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Created May 9, 2016 01:56
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^{:doc "Making it easy to load and play audio samples (wav or aif files)."
:author "Jeff Rose"}
(:use [ :only [file]]
[overtone.helpers lib synth]
[overtone.libs event deps]
[ server synth ugens buffer foundation-groups node]
[ allocator]
[ comms]
[ buf-io io]
[ core]
[overtone.helpers.file :only [glob canonical-path resolve-tilde-path mk-path]])
(:require [ :refer [asr]]))
(declare sample-player)
(defonce ^{:private true} __RECORDS__
(defrecord Sample [id size n-channels rate status path args name]
(to-sc-id [this] (:id this)))
(defrecord-ifn PlayableSample
[id size n-channels rate status path args name]
(to-sc-id [this] (:id this)))))
(defmethod print-method Sample [b w]
(.write w (format "#<buffer[%s]: %s %fs %s %d>"
(name @(:status b))
(:name b)
(:duration b)
(= 1 (:n-channels b)) "mono"
(= 2 (:n-channels b)) "stereo"
:else (str (:n-channels b) " channels"))
(:id b))))
(defmethod print-method PlayableSample [b w]
(.write w (format "#<buffer[%s]: %s %fs %s %d>"
(name @(:status b))
(:name b)
(:duration b)
(= 1 (:n-channels b)) "mono"
(= 2 (:n-channels b)) "stereo"
:else (str (:n-channels b) " channels"))
(:id b))))
(defsynth mono-player
"Plays a single channel audio buffer."
[buf 0 rate 1.0 start-pos 0.0 loop? 0 amp 1 pan 0 out-bus 0]
(out out-bus (* amp
(scaled-play-buf 1 buf rate
1 start-pos loop?
(defsynth stereo-player
"Plays a dual channel audio buffer."
[buf 0 rate 1.0 start-pos 0.0 loop? 0 amp 1 pan 0 out-bus 0]
(let [s (scaled-play-buf 2 buf rate
1 start-pos loop?
(out out-bus (* amp (balance2 (first s) (second s) pan)))))
; Define a default wav player synth
(defonce __DEFINE-PLAYERS__
(defsynth mono-partial-player
"Plays a mono buffer from start pos to end pos (represented as
values between 0 and 1). May be looped via the loop?
argument. Release time is the release phase after the looping has
finished to remove clipping."
[buf 0 rate 1 start 0 end 1 loop? 0 amp 1 release 0.1 out-bus 0]
(let [n-frames (buf-frames buf)
rate (* rate (buf-rate-scale buf))
start-pos (* start n-frames)
end-pos (* end n-frames)
phase (phasor:ar :start start-pos :end end-pos :rate rate)
snd (buf-rd 1 buf phase)
e-gate (+ loop?
(a2k (latch:ar (line 1 0 0.0001) (bpz2 phase))))
env (env-gen (asr 0 1 release) :gate e-gate :action FREE)]
(out out-bus (* amp env snd))))
(defsynth stereo-partial-player
"Plays a stereo buffer from start pos to end pos (represented as
values between 0 and 1). May be looped via the loop?
argument. Release time is the release phase after the looping has
finished to remove clipping."
[buf 0 rate 1 start 0 end 1 loop? 0 amp 1 release 0.1 out-bus 0]
(let [n-frames (buf-frames buf)
rate (* rate (buf-rate-scale buf))
start-pos (* start n-frames)
end-pos (* end n-frames)
phase (phasor:ar :start start-pos :end end-pos :rate rate)
snd (buf-rd 2 buf phase)
e-gate (+ loop?
(a2k (latch:ar (line 1 0 0.0001) (bpz2 phase))))
env (env-gen (asr 0 1 release) :gate e-gate :action FREE)]
(out out-bus (* amp env snd))))
(defsynth mono-stream-player
"Plays a single channel streaming buffer-cue. Must be freed manually when
[buf 0 rate 1 loop? 0 amp 1 pan 0 out-bus 0]
(out out-bus (* amp
(scaled-v-disk-in 1 buf rate loop?)
(defsynth stereo-stream-player
"Plays a dual channel streaming buffer-cue. Must be freed manually when
[buf 0 rate 1 loop? 0 amp 1 pan 0 out-bus 0]
(let [s (scaled-v-disk-in 2 buf rate loop?)]
(out out-bus (* amp (balance2 (first s) (second s) pan)))))))
(defonce loaded-samples* (atom {}))
(defonce cached-samples* (atom {}))
(defn- load-sample*
[path arg-map]
(let [path (canonical-path path)
f (file path)]
(when-not (.exists f)
(throw (Exception. (str "Unable to load sample - file does not exist: " path))))
(let [f-name (or (:name arg-map) (.getName f))
start (get arg-map :start 0)
n-frames (get arg-map :size 0)
buf (buffer-alloc-read path start n-frames)
sample (map->Sample
(assoc buf
:path path
:args arg-map
:name f-name))]
(swap! cached-samples* assoc [path arg-map] sample)
(swap! loaded-samples* assoc (:id buf) sample)
(defn load-sample
"Synchronously load a .wav or .aiff file into a memory buffer. Returns
the buffer.
; e.g.
(load-sample \"~/studio/samples/kit/boom.wav\")
Takes optional params :start and :size. Allocates buffer to number of
channels of file and number of samples requested (:size), or fewer if
sound file is smaller than requested. Reads sound file data from the
given starting frame in the file (:start). If the number of frames
argument is less than or equal to zero, the entire file is read.
If optional param :force is set to true, any previously create cache
of the sample will be removed and the sample will be forcibly
[path & args]
(let [args (apply hash-map args)
force? (:force args)
args (select-keys args [:start :size])
path (canonical-path path)]
(if-let [sample (and (not force?)
(get @cached-samples* [path args]))]
(load-sample* path args))))
(defn load-samples
"Takes a directory path or glob path (see #'overtone.helpers.file/glob)
and loads up all matching samples and returns a seq of maps
representing information for each loaded sample (see
load-sample). Samples should be in .aiff or .wav format."
[& path-glob]
(let [path (apply mk-path path-glob)
path (resolve-tilde-path path)
files (glob path)]
(map (fn [file]
(let [path (.getAbsolutePath file)]
(load-sample path)))
(defn- reload-all-samples []
(let [previously-loaded-samples (vals @loaded-samples* )]
(reset! cached-samples* {})
(reset! loaded-samples* {})
(doseq [smpl previously-loaded-samples]
(apply load-sample* (:path smpl) (:args smpl)))))
(on-deps :server-ready ::load-all-samples reload-all-samples)
(defn sample?
"Returns true if s is a sample"
(isa? (type s) ::sample))
(defn- free-loaded-sample
(let [path (:path smpl)
args (:args smpl)]
(if (server-connected?)
(do (buffer-free smpl)
(swap! cached-samples* dissoc [path args])
(swap! loaded-samples* dissoc (:id smpl))))))
(defn free-all-loaded-samples
"Free all buffers associated with a loaded sample and the memory they
consume. Also remove each sample from @loaded-samples once freed"
(doseq [loaded-sample (vals @loaded-samples*)]
(free-loaded-sample loaded-sample)))
(defn free-sample
"Free the buffer associated with smpl and the memory it consumes. Uses
the cached version from @loaded-samples* in case the server has
crashed or been rebooted. Also remove the sample from
(assert sample? smpl)
(free-loaded-sample smpl)
(defn sample-player
"Play the specified sample with either a mono or stereo player
depending on the number of channels in the sample. Always creates a
stereo signal.
Accepts same args as both players, namely:
{:buf 0 :rate 1.0 :start-pos 0.0 :loop? 0 :amp 1 :out-bus 0}
If you wish to specify a group target vector i.e. [:head foo-g] this
argument must go *after* the smpl argument:
(sample-player my-samp [:head foo-g] :rate 0.5)"
[smpl & pargs] {:pre [(sample? smpl)]}
(let [{:keys [path args]} smpl
{:keys [id n-channels]} (get @cached-samples* [path args])
[target pos pargs] (extract-target-pos-args pargs
(= n-channels 1) (apply mono-player [pos target] id pargs)
(= n-channels 2) (apply stereo-player [pos target] id pargs))))
;; (cond
;; (= n-channels 1) (apply mono-partial-player [pos target] id pargs)
;; (= n-channels 2) (apply stereo-partial-player [pos target] id pargs))))
(defn sample
"Loads a .wav or .aiff file into a memory buffer. Returns a function
capable of playing that sample. Memoizes result and returns same
sample on subsequent calls.
; e.g.
(sample \"~/music/samples/flibble.wav\")
[path & args]
(let [smpl (apply load-sample path args)]
(map->PlayableSample smpl)))
;; Samples are just audio files loaded into a buffer, so buffer
;; functions work on samples too.
(derive Sample ::sample)
(derive PlayableSample ::playable-sample)
(derive ::sample
(derive ::playable-sample ::sample)
(defmacro defsample
"Define a s-name as a var in the current namespace referencing a
sample with the specified path and args.
Equivalent to:
(def s-name (sample path args...))"
[s-name path & args]
`(def ~s-name (sample ~path ~@args)))
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kn1kn1 commented May 9, 2016

Revert to v0.9.1 as non-loop sample does not work properly

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