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Last active March 15, 2024 07:47
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Terraform - JWT Auth for GitLab using Vault
// This enabled the JWT Auth backend in Vault for GitLab to authenticate with (obtains a Vault token based on $CI_JOB_JWT
// in pipeline jobs)
resource "vault_jwt_auth_backend" "gitlab" {
type = "jwt"
path = var.gitlab.jwt_auth_path
jwks_url = format("https://%s/-/jwks", var.gitlab.hostname)
bound_issuer = var.gitlab.hostname
resource "vault_policy" "policy" {
count = length(var.gitlab.projects)
name = format("gitlab-%s", replace(var.gitlab.projects[count.index].name, "/", "-"))
policy = <<EOT
%{ for _, policy in var.gitlab.projects[count.index].policies ~}
path "${policy.path}" {
capabilities = ["${join("\",\"", policy.capabilities)}"]
%{ endfor ~}
resource "vault_jwt_auth_backend_role" "role" {
count = length(var.gitlab.projects)
backend = vault_jwt_auth_backend.gitlab.path
role_type = "jwt"
token_policies = [format("gitlab-%s", replace(var.gitlab.projects[count.index].name, "/", "-"))]
role_name = format("gitlab-%s-readonly", replace(var.gitlab.projects[count.index].name, "/", "-"))
user_claim = "user_email"
token_explicit_max_ttl = 300
bound_claims = {
project_id = var.gitlab.projects[count.index].id
variable "gitlab" {
type = object({
hostname = string
jwt_auth_path = string
projects = list(object({
name = string
id = number
token_max_ttl = number
policies = list(object({
path = string
capabilities = list(string)
module "vault-gitlab" {
source = "./modules/vault-gitlab"
gitlab = {
hostname = ""
jwt_auth_path = "path/to/gitlab-jwt-auth"
// For each project, the user can specify a role when they log in to vault from their CI/CD pipeline
// to obtain their token:
// - vault write -namespace="" -field="token" ${VAULT_AUTH_JWT_PATH} role=${VAULT_AUTH_JWT_ROLE} jwt=${CI_JOB_JWT}
// The var 'VAULT_AUTH_JWT_PATH' is a globally set var in GitLab that defaults to the `jwt_auth_path` value
// from above.
// The var 'VAULT_AUTH_JWT_ROLE' is a globally set var in GitLab that defaults to
// 'gitlab-${CI_PROJECT_PATH_SLUG}-readonly', matching what Terraform is applying to Vault in the module above.
projects = [
name = "group1/proj1"
id = 999
token_max_ttl = 300
policies = [
path = "path/to/data/my/foo/*"
capabilities = ["read"]
path = "path/to/data/my/other/foo/specialSecrets"
capabilities = ["read"]
name = "group2/subgroup2/project1"
id = 1024
token_max_ttl = 300
policies = [
path = "some/other/data/for/different/group/secret"
capabilities = ["read"]
# This is the .gitlab-ci.yml for a given repo that can obtain a VAULT_TOKEN using the `vault` CLI, and then use that
# token to obtain secrets from various paths in Vault as a part of the CI/CD pipeline steps.
# Setting `-namespace=""` is required if you are using Enterprise Vault with namespaces and the JWT auth method is in
# the root namespace. If that is not the case, set the namespace accordingly (or leave out entirely if not uisng
# Enterprise Vault).
image: vault:1.7.6
stage: deploy
- default
VAULT_AUTH_JWT_PATH: path/to/gitlab-jwt-auth
VAULT_SECRETS_BASE_PATH: secrets/path/to/${CI_PROJECT_PATH} # For project specific secrets, not required
- export VAULT_TOKEN="$(vault write -namespace="" -field="token" ${VAULT_AUTH_JWT_PATH} role=${VAULT_AUTH_JWT_ROLE} jwt=$CI_JOB_JWT)"
- export MY_SECRET="$(vault kv get -field="data" -format="json" ${VAULT_SECRETS_BASE_PATH}/test | jq -r '.secret')"
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base698 commented Jan 18, 2022

We could add this as an import.

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