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Created August 18, 2015 19:28
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Isoline Filter with ImageVisual
import sys
from vispy import scene
from vispy import app
from vispy import visuals
from vispy.util.filter import gaussian_filter
from vispy.visuals.shaders import Function, FunctionChain
from vispy.color import Color
import numpy as np
from import load_data_file, read_png
_null_color_transform = 'vec4 pass(vec4 color) { return color; }'
_c2l = 'float cmap(vec4 color) { return (color.r + color.g + color.b) / 3.; }'
_texture_bicubic = """
// coefficients for the cubic polynomial
vec4 c0 = vec4(-1.0, 3.0, -3.0, 1.0 ) / 6.0;
vec4 c1 = vec4( 3.0, -6.0, 0.0, 4.0 ) / 6.0;
vec4 c2 = vec4(-3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 1.0 ) / 6.0;
vec4 c3 = vec4( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) / 6.0;
vec4 cubic(vec4 var, vec4 p0, vec4 p1, vec4 p2, vec4 p3 ) {
// return cubic polynomial
return p0 * dot( c0, var) +
p1 * dot( c1, var) +
p2 * dot( c2, var) +
p3 * dot( c3, var);
// bicubic interpolation
vec4 texture_lookup(vec2 texcoord) {
if(texcoord.x < 0.0 || texcoord.x > 1.0 ||
texcoord.y < 0.0 || texcoord.y > 1.0) {
vec2 uv = texcoord;
vec2 shape = $shape;
vec2 p = shape * uv - 0.5;
vec2 a = fract(p);
vec2 xy = floor(p);
float x = a.x;
float x2 = x * x;
float x3 = x * x2;
vec4 varx = vec4(x3, x2, x, 1.0);
vec4 r0 = cubic( varx,
texture2D($texture, (xy + vec2(-1, -1))/shape),
texture2D($texture, (xy + vec2(0, -1))/shape),
texture2D($texture, (xy + vec2(1, -1))/shape),
texture2D($texture, (xy + vec2(2, -1))/shape));
vec4 r1 = cubic( varx,
texture2D($texture, (xy + vec2(-1, 0))/shape),
texture2D($texture, (xy + vec2(0, 0))/shape),
texture2D($texture, (xy + vec2(1, 0))/shape),
texture2D($texture, (xy + vec2(2, 0))/shape));
vec4 r2 = cubic( varx,
texture2D($texture, (xy + vec2(-1, 1))/shape),
texture2D($texture, (xy + vec2(0, 1))/shape),
texture2D($texture, (xy + vec2(1, 1))/shape),
texture2D($texture, (xy + vec2(2, 1))/shape));
vec4 r3 = cubic( varx,
texture2D($texture, (xy + vec2(-1, 2))/shape),
texture2D($texture, (xy + vec2(0, 2))/shape),
texture2D($texture, (xy + vec2(1, 2))/shape),
texture2D($texture, (xy + vec2(2, 2))/shape));
x = a.y;
x2 = x * x;
x3 = x * x2;
vec4 vary = vec4(x3, x2, x, 1.0);
return cubic( vary, r0, r1, r2, r3);
class Isoline(object):
def __init__(self, level=10., width=1.0, color='black'):
self.shader = Function("""
void isoline() {
// function taken from glumpy/examples/
// and extended to have level, width and color as parameters
// Extract data value
float value = gl_FragColor.r;
// setup lw, aa
float antialias = 1.0;
float linewidth = $isowidth + antialias;
// "middle" contour(s) dividing upper and lower half
// but only if isolevel is even
if( mod($isolevel,2.0) == 0.0 ) {
if( length(value - 0.5) < 0.5 / $isolevel)
linewidth = linewidth * 2;
// Trace contour
float v = $isolevel * value - 0.5;
float dv = linewidth/2.0 * fwidth(v);
float f = abs(fract(v) - 0.5);
float d = smoothstep(-dv,+dv,f);
float t = linewidth/2.0 - antialias;
d = abs(d)*linewidth/2.0 - t;
if( d < - linewidth ) {
d = 1.0;
} else {
d /= antialias;
vec4 bg = $color_transform1(gl_FragColor);
//bg = gl_FragColor;
vec4 fc = vec4($isocolor.rgb, 0);
if (d < 1.) {
//fc *= d;
fc.a = 1-d;
gl_FragColor = mix(bg, fc, fc.a);
self.level = level
self.width = width
self.color = color
def level(self):
return self._level
def level(self, l):
self._level = l
self.shader['isolevel'] = l
def width(self):
return self._width
def width(self, w):
self._width = w
self.shader['isowidth'] = w
def color(self):
return self._color
def color(self, c):
self._color = c
self.shader['isocolor'] = Color(c).rgba
def _attach(self, visual):
visual._get_hook('frag', 'post').add(self.shader())
fun = FunctionChain(None, [Function(_c2l),
self.shader['color_transform1'] = fun
visual.shared_program.frag['color_transform'] = Function(_null_color_transform)
canvas = scene.SceneCanvas(keys='interactive')
canvas.size = 800, 600
# Set up a viewbox to display the image with interactive pan/zoom
view = canvas.central_widget.add_view()
# Create the image
interpolation = 'bicubic'
img_data = np.random.normal(size=(100, 100), loc=50, scale=150)
img_data = gaussian_filter(img_data, (4, 4, 0)).astype(np.float32)
#img_data = np.zeros(25).reshape((5, 5)).astype(np.float32)
#img_data[1:4, 1::2] = 0.5
#img_data[1::2, 2] = 0.5
#img_data[2, 2] = 1.0
#img_data = read_png(load_data_file('mona_lisa/mona_lisa_sm.png'))
#image = scene.visuals.Image(img_data, interpolation=interpolation,
# parent=view.scene, method='subdivide')
img_data1 = np.zeros((100, 100))
img_data1[0,0] = -0.5
img_data1[99,99] = +0.5
image = scene.visuals.Image(img_data, interpolation=interpolation,
parent=view.scene, method='subdivide')
image._interpolation_fun['bicubic2D'] = Function(_texture_bicubic)
image._interpolation_names = image._interpolation_names + ['bicubic2D']
image.interpolation_filters = image._interpolation_names
#image = scene.visuals.Contour(img_data, interpolation='bicubic1',
# parent=view.scene, method='subdivide',
# levels=2, width=1.0, color='yellow')
image.transform = visuals.transforms.STTransform(translate=(0, 0, 0.5))
levels = np.linspace(img_data.min(), img_data.max(), num=13, endpoint=True)[1:-1]
color_lev = 'white'
# Create isocurve, make a child of the image to ensure the two are always
# aligned.
#curve = scene.visuals.Isocurve(img_data, levels=levels, color_lev=color_lev,
# parent=view.scene, method='subdivide')
iso = Isoline(level=10, width=3., color='black')
canvas.title = 'Spatial Filtering using %s Filter' % interpolation
# Set 2D camera (the camera will scale to the contents in the scene) = scene.PanZoomCamera(aspect=1)
# flip y-axis to have correct aligment = (0, 1, 0)
# get interpolation functions from Image
names = image.interpolation_functions
names = list(names)
act = 17
act = -1
level = 2
first = True
# Implement key presses
def on_key_press(event):
global act, level, first, interpolation
if event.key in ['Left', 'Right']:
if event.key == 'Right':
step = 1
step = -1
act = (act + step) % len(names)
interpolation = names[act]
image.interpolation = interpolation
if event.key in ['Up', 'Down']:
if first:
first = False
if event.key == 'Up':
level += 1
if level > 1:
level -= 1
levels = np.linspace(img_data.min(), img_data.max(), num=level+1, endpoint=True)[1:-1]
#curve.levels = levels
iso.level = level
canvas.title = 'Spatial Filtering using %s Filter - Isoline %d level' % (interpolation, level)
if __name__ == '__main__' and sys.flags.interactive == 0:
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