option": "no stamina",
"points": 4
"feat": "Fire Hand",
"option": "with stamina",
"points": 6
"feat": "Fire Tamer"
"feat": "Firesight"
"feat": "Flame Heart"
"feat": "Focusing Blow"
"feat": "Foment the Blood"
"feat": "Fortunate One"
"feat": "Giant Killer"
"feat": "Giant Steps"
"feat": "Gloom Sight"
"feat": "Gloom Strike"
"feat": "Gnome Weapon Focus"
"feat": "Goblin Cleaver"
"feat": "Goblin Gunslinger"
"feat": "Gore Fiend"
"feat": "Grasping Tail"
"feat": "Great Hatred"
"feat": "Greater Channel Force"
"feat": "Greater Drow Nobility"
"feat": "Grudge Fighter"
"feat": "Guardian of the Wild"
"feat": "Half-Drow Paragon"
"feat": "Hard-Headed"
"feat": "Heavenly Radiance"
"feat": "Heroic Will"
"feat": "Hobgoblin Discipline"
"feat": "Horde Charge"
"feat": "Human Spirit"
"feat": "Huntmaster"
"feat": "Hydraulic Maneuver"
"feat": "Improved Channel Force"
"feat": "Improved Dark Sight"
"feat": "Improved Drow Nobility"
"feat": "Improved Improvisation"
"feat": "Improved Low Blow"
"feat": "Improved Surprise Follow-Through"
"feat": "Improved Umbral Scion"
"feat": "Improvisation"
"feat": "Incremental Elemental Assault"
"feat": "Inexplicable Luck"
"feat": "Inner Breath"
"feat": "Inner Flame"
"feat": "Intimidating Confidence"
"feat": "Kobold Ambusher"
"feat": "Kobold Sniper"
"feat": "Ledge Walker"
"feat": "Life's Blood"
"feat": "Lingering Invisibility"
"feat": "Long-Nose Form"
"feat": "Lucky Healer"
"feat": "Lucky Strike"
"feat": "Mage of the Wild"
"feat": "Magical Tail"
"feat": "Martial Mastery"
"feat": "Martial Versatility"
"feat": "Metallic Wings"
"feat": "Mother's Gift"
"feat": "Multitalented Mastery"
"feat": "Murmurs of Earth"
"feat": "Natural Charmer"
"feat": "Neither Elf nor Human"
"feat": "Nimble Striker"
"feat": "Noble Spell Resistance"
"feat": "Orc Hewer"
"feat": "Orc Weapon Expertise"
"feat": "Oread Burrower"
"feat": "Oread Earth Glider"
"feat": "Realistic Likeness"
"feat": "Resilient Brute"
"feat": "Resolute Rager"
"feat": "Reverse-Feint"
"feat": "Risky Striker"
"feat": "Scavenger's Eye"
"feat": "Scorching Weapons"
"feat": "Sea Hunter"
"feat": "Seen and Unseen"
"feat": "Shadow Caster"
"feat": "Shadow Ghost"
"feat": "Shadow Walker"
"feat": "Shadowy Dash"
"feat": "Shared Manipulation"
"feat": "Sharpclaw"
"feat": "Shatterspell"
"feat": "Sleep Venom"
"feat": "Spider Climber"
"feat": "Spider Summoner"
"feat": "Spirit of the Wild"
"feat": "Spit Venom"
"feat": "Steam Caster"
"feat": "Stoic Pose"
"feat": "Stony Step"
"feat": "Stretched Wings"
"feat": "Sure and Fleet"
"feat": "Surge of Success"
"feat": "Surprise Follow-Through"
"feat": "Surprise Strike"
"feat": "Sympathetic Rage"
"feat": "Tail Terror"
"feat": "Tangle Feet"
"feat": "Taskmaster"
"feat": "Tenacious Survivor"
"feat": "Tengu Raven Form"
"feat": "Tengu Wings"
"feat": "Terrorizing Display"
"feat": "Thrill of the Kill"
"feat": "Toxic Recovery"
"feat": "Trap Wrecker"
"feat": "Tree Hanger"
"feat": "Triton Portal"
"feat": "Tunnel Rat"
"feat": "Umbral Scion"
"feat": "Uncanny Defense"
"feat": "Vast Hatred"
"feat": "Water Skinned"
"feat": "Wings of Air"
"feat": "Undead Slayer's Handbook"
"feat": "Bless Equipment",
"points": 8
"feat": "Improved Bless Equipment",
"points": 6
"feat": "Greater Bless Equipment",
"points": 4
"feat": "Align Equipment",
"points": 4
"feat": "Fey Foundling",
"points": 8
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