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Last active January 21, 2022 17:42
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antrea config
# FeatureGates is a map of feature names to bools that enable or disable experimental features.
# Enable AntreaProxy which provides ServiceLB for in-cluster Services in antrea-agent.
# It should be enabled on Windows, otherwise NetworkPolicy will not take effect on
# Service traffic.
AntreaProxy: true
# Enable EndpointSlice support in AntreaProxy. Don't enable this feature unless that EndpointSlice
# API version v1beta1 is supported and set as enabled in Kubernetes. If AntreaProxy is not enabled,
# this flag will not take effect.
# EndpointSlice: false
# Enable traceflow which provides packet tracing feature to diagnose network issue.
# Traceflow: true
# Enable NodePortLocal feature to make the pods reachable externally through NodePort
# NodePortLocal: false
# Enable Antrea ClusterNetworkPolicy feature to complement K8s NetworkPolicy for cluster admins
# to define security policies which apply to the entire cluster, and Antrea NetworkPolicy
# feature that supports priorities, rule actions and externalEntities in the future.
# AntreaPolicy: true
# Enable flowexporter which exports polled conntrack connections as IPFIX flow records from each
# agent to a configured collector.
# FlowExporter: false
# Enable collecting and exposing NetworkPolicy statistics.
# NetworkPolicyStats: true
# Enable controlling SNAT IPs of Pod egress traffic.
# Egress: false
# Name of the OpenVSwitch bridge antrea-agent will create and use.
# Make sure it doesn't conflict with your existing OpenVSwitch bridges.
#ovsBridge: br-int
# Datapath type to use for the OpenVSwitch bridge created by Antrea. Supported values are:
# - system
# - netdev
# 'system' is the default value and corresponds to the kernel datapath. Use 'netdev' to run
# OVS in userspace mode. Userspace mode requires the tun device driver to be available.
#ovsDatapathType: system
# Name of the interface antrea-agent will create and use for host <--> pod communication.
# Make sure it doesn't conflict with your existing interfaces.
#hostGateway: antrea-gw0
# Determines how traffic is encapsulated. It has the following options:
# encap(default): Inter-node Pod traffic is always encapsulated and Pod to external network
# traffic is SNAT'd.
# noEncap: Inter-node Pod traffic is not encapsulated; Pod to external network traffic is
# SNAT'd if noSNAT is not set to true. Underlying network must be capable of
# supporting Pod traffic across IP subnets.
# hybrid: noEncap if source and destination Nodes are on the same subnet, otherwise encap.
# networkPolicyOnly: Antrea enforces NetworkPolicy only, and utilizes CNI chaining and delegates Pod
# IPAM and connectivity to the primary CNI.
#trafficEncapMode: encap
# Whether or not to SNAT (using the Node IP) the egress traffic from a Pod to the external network.
# This option is for the noEncap traffic mode only, and the default value is false. In the noEncap
# mode, if the cluster's Pod CIDR is reachable from the external network, then the Pod traffic to
# the external network needs not be SNAT'd. In the networkPolicyOnly mode, antrea-agent never
# performs SNAT and this option will be ignored; for other modes it must be set to false.
#noSNAT: false
# Tunnel protocols used for encapsulating traffic across Nodes. If WireGuard is enabled in trafficEncryptionMode,
# this option will not take effect. Supported values:
# - geneve (default)
# - vxlan
# - gre
# - stt
#tunnelType: geneve
# Determines how tunnel traffic is encrypted. Currently encryption only works with encap mode.
# It has the following options:
# - none (default): Inter-node Pod traffic will not be encrypted.
# - ipsec: Enable IPSec (ESP) encryption for Pod traffic across Nodes. Antrea uses
# Preshared Key (PSK) for IKE authentication. When IPSec tunnel is enabled,
# the PSK value must be passed to Antrea Agent through an environment
# variable: ANTREA_IPSEC_PSK.
# - wireGuard: Enable WireGuard for tunnel traffic encryption.
#trafficEncryptionMode: none
# Default MTU to use for the host gateway interface and the network interface of each Pod.
# If omitted, antrea-agent will discover the MTU of the Node's primary interface and
# also adjust MTU to accommodate for tunnel encapsulation overhead (if applicable).
#defaultMTU: 0
# wireGuard specifies WireGuard related configurations.
# The port for WireGuard to receive traffic.
# port: 51820
# exceptCIDRs is the CIDR ranges to which outbound Pod traffic will not be SNAT'd by Egresses.
# exceptCIDRs: []
# ClusterIP CIDR range for Services. It's required when AntreaProxy is not enabled, and should be
# set to the same value as the one specified by --service-cluster-ip-range for kube-apiserver. When
# AntreaProxy is enabled, this parameter is not needed and will be ignored if provided.
# ClusterIP CIDR range for IPv6 Services. It's required when using kube-proxy to provide IPv6 Service in a Dual-Stack
# cluster or an IPv6 only cluster. The value should be the same as the configuration for kube-apiserver specified by
# --service-cluster-ip-range. When AntreaProxy is enabled, this parameter is not needed.
# No default value for this field.
# The port for the antrea-agent APIServer to serve on.
# Note that if it's set to another value, the `containerPort` of the `api` port of the
# `antrea-agent` container must be set to the same value.
#apiPort: 10350
# Enable metrics exposure via Prometheus. Initializes Prometheus metrics listener.
#enablePrometheusMetrics: true
# Provide the IPFIX collector address as a string with format <HOST>:[<PORT>][:<PROTO>].
# HOST can either be the DNS name or the IP of the Flow Collector. For example,
# "flow-aggregator.flow-aggregator.svc" can be provided as DNS name to connect
# to the Antrea Flow Aggregator service. If IP, it can be either IPv4 or IPv6.
# However, IPv6 address should be wrapped with [].
# If PORT is empty, we default to 4739, the standard IPFIX port.
# If no PROTO is given, we consider "tls" as default. We support "tls", "tcp" and
# "udp" protocols. "tls" is used for securing communication between flow exporter and
# flow aggregator.
#flowCollectorAddr: "flow-aggregator.flow-aggregator.svc:4739:tls"
# Provide flow poll interval as a duration string. This determines how often the
# flow exporter dumps connections from the conntrack module. Flow poll interval
# should be greater than or equal to 1s (one second).
# Valid time units are "ns", "us" (or "µs"), "ms", "s", "m", "h".
#flowPollInterval: "5s"
# Provide the active flow export timeout, which is the timeout after which a flow
# record is sent to the collector for active flows. Thus, for flows with a continuous
# stream of packets, a flow record will be exported to the collector once the elapsed
# time since the last export event is equal to the value of this timeout.
# Valid time units are "ns", "us" (or "µs"), "ms", "s", "m", "h".
#activeFlowExportTimeout: "30s"
# Provide the idle flow export timeout, which is the timeout after which a flow
# record is sent to the collector for idle flows. A flow is considered idle if no
# packet matching this flow has been observed since the last export event.
# Valid time units are "ns", "us" (or "µs"), "ms", "s", "m", "h".
#idleFlowExportTimeout: "15s"
# Provide the port range used by NodePortLocal. When the NodePortLocal feature is enabled, a port from that range will be assigned
# whenever a Pod's container defines a specific port to be exposed (each container can define a list of ports as pod.spec.containers[].ports),
# and all Node traffic directed to that port will be forwarded to the Pod.
#nplPortRange: 61000-62000
# Provide the address of Kubernetes apiserver, to override any value provided in kubeconfig or InClusterConfig.
# Defaults to "". It must be a host string, a host:port pair, or a URL to the base of the apiserver.
#kubeAPIServerOverride: ""
# Comma-separated list of Cipher Suites. If omitted, the default Go Cipher Suites will be used.
# Note that TLS1.3 Cipher Suites cannot be added to the list. But the apiserver will always
# prefer TLS1.3 Cipher Suites whenever possible.
# TLS min version from: VersionTLS10, VersionTLS11, VersionTLS12, VersionTLS13.
# The name of the interface on Node which is used for tunneling or routing the traffic across Nodes.
# If there are multiple IP addresses configured on the interface, the first one is used. The IP
# address used for tunneling or routing traffic to remote Nodes is decided in the following order of
# preference (from highest to lowest):
# 1. transportInterface
# 2. transportInterfaceCIDRs
# 3. The Node IP
#transportInterface: "Ethernet 2"
# The network CIDRs of the interface on Node which is used for tunneling or routing the traffic across
# Nodes. If there are multiple interfaces configured the same network CIDR, the first one is used. The
# IP address used for tunneling or routing traffic to remote Nodes is decided in the following order of
# preference (from highest to lowest):
# 1. transportInterface
# 2. transportInterfaceCIDRs
# 3. The Node IP
#transportInterfaceCIDRs: [<IPv4 CIDR>,<IPv6 CIDR>]
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