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Created April 9, 2018 13:24
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# ZAP is an HTTP/HTTPS proxy for assessing web application security.
# Copyright 2017 ZAP Development Team
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This script runs a full scan against an API defined by OpenAPI/Swagger or SOAP
# using ZAP
# It can either be run 'standalone', in which case depends on
# and Docker, or it can be run
# inside one of the ZAP docker containers. It automatically detects if it is
# running in docker so the parameters are the same.
# It currently support APIS defined by:
# OpenAPI/Swagger URL
# OpenAPI/Swagger file
# SOAP File
# It will exit with codes of:
# 0: Success
# 1: At least 1 FAIL
# 2: At least one WARN and no FAILs
# 3: Any other failure
# By default all alerts found by ZAP will be treated as WARNings.
# You can use the -c or -u parameters to specify a configuration file to override
# this.
# You can generate a template configuration file using the -g parameter. You will
# then need to change 'WARN' to 'FAIL', 'INFO' or 'IGNORE' for the rules you want
# to be handled differently.
# You can also add your own messages for the rules by appending them after a tab
# at the end of each line.
# By default the active scan rules run are hardcoded in the API-Minimal.policy
# file but you can change them by supplying a configuration file with the rules
# you dont want to be run set to IGNORE.
import getopt
import json
import logging
import os
import os.path
import subprocess
import sys
import time
from datetime import datetime
from six.moves.urllib.parse import urljoin
from zapv2 import ZAPv2
from zap_common import *
config_dict = {}
config_msg = {}
out_of_scope_dict = {}
min_level = 0
# Scan rules that aren't really relevant, eg the examples rules in the alpha set
blacklist = ['-1', '50003', '60000', '60001']
# Scan rules that are being addressed
in_progress_issues = {}
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s %(message)s')
# Hide "Starting new HTTP connection" messages
def usage():
print('Usage: -t <target> -f <format> [options]')
print(' -t target target API definition, OpenAPI or SOAP, local file or URL, eg')
print(' -f format either openapi or soap')
print(' -h print this help message')
print(' -c config_file config file to use to INFO, IGNORE or FAIL warnings')
print(' -u config_url URL of config file to use to INFO, IGNORE or FAIL warnings')
print(' -g gen_file generate default config file(all rules set to WARN)')
print(' -r report_html file to write the full ZAP HTML report')
print(' -w report_md file to write the full ZAP Wiki(Markdown) report')
print(' -x report_xml file to write the full ZAP XML report')
print(' -J report_json file to write the full ZAP JSON document')
print(' -a include the alpha passive scan rules as well')
print(' -d show debug messages')
print(' -P specify listen port')
print(' -D delay in seconds to wait for passive scanning ')
print(' -i default rules not in the config file to INFO')
print(' -l level minimum level to show: PASS, IGNORE, INFO, WARN or FAIL, use with -s to hide example URLs')
print(' -n context_file context file which will be loaded prior to scanning the target')
print(' -p progress_file progress file which specifies issues that are being addressed')
print(' -s short output format - dont show PASSes or example URLs')
print(' -T max time in minutes to wait for ZAP to start and the passive scan to run')
print(' -O the hostname to override in the (remote) OpenAPI spec')
print(' -z zap_options ZAP command line options e.g. -z "-config aaa=bbb -config ccc=ddd"')
print(' -Y file of curl tests for API testing')
print('For more details see')
def main(argv):
global min_level
global in_progress_issues
cid = ''
context_file = ''
progress_file = ''
config_file = ''
config_url = ''
generate = ''
port = 0
detailed_output = True
report_html = ''
report_md = ''
report_xml = ''
report_json = ''
target = ''
target_file = ''
target_url = ''
host_override = ''
format = ''
zap_alpha = False
info_unspecified = False
base_dir = ''
zap_ip = 'localhost'
zap_options = ''
curl_txt = ''
delay = 0
timeout = 0
pass_count = 0
warn_count = 0
fail_count = 0
info_count = 0
ignore_count = 0
warn_inprog_count = 0
fail_inprog_count = 0
opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "t:f:Y:c:u:g:m:n:r:J:w:x:l:hdaijp:sz:P:D:T:O")
except getopt.GetoptError as exc:
logging.warning('Invalid option ' + exc.opt + ' : ' + exc.msg)
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt == '-h':
elif opt == '-t':
target = arg
logging.debug('Target: ' + target)
elif opt == '-f':
format = arg
elif opt == '-Y':
curl_txt = arg
elif opt == '-c':
config_file = arg
elif opt == '-u':
config_url = arg
elif opt == '-g':
generate = arg
elif opt == '-d':
elif opt == '-P':
port = int(arg)
elif opt == '-D':
delay = int(arg)
elif opt == '-n':
context_file = arg
elif opt == '-p':
progress_file = arg
elif opt == '-r':
report_html = arg
elif opt == '-J':
report_json = arg
elif opt == '-w':
report_md = arg
elif opt == '-x':
report_xml = arg
elif opt == '-a':
zap_alpha = True
elif opt == '-i':
info_unspecified = True
elif opt == '-l':
min_level = zap_conf_lvls.index(arg)
except ValueError:
logging.warning('Level must be one of ' + str(zap_conf_lvls))
elif opt == '-z':
zap_options = arg
elif opt == '-s':
detailed_output = False
elif opt == '-T':
timeout = int(arg)
elif opt == '-O':
host_override = arg
# Check target supplied and ok
if len(target) == 0:
if format != 'openapi' and format != 'soap':
logging.warning('Format must be either \'openapi\' or \'soap\'')
if running_in_docker():
base_dir = '/zap/wrk/'
if config_file or generate or report_html or report_xml or report_json or progress_file or context_file or target_file:
# Check directory has been mounted
if not os.path.exists(base_dir):
logging.warning('A file based option has been specified but the directory \'/zap/wrk\' is not mounted ')
if target.startswith('http://') or target.startswith('https://'):
target_url = target
# assume its a file
if not os.path.exists(base_dir + target):
logging.warning('Target must either start with \'http://\' or \'https://\' or be a local file')
logging.warning('File does not exist: ' + base_dir + target)
target_file = target
# Choose a random 'ephemeral' port and check its available if it wasn't specified with -P option
if port == 0:
port = get_free_port()
logging.debug('Using port: ' + str(port))
if config_file:
# load config file from filestore
with open(base_dir + config_file) as f:
load_config(f, config_dict, config_msg, out_of_scope_dict)
except ValueError as e:
logging.warning("Failed to load config file " + base_dir + config_file + " " + str(e))
elif config_url:
# load config file from url
load_config(urlopen(config_url).read().decode('UTF-8'), config_dict, config_msg, out_of_scope_dict)
except ValueError as e:
logging.warning("Failed to read configs from " + config_url + " " + str(e))
logging.warning('Failed to read configs from ' + config_url)
if progress_file:
# load progress file from filestore
with open(base_dir + progress_file) as f:
progress = json.load(f)
# parse into something more useful...
# in_prog_issues = map of vulnid -> {object with everything in}
for issue in progress["issues"]:
if issue["state"] == "inprogress":
in_progress_issues[issue["id"]] = issue
if running_in_docker():
params = [
'-addoninstall', 'pscanrulesBeta'] # In case we're running in the stable container
if zap_alpha:
add_zap_options(params, zap_options)
start_zap(port, params)
except OSError:
logging.warning('Failed to start ZAP :(')
# Not running in docker, so start one
mount_dir = ''
if context_file:
mount_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(context_file))
params = ['-addonupdate']
if (zap_alpha):
params.extend(['-addoninstall', 'pscanrulesAlpha'])
add_zap_options(params, zap_options)
cid = start_docker_zap('owasp/zap2docker-weekly', port, params, mount_dir)
zap_ip = ipaddress_for_cid(cid)
logging.debug('Docker ZAP IP Addr: ' + zap_ip)
# Copy across the files that may not be in all of the docker images
subprocess.check_output(['docker', 'exec', '-t', cid, 'mkdir', '-p', '/home/zap/.ZAP_D/scripts/scripts/httpsender/'])
cp_to_docker(cid, 'scripts/scripts/httpsender/Alert_on_HTTP_Response_Code_Errors.js', '/home/zap/.ZAP_D/')
cp_to_docker(cid, 'scripts/scripts/httpsender/Alert_on_Unexpected_Content_Types.js', '/home/zap/.ZAP_D/')
cp_to_docker(cid, 'policies/API-Minimal.policy', '/home/zap/.ZAP_D/')
if target_file:
cp_to_docker(cid, target_file, '/zap/')
except OSError:
logging.warning('Failed to copy one of the required files')
except OSError:
logging.warning('Failed to start ZAP in docker :(')
zap = ZAPv2(proxies={'http': 'http://' + zap_ip + ':' + str(port), 'https': 'http://' + zap_ip + ':' + str(port)})
wait_for_zap_start(zap, timeout * 60)
if context_file:
# handle the context file, cant use base_dir as it might not have been set up
res = zap.context.import_context('/zap/wrk/' + os.path.basename(context_file))
if res.startswith("ZAP Error"):
logging.error('Failed to load context file ' + context_file + ' : ' + res)
# Enable scripts
zap.script.load('Alert_on_HTTP_Response_Code_Errors.js', 'httpsender', 'Oracle Nashorn', '/home/zap/.ZAP_D/scripts/scripts/httpsender/Alert_on_HTTP_Response_Code_Errors.js')
zap.script.load('Alert_on_Unexpected_Content_Types.js', 'httpsender', 'Oracle Nashorn', '/home/zap/.ZAP_D/scripts/scripts/httpsender/Alert_on_Unexpected_Content_Types.js')
# Import the API defn
if format == 'openapi':
if target_url:
logging.debug('Import OpenAPI URL ' + target_url)
res = zap.openapi.import_url(target, host_override)
urls = zap.core.urls()
if host_override:
target = urljoin(target_url, '//' + host_override)'Using host override, new target: {0}'.format(target))
logging.debug('Import OpenAPI File ' + target_file)
res = zap.openapi.import_file(base_dir + target_file)
urls = zap.core.urls()
if len(urls) > 0:
# Choose the first one - will be striping off the path below
target = urls[0]
logging.error('Failed to import any URLs')
if target_url:
logging.debug('Import SOAP URL ' + target_url)
res = zap._request(zap.base + 'soap/action/importUrl/', {'url':target})
urls = zap.core.urls()
logging.debug('Import SOAP File ' + target_file)
res = zap._request(zap.base + 'soap/action/importFile/', {'file': base_dir + target_file})
urls = zap.core.urls()
if len(urls) > 0:
# Choose the first one - will be striping off the path below
target = urls[0]
logging.error('Failed to import any URLs')'Number of Imported URLs: ' + str(len(urls)))
logging.debug('Import warnings: ' + str(res))
print('Opening CURL requests...')
file_curl = open(curl_txt)
for n,line in enumerate(file_curl.readlines()):
if n == 0:
line = line % (zap_ip,str(port))
token = os.popen(line).read()
print("API Token #"+str(n)+" generated.")
if n == 1:
line = line % (zap_ip,str(port))
token_2 = os.popen(line).read()
print("API Token #"+str(n)+" generated.")
file_final = open(curl_txt)
for k,lin in enumerate(file_final.readlines()):
if k == 0 or k == 1:
print('Ignoring tokens...')
lin1 = lin % (token,zap_ip,str(port))
lin2 = lin % (token_2,zap_ip,str(port))
except Exception as e:
if target.count('/') > 2:
# The url can include a valid path, but always reset to scan the host
target = target[0:target.index('/', 8)+1]
# Wait for a delay if specified with -D option
if (delay):
start_scan =
while(( - start_scan).seconds < delay ):
logging.debug('Delay active scan ' + str(delay -( - start_scan).seconds) + ' seconds')
# Set up the scan policy
scan_policy = 'API-Minimal'
if config_dict:
# They have supplied a config file, use this to define the ascan rules
# Use the default one as the script might not have write access to the one just copied across
scan_policy = 'Default Policy'
for scanner, state in config_dict.items():
if state == 'IGNORE':
# Dont bother checking the result - this will fail for pscan rules
zap.ascan.set_scanner_alert_threshold(id=scanner, alertthreshold='OFF', scanpolicyname=scan_policy)
zap_active_scan(zap, target, scan_policy)
zap_wait_for_passive_scan(zap, timeout * 60)
# Print out a count of the number of urls
num_urls = len(zap.core.urls())
if num_urls == 0:
logging.warning('No URLs found - is the target URL accessible? Local services may not be accessible from the Docker container')
if detailed_output:
print('Total of ' + str(num_urls) + ' URLs')
alert_dict = zap_get_alerts(zap, target, blacklist, out_of_scope_dict)
all_ascan_rules = zap.ascan.scanners('Default Policy')
all_pscan_rules = zap.pscan.scanners
all_dict = {}
for rule in all_pscan_rules:
plugin_id = rule.get('id')
if plugin_id in blacklist:
all_dict[plugin_id] = rule.get('name') + ' - Passive/' + rule.get('quality')
for rule in all_ascan_rules:
plugin_id = rule.get('id')
if plugin_id in blacklist:
all_dict[plugin_id] = rule.get('name') + ' - Active/' + rule.get('quality')
if generate:
# Create the config file
with open(base_dir + generate, 'w') as f:
f.write('# zap-api-scan rule configuration file\n')
f.write('# Change WARN to IGNORE to ignore rule or FAIL to fail if rule matches\n')
f.write('# Active scan rules set to IGNORE will not be run which will speed up the scan\n')
f.write('# Only the rule identifiers are used - the names are just for info\n')
f.write('# You can add your own messages to each rule by appending them after a tab on each line.\n')
for key, rule in sorted(all_dict.iteritems()):
f.write(key + '\tWARN\t(' + rule + ')\n')
# print out the passing rules
pass_dict = {}
for rule in all_pscan_rules:
plugin_id = rule.get('id')
if plugin_id in blacklist:
if (not alert_dict.has_key(plugin_id)):
pass_dict[plugin_id] = rule.get('name')
for rule in all_ascan_rules:
plugin_id = rule.get('id')
if plugin_id in blacklist:
if not alert_dict.has_key(plugin_id) and not(config_dict.has_key(plugin_id) and config_dict[plugin_id] == 'IGNORE'):
pass_dict[plugin_id] = rule.get('name')
if min_level == zap_conf_lvls.index("PASS") and detailed_output:
for key, rule in sorted(pass_dict.iteritems()):
print('PASS: ' + rule + ' [' + key + ']')
pass_count = len(pass_dict)
if detailed_output:
# print out the ignored ascan rules(there will be no alerts for these as they were not run)
for rule in all_ascan_rules:
plugin_id = rule.get('id')
if plugin_id in blacklist:
if config_dict.has_key(plugin_id) and config_dict[plugin_id] == 'IGNORE':
print('SKIP: ' + rule.get('name') + ' [' + plugin_id + ']')
# print out the ignored rules
ignore_count, not_used = print_rules(alert_dict, 'IGNORE', config_dict, config_msg, min_level,
inc_ignore_rules, True, detailed_output, {})
# print out the info rules
info_count, not_used = print_rules(alert_dict, 'INFO', config_dict, config_msg, min_level,
inc_info_rules, info_unspecified, detailed_output, in_progress_issues)
# print out the warning rules
warn_count, warn_inprog_count = print_rules(alert_dict, 'WARN', config_dict, config_msg, min_level,
inc_warn_rules, not info_unspecified, detailed_output, in_progress_issues)
# print out the failing rules
fail_count, fail_inprog_count = print_rules(alert_dict, 'FAIL', config_dict, config_msg, min_level,
inc_fail_rules, True, detailed_output, in_progress_issues)
if report_html:
# Save the report
write_report(base_dir + report_html, zap.core.htmlreport())
if report_json:
# Save the report
write_report(base_dir + report_json, zap.core.jsonreport())
if report_md:
# Save the report
write_report(base_dir + report_md, zap.core.mdreport())
if report_xml:
# Save the report
write_report(base_dir + report_xml, zap.core.xmlreport())
print('FAIL-NEW: ' + str(fail_count) + '\tFAIL-INPROG: ' + str(fail_inprog_count) +
'\tWARN-NEW: ' + str(warn_count) + '\tWARN-INPROG: ' + str(warn_inprog_count) +
'\tINFO: ' + str(info_count) + '\tIGNORE: ' + str(ignore_count) + '\tPASS: ' + str(pass_count))
# Stop ZAP
except IOError as e:
if hasattr(e, 'args') and len(e.args) > 1:
errno, strerror = e
print("ERROR " + str(strerror))
logging.warning('I/O error(' + str(errno) + '): ' + str(strerror))
print("ERROR %s" % e)
logging.warning('I/O error: ' + str(e))
print("ERROR " + str(sys.exc_info()[0]))
logging.warning('Unexpected error: ' + str(sys.exc_info()[0]))
if not running_in_docker():
if fail_count > 0:
elif warn_count > 0:
elif pass_count > 0:
if __name__ == "__main__":
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