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Last active August 29, 2015 14:24
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KD Tree visualization
#prerequisites: ImageMagick (
import itertools
import os
import os.path
import subprocess
import shutil
import math
def generate_unused_folder_name():
base = "temp_{}"
for i in itertools.count():
name = base.format(i)
if not os.path.exists(name):
return name
def make_gif(imgs, **kwargs):
"""creates a gif in the current directory, composed of the given images.
- imgs: a list of PIL image objects.
optional parameters:
- name: the name of the gif file.
- default: "output.gif"
- delay: the number of 'ticks' between frames. 1 tick == 10 ms == 0.01 seconds. anything smaller than 2 will cause display problems.
- default: 2
- delete_temp_files: True if the temporary directory containing each individual frame should be deleted, False otherwise.
- default: True
name = kwargs.get("name", "output.gif")
delay = kwargs.get("delay", 2)
dir_name = generate_unused_folder_name()
#create directory and move into it
#create images. Use leading zeroes to ensure lexicographic order.
num_digits = max(1, int(math.log(len(imgs))))
for i, img in enumerate(imgs):"img_{:0{padding}}.png".format(i, padding=num_digits))
#create gif
#cmd = "imgconvert -delay {} img_*.png -layers optimize output.gif".format(delay)
cmd = ["imgconvert", "-delay", str(delay), "img_*.png", "-layers", "optimize", "output.gif"]
#move gif out of temp directory
shutil.copyfile("output.gif", "../{}".format(name))
#return to original directory, and delete temp
if kwargs.get("delete_temp_files", True):
import math
class Point(object):
def __init__(self, *args, **kargs):
self.num_dimensions = kargs.get("num_dimensions", len(args))
self.coords = [0 for i in range(self.num_dimensions)]
for i in range(len(args)):
self.coords[i] = args[i]
"""Gives the distance from this point to the origin."""
def magnitude(self):
return math.sqrt(sum(c*c for c in self.coords))
Gives the angle of this point above the x axis.
Measured in radians.
Ranges between -pi and pi.
def angle(self):
assert self.num_dimensions == 2
assert self.x != 0 or self.y != 0
return math.atan2(self.y,self.x)
def tuple(self):
return tuple(self.coords)
def map(self, func):
new_coords = [func(a) for a in self.coords]
return Point(*new_coords)
def _applyVectorFunc(self, other, f):
assert self.num_dimensions == other.num_dimensions
new_coords = [f(a,b) for a,b in zip(self.coords, other.coords)]
return Point(*new_coords)
def _applyScalarFunc(self, val, f):
return a: f(a,val))
new_coords = [f(a, val) for a in self.coords]
return Point(*new_coords)
def normalized(self):
return self.__div__(self.magnitude())
def __add__(self, other):
return self._applyVectorFunc(other, lambda a,b: a+b)
def __sub__(self, other):
return self._applyVectorFunc(other, lambda a,b: a-b)
def __mul__(self, a):
return self._applyScalarFunc(a, lambda b,c: b*c)
def __div__(self, a):
return self._applyScalarFunc(a, lambda b,c: b/c)
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.num_dimensions == other.num_dimensions and self.coords == other.coords
return False
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
#simple comparator for sorting purposes
def __lt__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, Point): raise Exception("can only compare points to points")
return self.coords < other.coords
def __getattr__(self, name):
if name == "x": return self.coords[0]
if name == "y": return self.coords[1]
if name == "z": return self.coords[2]
raise AttributeError(name)
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
if name == "x": self.coords[0] = value
elif name == "y": self.coords[1] = value
elif name == "z": self.coords[2] = value
else: object.__setattr__(self, name, value)
def copy(self):
return Point(*self.coords[:])
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.tuple())
def __repr__(self):
use_nice_floats = False
if use_nice_floats:
return "Point(" + ", ".join("%.1f" % c for c in self.coords) + ")"
return "Point(" + ", ".join(str(c) for c in self.coords) + ")"
#old version that is always three dimensions
class Point:
def __init__(self, x=0, y=0, z=0):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.z = z
def magnitude(self):
return math.sqrt(self.x*self.x + self.y*self.y + self.z*self.z)
def tuple(self):
return (self.x, self.y, self.z)
def _applyVectorFunc(self, other, f):
return Point(f(self.x, other.x), f(self.y, other.y), f(self.z, other.z))
def _applyScalarFunc(self, a, f):
return self._applyVectorFunc(Point(a,a,a), f)
def __add__(self, other):
return self._applyVectorFunc(other, lambda a,b: a+b)
def __sub__(self, other):
return self._applyVectorFunc(other, lambda a,b: a-b)
def __mul__(self, a):
return self._applyScalarFunc(a, lambda b,c: b*c)
def __div__(self, a):
return self._applyScalarFunc(a, lambda b,c: b/c)
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.x == other.x and self.y == other.y and self.z == other.z
return False
def copy(self):
return Point(self.x, self.y, self.z)
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.tuple())
def __repr__(self):
#return "Point({}, {}, {})".format(self.x, self.y, self.z)
return "Point({}, {})".format(self.x, self.y)
def distance(a,b):
return (a-b).magnitude()
def dot_product(a,b):
return sum(a._applyVectorFunc(b, lambda x,y: x*y).coords)
def cross_product(u,v):
#todo: support more dimensions than three, if it is possible to do so
x = u.y*v.z - u.z*v.y
y = u.z*v.x - u.x*v.z
z = u.x*v.y - u.y*v.x
return Point(x,y,z)
def midpoint(a,b, frac=0.5):
return a*(1-frac) + b*frac
def bisect(rect, p):
if rect.height > rect.width:
return [rect.copy(bottom=p.y), rect.copy(top=p.y)]
return [rect.copy(left=p.x), rect.copy(right=p.x)]
class KD_Tree:
def __init__(self, rect):
self.rect = rect
self.p = None
self.children = []
def add(self, p):
assert self.rect.contains(p)
if self.p is None:
self.p = p
if not self.children:
self.children = [KD_Tree(rect) for rect in bisect(self.rect, self.p)]
for child in self.children:
if child.rect.contains(p):
raise Exception("could not find branch for {}".format(p))
def populated(rect, points):
ret = KD_Tree(rect)
for p in points:
return ret
def iter(self):
if self.p is not None:
yield self.p
for child in self.children:
for item in child.iter():
yield item
def iter_in_range(self, rect):
if self.p is None:
if rect.contains(self.p):
yield self.p
for child in self.children:
if rect.overlaps(child.rect):
for item in child.iter_in_range(rect):
yield item
import math
import random
from kdtree import KD_Tree
from rect import Rect
from rendering import render
from animation import make_gif
from geometry import distance
def linear_interpolate(start, end, t):
return start * (1-t) + end * t
def sinusoidal_interpolate(start, end, t):
t = math.sin(t * math.pi / 2)
return linear_interpolate(start, end, t)
def create_path(rand_p_func, frames):
def first(cond, iterable):
for item in iterable:
if cond(item):
return item
raise Exception("no items in iterable satisfied condition")
num_waypoints = random.randint(2, 5)
waypoints = [rand_p_func() for i in range(num_waypoints)]
#close the loop by making the last waypoint the same as the first
path_lengths = [distance(a,b) for a,b in zip(waypoints, waypoints[1:])]
total_length = sum(path_lengths)
waypoint_times = [sum(path_lengths[:i])/total_length for i in range(len(path_lengths))] + [1]
#waypoint_times = [0] + sorted([random.random() for i in range(num_waypoints-2)]) + [1]
assert len(waypoints) == len(waypoint_times)
for i in range(frames):
t = float(i) / (frames-1)
waypoint_idx = first(lambda idx: waypoint_times[idx+1] >= t, range(len(waypoint_times)-1))
start_point, end_point = waypoints[waypoint_idx], waypoints[waypoint_idx+1]
start_t = waypoint_times[waypoint_idx]
end_t = waypoint_times[waypoint_idx+1]
assert start_t <= t <= end_t
leg_length = end_t - start_t
leg_t = float(t - start_t) / leg_length
yield sinusoidal_interpolate(start_point, end_point, leg_t)
def transpose(matrix):
return zip(*matrix)
def main():
field = Rect(0,0,10,10)
frames = 200
size = 200
points = 50
print "generating paths..."
paths = [create_path(field.random_contained_point, frames) for i in range(points)]
print "done."
point_frames = transpose(paths)
print "rendering..."
images = [render(KD_Tree.populated(field, points), size) for points in point_frames]
print "done. Composing..."
make_gif(images, delay=4, delete_temp_files=False)
print "done."
from geometry import Point
import random
class Rect:
def __init__(self, *args):
if len(args) == 4: #scalars
self.left,, self.right, self.bottom = args
elif len(args) == 2: #Points
self.__init__(*(args[0].tuple() + args[1].tuple()))
raise Exception("Need 4 scalars or 2 points, got {}".format(len(args)))
def height(self):
return self.bottom -
def width(self):
return self.right - self.left
def contains(self, p):
return self.left <= p.x < self.right and <= p.y <= self.bottom
def overlaps(self, other):
#returns true if line segment AB shares a common segment with line segment CD.
def intersects(a,b,c,d):
#returns true if x lies between a and b.
def lies_between(x,a,b):
return a <= x < b
return lies_between(a, c, d) or lies_between(b, c, d) or lies_between(c, a, b) or lies_between(d, a, b)
return intersects(self.left, self.right, other.left, other.right) and intersects(, self.bottom,, other.bottom)
def copy(self, **d):
return Rect(*[d.get(attr, getattr(self, attr)) for attr in "left top right bottom".split()])
def corners(self):
return (Point(self.left,, Point(self.right, self.bottom))
def tuple(self):
return (self.left,, self.right, self.bottom)
def map(self, f):
new_corners = [ for p in self.corners()]
return Rect(*new_corners)
def pmap(self, f):
new_corners = [f(p) for p in self.corners()]
return Rect(*new_corners)
def random_contained_point(self):
return Point(random.uniform(self.left, self.right), random.uniform(, self.bottom))
from geometry import Point
from rect import Rect
from kdtree import KD_Tree
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
def render(tree, target_size=500, margin=10):
scale = target_size / float(max(tree.rect.width, tree.rect.height))
width = int(tree.rect.width * scale) + margin*2
height = int(tree.rect.height * scale) + margin*2
dx = tree.rect.left
dy =
delta = Point(dx,dy)
img ="RGB", (width, height), "white")
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
def logical_to_screen(p):
return (((p - delta) * scale) + Point(margin, margin)).map(int)
def dot(p, radius, **options):
a = p - Point(radius, radius)
b = p + Point(radius, radius)
draw.chord(a.tuple() + b.tuple(), 0, 359, **options)
def box(rect, **options):
draw.rectangle(rect.tuple(), **options)
def render_node(node):
if node.p is not None:
dot(logical_to_screen(node.p), 2, fill="black")
for child in node.children:
box(child.rect.pmap(logical_to_screen), outline="black")
radius = 1
search_vector = Point(radius, radius)
for p in tree.iter():
area = Rect(p - search_vector, p + search_vector)
for neighbor in tree.iter_in_range(area):
draw.line(logical_to_screen(p).tuple() + logical_to_screen(neighbor).tuple(), fill="red")
return img
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