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Last active February 8, 2024 07:29
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namespace Tests\HighOrderReflection;
use BadMethodCallException;
use Closure;
use ReflectionClass;
use ReflectionException;
use Throwable;
use UnexpectedValueException;
* Grant the ability to invoke protected or private methods of the given object or its ancestor
* @template T of object
class _
private readonly Closure $scopeRetention;
* @var array{self, string}|null
private ?array $originalScope = null;
public function __construct(
private object &$object
) {
$this->scopeRetention = function (object $newObject) use (&$object) {
$object = $newObject;
* @throws ReflectionException
public function __call(string $method, array $args = []): mixed
$objectReflection = new ReflectionClass($this->object);
do {
if ($objectReflection->hasMethod($method)) {
$response = $objectReflection->getMethod($method)->invokeArgs($this->object, $args);
return $this->nested($response);
} elseif ($objectReflection->hasMethod('__call')) {
$response = $objectReflection->getMethod('__call')->invokeArgs($this->object, [$method, $args]);
return $this->nested($response);
} while ($objectReflection = $objectReflection->getParentClass());
throw new BadMethodCallException(sprintf("Method '%s' not found on '%s'.", $method, get_class($this->object)));
* @psalm-return mixed|self
* @throws ReflectionException|Throwable
public function __get(string $property): mixed
$objectReflection = new ReflectionClass($this->object);
do {
if ($objectReflection->hasProperty($property)) {
$response = $objectReflection->getProperty($property)->getValue($this->object);
return $this->nested($response, $property);
} elseif ($objectReflection->hasMethod('__get')) {
try {
$response = $objectReflection->getMethod('__get')->invokeArgs($this->object, [$property]);
return $this->nested($response, $property);
} catch (Throwable $exception) {
if (!str_starts_with($exception->getMessage(), 'Cannot bind closure to scope of internal class')) {
throw $exception;
return $this->getFromCache($property);
} while ($objectReflection = $objectReflection->getParentClass());
trigger_error(sprintf('Undefined property: %s::$%s', get_class($this->object), $property), E_USER_WARNING);
return null;
* @throws ReflectionException|Throwable
public function __set(string $property, mixed $value): void
$value = $value instanceof self ? $value->object : $value;
$mutableReflection = $objectReflection = new ReflectionClass($this->object);
$mutableObject = $objectReflection->newInstanceWithoutConstructor();
do {
foreach ($mutableReflection->getProperties() as $originalProperty) {
&& $originalProperty->getName() != $property
&& $mutableReflection
->setValue($mutableObject, $originalProperty->getValue($this->object));
} while ($mutableReflection = $mutableReflection->getParentClass());
($this->scopeRetention)($this->object = $mutableObject);
do {
if ($objectReflection->hasProperty($property)) {
$objectReflection->getProperty($property)->setValue($this->object, $value);
$this->originalScope && $this->originalScope[0]->{$this->originalScope[1]} = $this;
} elseif ($objectReflection->hasMethod('__set')) {
try {
$objectReflection->getMethod('__set')->invokeArgs($this->object, [$property, $value]);
$this->originalScope && $this->originalScope[0]->{$this->originalScope[1]} = $this;
} catch (Throwable $exception) {
if (!str_starts_with($exception->getMessage(), 'Cannot bind closure to scope of internal class')) {
throw $exception;
$this->setFromCache($property, $value);
} while ($objectReflection = $objectReflection->getParentClass());
trigger_error(sprintf('Undefined property: %s::$%s', get_class($this->object), $property), E_USER_WARNING);
* @psalm-return T
public function __(): object
return $this->object;
public function setOriginalScope(self $originalScope, string $property): self
$this->originalScope = [$originalScope, $property];
return $this;
* @psalm-param T $object
* @psalm-return T|self
public static function _(object &$object): object
return new self($object);
private function nested(mixed $var, string $property = null): mixed
$convert = function (mixed $var) use ($property): mixed {
if (is_object($var) && !($var instanceof self)) {
$wrapped = self::_($var);
return $property ? $wrapped->setOriginalScope($this, $property) : $wrapped;
} elseif (is_array($var)) {
return array_map([$this, 'nested'], $var);
return (is_object($var) && !($var instanceof self)) ? self::_($var) : $var;
return is_array($convert) ? array_map($convert, $var) : $convert($var);
private function getFromCache(string $property): mixed
$objectReflection = new ReflectionClass($this->object);
foreach ($objectReflection->getProperties() as $originalProperty) {
if (preg_match('/^(valueHolder)(.{5})$/', $originalProperty->getName())) {
$this->object = $originalProperty->getValue($this->object);
$response = self::_($this->object)->$property;
return $this->nested($response, $property);
throw new UnexpectedValueException('Unable to locate cached value holder instance.');
private function setFromCache(string $property, mixed $value): void
$objectReflection = new ReflectionClass($this->object);
foreach ($objectReflection->getProperties() as $originalProperty) {
if (preg_match('/^(valueHolder)(.{5})$/', $originalProperty->getName())) {
$this->object = $originalProperty->getValue($this->object);
self::_($this->object)->$property = $value;
$this->originalScope && $this->originalScope[0]->{$this->originalScope[1]} = $this;
throw new UnexpectedValueException('Unable to locate cached value holder instance.');
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