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Created August 9, 2014 17:42
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argmin function for Matlab® vectors, matrices, and datacubes
function [ arg_min, minimum ] = argmin( A, dim )
%ARGMIN Find the argmin of a vector, matrix or datacube.
% A is the vector, matrix or data cube for which we want to find the
% minimum and the argument of the minimum.
% dim is the dimension of the data structure.
%% Error check for arguments
if dim > 3; error('Dimension must be 1 =< dim =< 3'); end
if dim < 1; error('Dimension must be 1 =< dim =< 3'); end
if isnan(A); error('A must be real'); end
if isinf(A); error('A must be real'); end
if ~isreal(A); error('A must be real'); end
if dim == 1
[minimum,arg_min] = min(A);
elseif dim == 2
[minNxN,argminNxN] = min(A);
[min1xN,argmin1xN] = min(minNxN);
minimum = min1xN;
arg_min = [argminNxN(argmin1xN) argmin1xN];
elseif dim == 3
[minNxNxN,argminNxNxN] = min(A);
[minNxNx1,argminNxNx1] = min(minNxNxN);
[minNx1x1,argminNx1x1] = min(minNxNx1);
minimum = minNx1x1;
arg_min = [argminNxNxN(1,argminNxNx1(argminNx1x1),argminNx1x1) ...
argminNxNx1(argminNx1x1) argminNx1x1];
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