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Last active December 17, 2019 18:34
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The Simplest Possible Way To Make A Python File Into A Package That's Importable From Anywhere
The Simplest Possible Way To Make A Python File Into A Package That's Importable From Anywhere
~~~ A Guide For (And By) the Incurably Befuddled ~~~
SCENARIO: while writing a one-shot project, you construct a module named
import LovelyCoconut
def bang_halves_together():
print("Clip clop clip clop")
Obviously, LovelyCoconut is a very useful module and you would like to be able to import it no matter what directory you are in. You want it to be a full fledged PACKAGE. But how!?
HOW: is useless to us as an ordinary module. This ugly caterpillar must become a beautiful butterfly.
1) Create a new directory with the following structure:
LovelyCoconut\ <- The name of your project. <- Empty for now. See step 2.
LovelyCoconut\ <- The name that you want to be able to import. <- Empty for now. See step 3.
2) Populate your LovelyCoconut/ This file contains information about the structure and status of your project.
from setuptools import setup
name='LovelyCoconut', #name of the project
version='1.0.0', #version
packages=["LovelyCoconut"] #name that you want to be able to import
3) Populate LovelyCoconut/LovelyCoconut/ Copy the contents of your original `` module into it.
def bang_halves_together():
print("Clip clop clip clop")
4) Open a command prompt in the directory containing `` and execute `python -m pip install -e .`.
C:\Users\Kevin\CS101\homework\week2\originalContentDoNotSteal\LovelyCoconut>python -m pip install -e .
Processing C:\Users\Kevin\CS101\homework\week2\originalContentDoNotSteal\lovelycoconut
Installing collected packages: LovelyCoconut
Running install for LovelyCoconut ... done
Successfully installed LovelyCoconut-1.0.0
LovelyCoconut is now importable from any directory.
Python 3.7.3 (v3.7.3:ef4ec6ed12, Mar 25 2019, 21:26:53) [MSC v.1916 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
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>>> import LovelyCoconut
>>> LovelyCoconut.bang_halves_together()
Clip clop clip clop
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