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Last active October 1, 2021 12:06
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Julia port of Peter Norvig's Spelling Corrector ( To run this, you'll also need
module DD
import Base: similar, sizehint, empty!, setindex!, getindex, get,
pop!, delete!, start, next, done, isempty, length
export DefaultDict
type DefaultDict{K,V,F} <: Associative{K,V}
DefaultDict(x::F) = new(Dict{K,V}(), x)
DefaultDict(ks, vs, x) = new(Dict{K,V}(ks,vs), x)
DefaultDict() = error("DefaultDict: no default specified")
DefaultDict(k,v) = error("DefaultDict: no default specified")
DefaultDict{K,V,F}(ks::AbstractArray{K}, vs::AbstractArray{V}, default::F) = DefaultDict{K,V,F}(ks,vs,default)
DefaultDict{F}(ks,vs,default::F) = DefaultDict{Any,Any,F}(ks, vs, default)
# syntax entry points
DefaultDict{F}(default::F) = DefaultDict{Any,Any,F}(default)
DefaultDict{K,V,F}(::Type{K}, ::Type{V}, default::F) = DefaultDict{K,V,F}(default)
#DefaultDict{K,V,F}(ks::(K...), vs::(V...), default::F) = DefaultDict{K ,V , F}(ks, vs, default)
#DefaultDict{K ,F}(ks::(K...), vs::Tuple , default::F) = DefaultDict{K ,Any, F}(ks, vs, default)
#DefaultDict{V ,F}(ks::Tuple , vs::(V...), default::F) = DefaultDict{Any,V , F}(ks, vs, default)
similar{K,V,F}(d::DefaultDict{K,V,F}) = DefaultDict{K,V,F}()
sizehint(d::DefaultDict) = sizehint(d.d)
empty!(d::DefaultDict) = empty!(d.d)
setindex!(d::DefaultDict, v, k) = setindex!(d.d, v, k)
function getindex{K,V,F<:Base.Callable}(d::DefaultDict{K,V,F}, key)
index = Base.ht_keyindex(d.d, key)
if index < 0
d.d[key] = ret = convert(V, d.default())
return ret::V
return d.d.vals[index]::V
function getindex{K,V}(d::DefaultDict{K,V}, key)
index = Base.ht_keyindex(d.d, key)
if index < 0
d.d[key] = ret = convert(V, d.default)
return ret::V
return d.d.vals[index]::V
get(d::DefaultDict, key, deflt) = get(d.d, key, deflt)
haskey(d::DefaultDict, key) = (d[key]; true)
in{T<:DefaultDict}(key, v::Base.KeyIterator{T}) = (v.dict[key]; true)
getkey(d::DefaultDict, key, deflt) = getkey(d.d, key, deflt)
pop!(d::DefaultDict, key) = pop!(d.d, key)
delete!(d::DefaultDict, key) = delete!(d.d, key)
start(d::DefaultDict) = start(d.d)
done(d::DefaultDict, i) = done(d.d,i)
next(d::DefaultDict, i) = next(d.d,i)
isempty(d::DefaultDict) = isempty(d.d)
length(d::DefaultDict) = length(d.d)
next{T<:DefaultDict}(v::Base.KeyIterator{T}, i) = (v.dict.d.keys[i], Base.skip_deleted(v.dict.d,i+1))
next{T<:DefaultDict}(v::Base.ValueIterator{T}, i) = (v.dict.d.vals[i], Base.skip_deleted(v.dict.d,i+1))
module SpellCorrector
using DD
export correct, spelltest, tests1, tests2
words(text) = eachmatch(r"[a-z]+", lowercase(text))
function train(features)
model = DefaultDict(ASCIIString, Int, 1)
for f in features
model[f.match] += 1
return model
const NWORDS = train(words(readall("big.txt")))
const alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
function edits1(word::ASCIIString)
splits = [(word[1:i], word[i+1:end]) for i=0:length(word) ]
deletes = ["$a$(b[2:end])" for (a,b) in splits[1:end-1]]
transposes = ["$a$(b[2])$(b[1])$(b[3:end])" for (a,b) in splits[1:end-2]]
replaces = ["$a$c$(b[2:end])" for (a,b) in splits[1:end-1], c in alphabet]
inserts = ["$a$c$b" for (a,b) in splits, c in alphabet]
return Set(deletes..., transposes..., replaces..., inserts...)
## The code below gives ~ 20% increas in speed, at a cost of readability
# splits = [(word[1:i], word[i+1:end]) for i=0:length(word) ]
# results = Set{ASCIIString}()
# for i = 1:length(splits)
# (a,b) = splits[i]
# i < length(splits) && push!(results, string(a,b[2:end]))
# i < length(splits)-1 && push!(results, string(a,b[2],b[1],b[3:end]))
# for c in alphabet
# i < length(splits) && push!(results, string(a,c,b[2:end]))
# push!(results, string(a,c,b))
# end
# end
# return results
function known_edits2(word::ASCIIString)
xs = Set{ASCIIString}()
for e1 in edits1(word)
for e2 in edits1(e1)
haskey(NWORDS, e2) && push!(xs, e2)
function known(words)
xs = Set{ASCIIString}()
for word in words
haskey(NWORDS, word) && push!(xs, word)
function correct(word::ASCIIString)
candidates = known([word])
length(candidates) == 0 && (candidates = known(edits1(word)))
length(candidates) == 0 && (candidates = known_edits2(word) )
length(candidates) == 0 && (candidates = Set(word) )
maximum(x->(get(NWORDS, x, 0),x), candidates)[2]
################ Testing code from here on ################
function spelltest(tests; bias=0, verbose=false)
n, bad, unknown, start = 0, 0, 0, tic()
if bias > 0
for target in keys(tests)
NWORDS[target] += bias
for (target,wrongs) in tests
for wrong in split(wrongs)
n += 1
w = correct(wrong)
if w!=target
bad += 1
unknown += !(target in NWORDS)
if verbose
@printf("correct(%s) => %s (%d); expected %s (%d)\n",
wrong, w, NWORDS[w], target, NWORDS[target])
return ["bad"=>bad, "n"=>n, "bias"=>bias, "pct"=>int(100. - 100.*bad/n),
"unknown"=>unknown, "secs"=>toc() ]
end # Module ends here
const tests1 = [ "access"=> "acess", "accessing"=> "accesing", "accommodation"=>
"accomodation acommodation acomodation", "account"=> "acount", "address"=>
"adress adres", "addressable"=> "addresable", "arranged"=> "aranged arrainged",
"arrangeing"=> "aranging", "arrangement"=> "arragment", "articles"=> "articals",
"aunt"=> "annt anut arnt", "auxiliary"=> "auxillary", "available"=> "avaible",
"awful"=> "awfall afful", "basically"=> "basicaly", "beginning"=> "begining",
"benefit"=> "benifit", "benefits"=> "benifits", "between"=> "beetween", "bicycle"=>
"bicycal bycicle bycycle", "biscuits"=>
"biscits biscutes biscuts bisquits buiscits buiscuts", "built"=> "biult",
"cake"=> "cak", "career"=> "carrer",
"cemetery"=> "cemetary semetary", "centrally"=> "centraly", "certain"=> "cirtain",
"challenges"=> "chalenges chalenges", "chapter"=> "chaper chaphter chaptur",
"choice"=> "choise", "choosing"=> "chosing", "clerical"=> "clearical",
"committee"=> "comittee", "compare"=> "compair", "completely"=> "completly",
"consider"=> "concider", "considerable"=> "conciderable", "contented"=>
"contenpted contende contended contentid", "curtains"=>
"cartains certans courtens cuaritains curtans curtians curtions", "decide"=> "descide", "decided"=>
"descided", "definitely"=> "definately difinately", "definition"=> "defenition",
"definitions"=> "defenitions", "description"=> "discription", "desiccate"=>
"desicate dessicate dessiccate", "diagrammatically"=> "diagrammaticaally",
"different"=> "diffrent", "driven"=> "dirven", "ecstasy"=> "exstacy ecstacy",
"embarrass"=> "embaras embarass", "establishing"=> "astablishing establising",
"experience"=> "experance experiance", "experiences"=> "experances", "extended"=>
"extented", "extremely"=> "extreamly", "fails"=> "failes", "families"=> "familes",
"february"=> "febuary", "further"=> "futher", "gallery"=> "galery gallary gallerry gallrey",
"hierarchal"=> "hierachial", "hierarchy"=> "hierchy", "inconvenient"=>
"inconvienient inconvient inconvinient", "independent"=> "independant independant",
"initial"=> "intial", "initials"=> "inetials inistals initails initals intials",
"juice"=> "guic juce jucie juise juse", "latest"=> "lates latets latiest latist",
"laugh"=> "lagh lauf laught lugh", "level"=> "leval",
"levels"=> "levals", "liaison"=> "liaision liason", "lieu"=> "liew", "literature"=>
"litriture", "loans"=> "lones", "locally"=> "localy", "magnificent"=>
"magnificnet magificent magnifcent magnifecent magnifiscant magnifisent magnificant",
"management"=> "managment", "meant"=> "ment", "minuscule"=> "miniscule",
"minutes"=> "muinets", "monitoring"=> "monitering", "necessary"=>
"neccesary necesary neccesary necassary necassery neccasary", "occurrence"=>
"occurence occurence", "often"=> "ofen offen offten ofton", "opposite"=>
"opisite oppasite oppesite oppisit oppisite opposit oppossite oppossitte", "parallel"=>
"paralel paralell parrallel parralell parrallell", "particular"=> "particulaur",
"perhaps"=> "perhapse", "personnel"=> "personnell", "planned"=> "planed", "poem"=>
"poame", "poems"=> "poims pomes", "poetry"=> "poartry poertry poetre poety powetry",
"position"=> "possition", "possible"=> "possable", "pretend"=>
"pertend protend prtend pritend", "problem"=> "problam proble promblem proplen",
"pronunciation"=> "pronounciation", "purple"=> "perple perpul poarple",
"questionnaire"=> "questionaire", "really"=> "realy relley relly", "receipt"=>
"receit receite reciet recipt", "receive"=> "recieve", "refreshment"=>
"reafreshment refreshmant refresment refressmunt", "remember"=> "rember remeber rememmer rermember",
"remind"=> "remine remined", "scarcely"=> "scarcly scarecly scarely scarsely",
"scissors"=> "scisors sissors", "separate"=> "seperate",
"singular"=> "singulaur", "someone"=> "somone", "sources"=> "sorces", "southern"=>
"southen", "special"=> "speaical specail specal speical", "splendid"=>
"spledid splended splened splended", "standardizing"=> "stanerdizing", "stomach"=>
"stomac stomache stomec stumache", "supersede"=> "supercede superceed", "there"=> "ther",
"totally"=> "totaly", "transferred"=> "transfred", "transportability"=>
"transportibility", "triangular"=> "triangulaur", "understand"=> "undersand undistand",
"unexpected"=> "unexpcted unexpeted unexspected", "unfortunately"=>
"unfortunatly", "unique"=> "uneque", "useful"=> "usefull", "valuable"=> "valubale valuble",
"variable"=> "varable", "variant"=> "vairiant", "various"=> "vairious",
"visited"=> "fisited viseted vistid vistied", "visitors"=> "vistors",
"voluntary"=> "volantry", "voting"=> "voteing", "wanted"=> "wantid wonted",
"whether"=> "wether", "wrote"=> "rote wote"]
const tests2 = ["forbidden"=> "forbiden", "decisions"=> "deciscions descisions",
"supposedly"=> "supposidly", "embellishing"=> "embelishing", "technique"=>
"tecnique", "permanently"=> "perminantly", "confirmation"=> "confermation",
"appointment"=> "appoitment", "progression"=> "progresion", "accompanying"=>
"acompaning", "applicable"=> "aplicable", "regained"=> "regined", "guidelines"=>
"guidlines", "surrounding"=> "serounding", "titles"=> "tittles", "unavailable"=>
"unavailble", "advantageous"=> "advantageos", "brief"=> "brif", "appeal"=>
"apeal", "consisting"=> "consisiting", "clerk"=> "cleark clerck", "component"=>
"componant", "favourable"=> "faverable", "separation"=> "seperation", "search"=>
"serch", "receive"=> "recieve", "employees"=> "emploies", "prior"=> "piror",
"resulting"=> "reulting", "suggestion"=> "sugestion", "opinion"=> "oppinion",
"cancellation"=> "cancelation", "criticism"=> "citisum", "useful"=> "usful",
"humour"=> "humor", "anomalies"=> "anomolies", "would"=> "whould", "doubt"=>
"doupt", "examination"=> "eximination", "therefore"=> "therefoe", "recommend"=>
"recomend", "separated"=> "seperated", "successful"=> "sucssuful succesful",
"apparent"=> "apparant", "occurred"=> "occureed", "particular"=> "paerticulaur",
"pivoting"=> "pivting", "announcing"=> "anouncing", "challenge"=> "chalange",
"arrangements"=> "araingements", "proportions"=> "proprtions", "organized"=>
"oranised", "accept"=> "acept", "dependence"=> "dependance", "unequalled"=>
"unequaled", "numbers"=> "numbuers", "sense"=> "sence", "conversely"=>
"conversly", "provide"=> "provid", "arrangement"=> "arrangment",
"responsibilities"=> "responsiblities", "fourth"=> "forth", "ordinary"=>
"ordenary", "description"=> "desription descvription desacription",
"inconceivable"=> "inconcievable", "data"=> "dsata", "register"=> "rgister",
"supervision"=> "supervison", "encompassing"=> "encompasing", "negligible"=>
"negligable", "allow"=> "alow", "operations"=> "operatins", "executed"=>
"executted", "interpretation"=> "interpritation", "hierarchy"=> "heiarky",
"indeed"=> "indead", "years"=> "yesars", "through"=> "throut", "committee"=>
"committe", "inquiries"=> "equiries", "before"=> "befor", "continued"=>
"contuned", "permanent"=> "perminant", "choose"=> "chose", "virtually"=>
"vertually", "correspondence"=> "correspondance", "eventually"=> "eventully",
"lonely"=> "lonley", "profession"=> "preffeson", "they"=> "thay", "now"=> "noe",
"desperately"=> "despratly", "university"=> "unversity", "adjournment"=>
"adjurnment", "possibilities"=> "possablities", "stopped"=> "stoped", "mean"=>
"meen", "weighted"=> "wagted", "adequately"=> "adequattly", "shown"=> "hown",
"matrix"=> "matriiix", "profit"=> "proffit", "encourage"=> "encorage", "collate"=>
"colate", "disaggregate"=> "disaggreagte disaggreaget", "receiving"=>
"recieving reciving", "proviso"=> "provisoe", "umbrella"=> "umberalla", "approached"=>
"aproached", "pleasant"=> "plesent", "difficulty"=> "dificulty", "appointments"=>
"apointments", "base"=> "basse", "conditioning"=> "conditining", "earliest"=>
"earlyest", "beginning"=> "begining", "universally"=> "universaly",
"unresolved"=> "unresloved", "length"=> "lengh", "exponentially"=>
"exponentualy", "utilized"=> "utalised", "set"=> "et", "surveys"=> "servays",
"families"=> "familys", "system"=> "sysem", "approximately"=> "aproximatly",
"their"=> "ther", "scheme"=> "scheem", "speaking"=> "speeking", "repetitive"=>
"repetative", "inefficient"=> "ineffiect", "geneva"=> "geniva", "exactly"=>
"exsactly", "immediate"=> "imediate", "appreciation"=> "apreciation", "luckily"=>
"luckeley", "eliminated"=> "elimiated", "believe"=> "belive", "appreciated"=>
"apreciated", "readjusted"=> "reajusted", "were"=> "wer where", "feeling"=>
"fealing", "and"=> "anf", "false"=> "faulse", "seen"=> "seeen", "interrogating"=>
"interogationg", "academically"=> "academicly", "relatively"=> "relativly relitivly",
"traditionally"=> "traditionaly", "studying"=> "studing",
"majority"=> "majorty", "build"=> "biuld", "aggravating"=> "agravating",
"transactions"=> "trasactions", "arguing"=> "aurguing", "sheets"=> "sheertes",
"successive"=> "sucsesive sucessive", "segment"=> "segemnt", "especially"=>
"especaily", "later"=> "latter", "senior"=> "sienior", "dragged"=> "draged",
"atmosphere"=> "atmospher", "drastically"=> "drasticaly", "particularly"=>
"particulary", "visitor"=> "vistor", "session"=> "sesion", "continually"=>
"contually", "availability"=> "avaiblity", "busy"=> "buisy", "parameters"=>
"perametres", "surroundings"=> "suroundings seroundings", "employed"=>
"emploied", "adequate"=> "adiquate", "handle"=> "handel", "means"=> "meens",
"familiar"=> "familer", "between"=> "beeteen", "overall"=> "overal", "timing"=>
"timeing", "committees"=> "comittees commitees", "queries"=> "quies",
"econometric"=> "economtric", "erroneous"=> "errounous", "decides"=> "descides",
"reference"=> "refereence refference", "intelligence"=> "inteligence",
"edition"=> "ediion ediition", "are"=> "arte", "apologies"=> "appologies",
"thermawear"=> "thermawere thermawhere", "techniques"=> "tecniques",
"voluntary"=> "volantary", "subsequent"=> "subsequant subsiquent", "currently"=>
"curruntly", "forecast"=> "forcast", "weapons"=> "wepons", "routine"=> "rouint",
"neither"=> "niether", "approach"=> "aproach", "available"=> "availble",
"recently"=> "reciently", "ability"=> "ablity", "nature"=> "natior",
"commercial"=> "comersial", "agencies"=> "agences", "however"=> "howeverr",
"suggested"=> "sugested", "career"=> "carear", "many"=> "mony", "annual"=>
"anual", "according"=> "acording", "receives"=> "recives recieves",
"interesting"=> "intresting", "expense"=> "expence", "relevant"=>
"relavent relevaant", "table"=> "tasble", "throughout"=> "throuout", "conference"=>
"conferance", "sensible"=> "sensable", "described"=> "discribed describd",
"union"=> "unioun", "interest"=> "intrest", "flexible"=> "flexable", "refered"=>
"reffered", "controlled"=> "controled", "sufficient"=> "suficient",
"dissension"=> "desention", "adaptable"=> "adabtable", "representative"=>
"representitive", "irrelevant"=> "irrelavent", "unnecessarily"=> "unessasarily",
"applied"=> "upplied", "apologised"=> "appologised", "these"=> "thees thess",
"choices"=> "choises", "will"=> "wil", "procedure"=> "proceduer", "shortened"=>
"shortend", "manually"=> "manualy", "disappointing"=> "dissapoiting",
"excessively"=> "exessively", "comments"=> "coments", "containing"=> "containg",
"develop"=> "develope", "credit"=> "creadit", "government"=> "goverment",
"acquaintances"=> "aquantences", "orientated"=> "orentated", "widely"=> "widly",
"advise"=> "advice", "difficult"=> "dificult", "investigated"=> "investegated",
"bonus"=> "bonas", "conceived"=> "concieved", "nationally"=> "nationaly",
"compared"=> "comppared compased", "moving"=> "moveing", "necessity"=>
"nessesity", "opportunity"=> "oppertunity oppotunity opperttunity", "thoughts"=>
"thorts", "equalled"=> "equaled", "variety"=> "variatry", "analysis"=>
"analiss analsis analisis", "patterns"=> "pattarns", "qualities"=> "quaties", "easily"=>
"easyly", "organization"=> "oranisation oragnisation", "the"=> "thw hte thi",
"corporate"=> "corparate", "composed"=> "compossed", "enormously"=> "enomosly",
"financially"=> "financialy", "functionally"=> "functionaly", "discipline"=>
"disiplin", "announcement"=> "anouncement", "progresses"=> "progressess",
"except"=> "excxept", "recommending"=> "recomending", "mathematically"=>
"mathematicaly", "source"=> "sorce", "combine"=> "comibine", "input"=> "inut",
"careers"=> "currers carrers", "resolved"=> "resoved", "demands"=> "diemands",
"unequivocally"=> "unequivocaly", "suffering"=> "suufering", "immediately"=>
"imidatly imediatly", "accepted"=> "acepted", "projects"=> "projeccts",
"necessary"=> "necasery nessasary nessisary neccassary", "journalism"=>
"journaism", "unnecessary"=> "unessessay", "night"=> "nite", "output"=>
"oputput", "security"=> "seurity", "essential"=> "esential", "beneficial"=>
"benificial benficial", "explaining"=> "explaning", "supplementary"=>
"suplementary", "questionnaire"=> "questionare", "employment"=> "empolyment",
"proceeding"=> "proceding", "decision"=> "descisions descision", "per"=> "pere",
"discretion"=> "discresion", "reaching"=> "reching", "analysed"=> "analised",
"expansion"=> "expanion", "although"=> "athough", "subtract"=> "subtrcat",
"analysing"=> "aalysing", "comparison"=> "comparrison", "months"=> "monthes",
"hierarchal"=> "hierachial", "misleading"=> "missleading", "commit"=> "comit",
"auguments"=> "aurgument", "within"=> "withing", "obtaining"=> "optaning",
"accounts"=> "acounts", "primarily"=> "pimarily", "operator"=> "opertor",
"accumulated"=> "acumulated", "extremely"=> "extreemly", "there"=> "thear",
"summarys"=> "sumarys", "analyse"=> "analiss", "understandable"=>
"understadable", "safeguard"=> "safegaurd", "consist"=> "consisit",
"declarations"=> "declaratrions", "minutes"=> "muinutes muiuets", "associated"=>
"assosiated", "accessibility"=> "accessability", "examine"=> "examin",
"surveying"=> "servaying", "politics"=> "polatics", "annoying"=> "anoying",
"again"=> "agiin", "assessing"=> "accesing", "ideally"=> "idealy", "scrutinized"=>
"scrutiniesed", "simular"=> "similar", "personnel"=> "personel", "whereas"=>
"wheras", "when"=> "whn", "geographically"=> "goegraphicaly", "gaining"=>
"ganing", "requested"=> "rquested", "separate"=> "seporate", "students"=>
"studens", "prepared"=> "prepaired", "generated"=> "generataed", "graphically"=>
"graphicaly", "suited"=> "suted", "variable"=> "varible vaiable", "building"=>
"biulding", "required"=> "reequired", "necessitates"=> "nessisitates",
"together"=> "togehter", "profits"=> "proffits"]
## Warm up
SpellCorrector.spelltest(["jello"=>"jello"]) # warm up
# Test
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