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Last active May 28, 2024 08:19
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Show SQL Server Backup Version with PowerShell
# Imports
Add-Type -Assembly System.Web
Import-Module "sqlps" -DisableNameChecking
$sqlServer = "<...ENTER YOUR SQL SERVER HERE...>" # may also include \INSTANCE
# Force DataSet to be an array so that backupsets with 1 and n backups work
$dataSet = @(Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query "RESTORE HEADERONLY FROM DISK='$FileToProcess'" -ServerInstance $sqlServer -As DataSet)
$dataRow = $dataSet.Tables.Rows[0]
$backupVersion =
"$($dataRow.SoftwareVersionMajor)." `
+ "$($dataRow.SoftwareVersionMinor)." `
+ "$($dataRow.SoftwareVersionBuild)"
# Query sqlserverbuilds.blogspot's Google Sheet for "Build" column LIKE $backupVersion%
# because that column also contains the Revision that we don't get from the backup header.
$Query = "select * where C like '" + $backupVersion + "%'"
$URL =
"" `
+ [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($Query) `
+ "&tqx=out:json"
# Headers needed to unf**k Google's JSON output
$headers = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String],[String]]"
$webReturn = (Invoke-WebRequest $URL -Headers $headers).Content
# Even more unf**king needed
$realJson = $webReturn.Substring(5)
# Finally, a JSON object
$jsonObj = $realJson | ConvertFrom-Json
# Make PowerShell display what we found out
$message = "File $($FileToProcess)`nwas created with Version $($backupVersion) ($($jsonObj.table.rows[0].c[4].v))"
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