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Last active November 2, 2018 13:42
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from fractions import Fraction
from decimal import Decimal
class Matrix:
def __init__(self, width, height):
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.rows = [[0]*width for y in range(height)]
def set(self, x, y, value):
self.rows[y][x] = value
def get(self, x, y):
return self.rows[y][x]
def __repr__(self):
return "\n".join(" ".join(str(item) for item in row) for row in self.rows)
def swap(self, row_a, row_b):
self.rows[row_a], self.rows[row_b] = self.rows[row_b], self.rows[row_a]
def mult(self, row, amt):
self.rows[row] = [item * amt for item in self.rows[row]]
#multiplies the row so that its `col`th value is 1
def normalize(self, row, col):
value = self.get(col, row)
assert value != 0, "expected nonzero value in row {} column {}, got {}".format(row, col, value)
self.mult(row, 1/value)
def add(self, target, dest):
assert target != dest
for i in range(self.width):
self.rows[dest][i] += self.rows[target][i]
def sub(self, target, dest):
self.mult(target, -1)
self.add(target, dest)
self.mult(target, -1)
#subtracts target from dest until dest`s `col`th value is 0.
#side effects: may multiply target.
def reduce(self, target, dest, col):
if self.get(col,dest) == 0: return
assert target != dest
assert self.get(col, target) != 0, "{} {} {}".format(target, dest, col)
self.normalize(target, col)
self.mult(target, self.get(col, dest))
self.sub(target, dest)
"""manipulates the matrix so every row is all zeroes, except the rightmost column and one other column, which is 1"""
def decompose(self):
#triangulation step- the lower right half of the matrix must be all zeroes.
for target in range(self.height):
x = self.height - target - 1
for dest in range(target+1, self.height):
self.reduce(target, dest, x)
self.normalize(target, x)
#complete reduction step - iterate the rows backwards, each one being all zeroes but one, using it to eliminate that term from all rows above it.
for target in range(self.height-1, -1, -1):
x = self.height - target - 1
for dest in range(target-1, -1, -1):
self.reduce(target, dest, x)
self.normalize(target, x)
def matrix_from_lists(data):
height = len(data)
width = len(data[0])
m = Matrix(width, height)
for x in range(width):
for y in range(height):
m.set(x,y, Fraction(data[y][x]))
return m
def matrix_from_dict(f):
terms = len(f)
#construct equations
rows = []
for x, y in f.items():
coeffs = [x**n for n in range(terms-1, -1, -1)]
#construct matrix
return matrix_from_lists(rows)
def poly_fit(f):
m = matrix_from_dict(f)
return m
def printed_fit(f):
def _format(idx, coefficient):
if coefficient < 0:
return "-" + _format(idx, -coefficient)
if idx == 0:
return str(coefficient)
elif coefficient == 1:
if idx == 1:
return "x"
return "(x^{})".format(idx)
if idx == 1:
return "{}*x".format(coefficient)
return "{}*(x^{})".format(coefficient, idx)
m = poly_fit(f)
coefficients = [m.get(m.width-1, row) for row in range(m.height)]
terms = [_format(idx, coefficient) for idx, coefficient in enumerate(coefficients) if coefficient != 0]
return " + ".join(terms).replace("+ -", "-")
#like `printed_fit`, but uses special formatting that makes the answer good on systems with markup.
def markup_fit(f):
def _format(idx, coefficient):
if coefficient < 0:
return "-" + _format(idx, -coefficient)
if coefficient.denominator != 1:
coefficient = "\\frac{{{}}}{{{}}}".format(coefficient.numerator, coefficient.denominator)
if idx == 0:
return str(coefficient)
elif coefficient == 1:
if idx == 1:
return "x"
return "(x^{{{}}})".format(idx)
if idx == 1:
return "{}*x".format(coefficient)
return "{}*x^{{{}}}".format(coefficient, idx)
m = poly_fit(f)
coefficients = [m.get(m.width-1, row) for row in range(m.height)]
terms = [_format(idx, coefficient) for idx, coefficient in enumerate(coefficients) if coefficient != 0]
return "$" + (" + ".join(terms).replace("+ -", "-")) + "$"
def functional_fit(f):
m = poly_fit(f)
coefficients = [m.get(m.width-1, row) for row in range(m.height)]
return lambda x: sum(c * (x**n) for n, c in enumerate(coefficients))
f = [5, 13, 24, 38, 55]
f = dict(enumerate(f))
func = functional_fit(f)
for n in range(len(f)+5):
print(n, func(Fraction(n)))
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