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Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
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angular-vertxbus ES6 Comparsion
"use strict";
var _get = function get(object, property, receiver) { var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, property); if (desc === undefined) { var parent = Object.getPrototypeOf(object); if (parent === null) { return undefined; } else { return get(parent, property, receiver); } } else if ("value" in desc && desc.writable) { return desc.value; } else { var getter = desc.get; if (getter === undefined) { return undefined; } return; } };
var _inherits = function (subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof superClass); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) subClass.__proto__ = superClass; };
var _createClass = (function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var key in props) { var prop = props[key]; prop.configurable = true; if (prop.value) prop.writable = true; } Object.defineProperties(target, props); } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; })();
var _classCallCheck = function (instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } };
angular.module("knalli.angular-vertxbus").provider("vertxEventBus", function () {
var _this = this;
// global constants
MODULE: "angular-vertxbus",
COMPONENT: "wrapper"
// default options for this module: TODO doc
enabled: true,
debugEnabled: false,
prefix: "vertx-eventbus.",
urlServer: "" + location.protocol + "//" + location.hostname + ((function () {
if (location.port) {
return ":" + location.port;
})() || ""),
urlPath: "/eventbus",
reconnectEnabled: true,
sockjsStateInterval: 10000,
sockjsReconnectInterval: 10000,
sockjsOptions: {},
messageBuffer: 0
// options (globally, application-wide)
var options = angular.extend({}, DEFAULT_OPTIONS);
this.enable = function () {
var value = arguments[0] === undefined ? DEFAULT_OPTIONS.enabled : arguments[0];
options.enabled = value === true;
return _this;
this.enable.displayName = "" + CONSTANTS.MODULE + "/" + CONSTANTS.COMPONENT + ": provider.enable";
this.useDebug = function () {
var value = arguments[0] === undefined ? DEFAULT_OPTIONS.debugEnabled : arguments[0];
options.debugEnabled = value === true;
return _this;
this.useDebug.displayName = "" + CONSTANTS.MODULE + "/" + CONSTANTS.COMPONENT + ": provider.useDebug";
this.usePrefix = function () {
var value = arguments[0] === undefined ? DEFAULT_OPTIONS.prefix : arguments[0];
options.prefix = value;
return _this;
this.usePrefix.displayName = "" + CONSTANTS.MODULE + "/" + CONSTANTS.COMPONENT + ": provider.usePrefix";
this.useUrlServer = function () {
var value = arguments[0] === undefined ? DEFAULT_OPTIONS.urlServer : arguments[0];
options.urlServer = value;
return _this;
this.useUrlServer.displayName = "" + CONSTANTS.MODULE + "/" + CONSTANTS.COMPONENT + ": provider.useUrlServer";
this.useUrlPath = function () {
var value = arguments[0] === undefined ? DEFAULT_OPTIONS.urlPath : arguments[0];
options.urlPath = value;
return _this;
this.useUrlPath.displayName = "" + CONSTANTS.MODULE + "/" + CONSTANTS.COMPONENT + ": provider.useUrlPath";
this.useReconnect = function () {
var value = arguments[0] === undefined ? DEFAULT_OPTIONS.reconnectEnabled : arguments[0];
options.reconnectEnabled = value;
return _this;
this.useReconnect.displayName = "" + CONSTANTS.MODULE + "/" + CONSTANTS.COMPONENT + ": provider.useReconnect";
this.useSockJsStateInterval = function () {
var value = arguments[0] === undefined ? DEFAULT_OPTIONS.sockjsStateInterval : arguments[0];
options.sockjsStateInterval = value;
return _this;
this.useSockJsStateInterval.displayName = "" + CONSTANTS.MODULE + "/" + CONSTANTS.COMPONENT + ": provider.useSockJsStateInterval";
this.useSockJsReconnectInterval = function () {
var value = arguments[0] === undefined ? DEFAULT_OPTIONS.sockjsReconnectInterval : arguments[0];
options.sockjsReconnectInterval = value;
return _this;
this.useSockJsReconnectInterval.displayName = "" + CONSTANTS.MODULE + "/" + CONSTANTS.COMPONENT + ": provider.useSockJsReconnectInterval";
this.useSockJsOptions = function () {
var value = arguments[0] === undefined ? DEFAULT_OPTIONS.sockjsOptions : arguments[0];
options.sockjsOptions = value;
return _this;
this.useSockJsOptions.displayName = "" + CONSTANTS.MODULE + "/" + CONSTANTS.COMPONENT + ": provider.useSockJsOptions";
this.useMessageBuffer = function () {
var value = arguments[0] === undefined ? DEFAULT_OPTIONS.messageBuffer : arguments[0];
options.messageBuffer = value;
return _this;
this.useMessageBuffer.displayName = "" + CONSTANTS.MODULE + "/" + CONSTANTS.COMPONENT + ": provider.useMessageBuffer";
A stub representing the VertX Event Bus (core functionality)
Because the Event Bus cannot handle a reconnect (because of the underlaying SockJS), a new instance of the bus have to be created.
This stub ensures only one object holding the current active instance of the bus.
The stub supports theses VertX Event Bus APIs:
- close()
- login(username, password, replyHandler)
- send(address, message, handler)
- publish(address, message)
- registerHandler(adress, handler)
- unregisterHandler(address, handler)
- readyState()
Furthermore, the stub supports theses extra APIs:
- recconnect()
this.$get = function ($timeout, $log) {
// Current options (merged defaults with application-wide settings)
var _angular$extend = angular.extend({}, DEFAULT_OPTIONS, options);
var enabled = _angular$extend.enabled;
var debugEnabled = _angular$extend.debugEnabled;
var prefix = _angular$extend.prefix;
var urlServer = _angular$extend.urlServer;
var urlPath = _angular$extend.urlPath;
var reconnectEnabled = _angular$extend.reconnectEnabled;
var sockjsStateInterval = _angular$extend.sockjsStateInterval;
var sockjsReconnectInterval = _angular$extend.sockjsReconnectInterval;
var sockjsOptions = _angular$extend.sockjsOptions;
var messageBuffer = _angular$extend.messageBuffer;
if (enabled && vertx && vertx.EventBus) {
if (debugEnabled) {
$log.debug("[Vert.x EB Stub] Enabled");
return new ProxyEventbusWrapper(vertx.EventBus, $timeout, $log, {
enabled: enabled,
debugEnabled: debugEnabled,
prefix: prefix,
urlServer: urlServer,
urlPath: urlPath,
reconnectEnabled: reconnectEnabled,
sockjsStateInterval: sockjsStateInterval,
sockjsReconnectInterval: sockjsReconnectInterval,
sockjsOptions: sockjsOptions,
messageBuffer: messageBuffer
} else {
if (debugEnabled) {
$log.debug("[Vert.x EB Stub] Disabled");
return new SentinelEventbusWrapper();
}; // $get
var EventbusWrapper = (function () {
function EventbusWrapper() {
_classCallCheck(this, EventbusWrapper);
_createClass(EventbusWrapper, {
connect: {
value: function connect() {}
reconnect: {
value: function reconnect() {}
close: {
value: function close() {}
login: {
value: function login(username, password, replyHandler) {}
send: {
value: function send(address, message, replyHandler) {}
publish: {
value: function publish(address, message) {}
registerHandler: {
value: function registerHandler(address, handler) {}
unregisterHandler: {
value: function unregisterHandler(address, handler) {}
readyState: {
value: function readyState() {}
getOptions: {
value: function getOptions() {
return {};
onopen: {
// empty: can be overriden by externals
value: function onopen() {}
onclose: {
// empty: can be overriden by externals
value: function onclose() {}
return EventbusWrapper;
var ProxyEventbusWrapper = (function (_EventbusWrapper) {
function ProxyEventbusWrapper(EventBus, $timeout, $log, _ref) {
var enabled = _ref.enabled;
var debugEnabled = _ref.debugEnabled;
var prefix = _ref.prefix;
var urlServer = _ref.urlServer;
var urlPath = _ref.urlPath;
var reconnectEnabled = _ref.reconnectEnabled;
var sockjsStateInterval = _ref.sockjsStateInterval;
var sockjsReconnectInterval = _ref.sockjsReconnectInterval;
var sockjsOptions = _ref.sockjsOptions;
var messageBuffer = _ref.messageBuffer;
_classCallCheck(this, ProxyEventbusWrapper);
_get(Object.getPrototypeOf(ProxyEventbusWrapper.prototype), "constructor", this).call(this);
// actual EventBus type
this.EventBus = EventBus;
this.$timeout = $timeout;
this.$log = $log;
this.options = {
enabled: enabled,
debugEnabled: debugEnabled,
prefix: prefix,
urlServer: urlServer,
urlPath: urlPath,
reconnectEnabled: reconnectEnabled,
sockjsStateInterval: sockjsStateInterval,
sockjsReconnectInterval: sockjsReconnectInterval,
sockjsOptions: sockjsOptions,
messageBuffer: messageBuffer
// asap create connection
_inherits(ProxyEventbusWrapper, _EventbusWrapper);
_createClass(ProxyEventbusWrapper, {
connect: {
value: function connect() {
var _this2 = this;
var url = "" + this.options.urlServer + "" + this.options.urlPath;
if (this.options.debugEnabled) {
this.$log.debug("[Vert.x EB Stub] Enabled: connecting '" + url + "'");
// Because we have rebuild an EventBus object (because it have to rebuild a SockJS object)
// we must wrap the object. Therefore, we have to mimic the behavior of onopen and onclose each time.
this.instance = new this.EventBus(url, undefined, this.options.sockjsOptions);
this.instance.onopen = function () {
if (_this2.options.debugEnabled) {
_this2.$log.debug("[Vert.x EB Stub] Connected");
if (angular.isFunction(_this2.onopen)) {
this.instance.onclose = function () {
if (_this2.options.debugEnabled) {
_this2.$log.debug("[Vert.x EB Stub] Reconnect in " + _this2.options.sockjsReconnectInterval + "ms");
if (angular.isFunction(_this2.onclose)) {
_this2.instance = undefined;
if (_this2.options.reconnectEnabled) {
_this2.$timeout(function () {
return _this2.connect();
}, _this2.options.sockjsReconnectInterval);
reconnect: {
value: function reconnect() {
if (this.instance) {
return this.instance.close();
close: {
value: function close() {
if (this.instance) {
return this.instance.close();
login: {
value: function login(username, password, replyHandler) {
if (this.instance) {
return this.instance.login(username, password, replyHandler);
send: {
value: function send(address, message, replyHandler) {
if (this.instance) {
return this.instance.send(address, message, replyHandler);
publish: {
value: function publish(address, message) {
if (this.instance) {
return this.instance.publish(address, message);
registerHandler: {
value: function registerHandler(address, handler) {
var _this2 = this;
if (this.instance) {
this.instance.registerHandler(address, handler);
// and return the deregister callback
var deconstructor = function () {
_this2.unregisterHandler(address, handler);
deconstructor.displayName = "" + CONSTANTS.MODULE + "/" + CONSTANTS.COMPONENT + ": EventBusStub.registerHandler (deconstructor)";
return deconstructor;
unregisterHandler: {
value: function unregisterHandler(address, handler) {
if (this.instance) {
return this.instance.unregisterHandler(address, handler);
readyState: {
value: function readyState() {
if (this.instance) {
return this.instance.readyState();
} else {
return this.EventBus.CLOSED;
getOptions: {
value: function getOptions() {
// clone options
return angular.extend({}, this.options);
return ProxyEventbusWrapper;
var SentinelEventbusWrapper = (function (_EventbusWrapper2) {
function SentinelEventbusWrapper() {
_classCallCheck(this, SentinelEventbusWrapper);
if (_EventbusWrapper2 != null) {
_EventbusWrapper2.apply(this, arguments);
_inherits(SentinelEventbusWrapper, _EventbusWrapper2);
return SentinelEventbusWrapper;
.provider('vertxEventBus', function () {
// global constants
const CONSTANTS = {
MODULE: 'angular-vertxbus',
COMPONENT: 'wrapper'
// default options for this module: TODO doc
enabled: true,
debugEnabled: false,
prefix: 'vertx-eventbus.',
urlServer: `${location.protocol}//${location.hostname}` + ((() => {if (location.port) { return `:${location.port}` }})() || ''),
urlPath: '/eventbus',
reconnectEnabled: true,
sockjsStateInterval: 10000,
sockjsReconnectInterval: 10000,
sockjsOptions: {},
messageBuffer: 0
// options (globally, application-wide)
var options = angular.extend({}, DEFAULT_OPTIONS)
this.enable = (value = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.enabled) => {
options.enabled = (value === true)
return this
this.enable.displayName = `${CONSTANTS.MODULE}/${CONSTANTS.COMPONENT}: provider.enable`
this.useDebug = (value = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.debugEnabled) => {
options.debugEnabled = (value === true)
return this
this.useDebug.displayName = `${CONSTANTS.MODULE}/${CONSTANTS.COMPONENT}: provider.useDebug`
this.usePrefix = (value = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.prefix) => {
options.prefix = value
return this
this.usePrefix.displayName = `${CONSTANTS.MODULE}/${CONSTANTS.COMPONENT}: provider.usePrefix`
this.useUrlServer = (value = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.urlServer) => {
options.urlServer = value
return this
this.useUrlServer.displayName = `${CONSTANTS.MODULE}/${CONSTANTS.COMPONENT}: provider.useUrlServer`
this.useUrlPath = (value = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.urlPath) => {
options.urlPath = value
return this
this.useUrlPath.displayName = `${CONSTANTS.MODULE}/${CONSTANTS.COMPONENT}: provider.useUrlPath`
this.useReconnect = (value = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.reconnectEnabled) => {
options.reconnectEnabled = value
return this
this.useReconnect.displayName = `${CONSTANTS.MODULE}/${CONSTANTS.COMPONENT}: provider.useReconnect`
this.useSockJsStateInterval = (value = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.sockjsStateInterval) => {
options.sockjsStateInterval = value
return this
this.useSockJsStateInterval.displayName = `${CONSTANTS.MODULE}/${CONSTANTS.COMPONENT}: provider.useSockJsStateInterval`
this.useSockJsReconnectInterval = (value = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.sockjsReconnectInterval) => {
options.sockjsReconnectInterval = value
return this
this.useSockJsReconnectInterval.displayName = `${CONSTANTS.MODULE}/${CONSTANTS.COMPONENT}: provider.useSockJsReconnectInterval`
this.useSockJsOptions = (value = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.sockjsOptions) => {
options.sockjsOptions = value
return this
this.useSockJsOptions.displayName = `${CONSTANTS.MODULE}/${CONSTANTS.COMPONENT}: provider.useSockJsOptions`
this.useMessageBuffer = (value = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.messageBuffer) => {
options.messageBuffer = value
return this
this.useMessageBuffer.displayName = `${CONSTANTS.MODULE}/${CONSTANTS.COMPONENT}: provider.useMessageBuffer`
A stub representing the VertX Event Bus (core functionality)
Because the Event Bus cannot handle a reconnect (because of the underlaying SockJS), a new instance of the bus have to be created.
This stub ensures only one object holding the current active instance of the bus.
The stub supports theses VertX Event Bus APIs:
- close()
- login(username, password, replyHandler)
- send(address, message, handler)
- publish(address, message)
- registerHandler(adress, handler)
- unregisterHandler(address, handler)
- readyState()
Furthermore, the stub supports theses extra APIs:
- recconnect()
this.$get = ($timeout, $log) => {
// Current options (merged defaults with application-wide settings)
var {
} = angular.extend({}, DEFAULT_OPTIONS, options)
if (enabled && vertx && vertx.EventBus) {
if (debugEnabled) {
$log.debug("[Vert.x EB Stub] Enabled")
return new ProxyEventbusWrapper(vertx.EventBus, $timeout, $log, {
} else {
if (debugEnabled) {
$log.debug("[Vert.x EB Stub] Disabled")
return new SentinelEventbusWrapper()
} // $get
class EventbusWrapper {
constructor() {}
connect() {}
reconnect() {}
close() {}
login(username, password, replyHandler) {}
send(address, message, replyHandler) {}
publish(address, message) { }
registerHandler(address, handler) { }
unregisterHandler(address, handler) {}
readyState() {}
getOptions() {
return {}
// empty: can be overriden by externals
onopen() {}
// empty: can be overriden by externals
onclose() {}
class ProxyEventbusWrapper extends EventbusWrapper {
constructor(EventBus, $timeout, $log, {
}) {
// actual EventBus type
this.EventBus = EventBus
this.$timeout = $timeout
this.$log = $log
this.options = {
// asap create connection
connect() {
let url = `${this.options.urlServer}${this.options.urlPath}`
if (this.options.debugEnabled) {
this.$log.debug(`[Vert.x EB Stub] Enabled: connecting '${url}'`)
// Because we have rebuild an EventBus object (because it have to rebuild a SockJS object)
// we must wrap the object. Therefore, we have to mimic the behavior of onopen and onclose each time.
this.instance = new this.EventBus(url, undefined, this.options.sockjsOptions)
this.instance.onopen = () => {
if (this.options.debugEnabled) {
this.$log.debug("[Vert.x EB Stub] Connected")
if (angular.isFunction(this.onopen)) {
this.instance.onclose = () => {
if (this.options.debugEnabled) {
this.$log.debug(`[Vert.x EB Stub] Reconnect in ${this.options.sockjsReconnectInterval}ms`)
if (angular.isFunction(this.onclose)) {
this.instance = undefined
if (this.options.reconnectEnabled) {
this.$timeout((() => this.connect()), this.options.sockjsReconnectInterval)
reconnect() {
if (this.instance) {
return this.instance.close()
close() {
if (this.instance) {
return this.instance.close()
login(username, password, replyHandler) {
if (this.instance) {
return this.instance.login(username, password, replyHandler)
send(address, message, replyHandler) {
if (this.instance) {
return this.instance.send(address, message, replyHandler)
publish(address, message) {
if (this.instance) {
return this.instance.publish(address, message)
registerHandler(address, handler) {
if (this.instance) {
this.instance.registerHandler(address, handler)
// and return the deregister callback
let deconstructor = () => {
this.unregisterHandler(address, handler)
deconstructor.displayName = `${CONSTANTS.MODULE}/${CONSTANTS.COMPONENT}: EventBusStub.registerHandler (deconstructor)`
return deconstructor
unregisterHandler(address, handler) {
if (this.instance) {
return this.instance.unregisterHandler(address, handler)
readyState() {
if (this.instance) {
return this.instance.readyState()
} else {
return this.EventBus.CLOSED;
getOptions() {
// clone options
return angular.extend({}, this.options)
class SentinelEventbusWrapper extends EventbusWrapper {}
.provider('vertxEventBus', function () {var PRS$0 = (function(o,t){o["__proto__"]={"a":t};return o["a"]===t})({},{});var DP$0 = Object.defineProperty;var GOPD$0 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;var MIXIN$0 = function(t,s){for(var p in s){if(s.hasOwnProperty(p)){DP$0(t,p,GOPD$0(s,p));}}return t};var SP$0 = Object.setPrototypeOf||function(o,p){if(PRS$0){o["__proto__"]=p;}else {DP$0(o,"__proto__",{"value":p,"configurable":true,"enumerable":false,"writable":true});}return o};var OC$0 = Object.create;var this$0 = this;
// global constants
MODULE: 'angular-vertxbus',
COMPONENT: 'wrapper'
// default options for this module: TODO doc
enabled: true,
debugEnabled: false,
prefix: 'vertx-eventbus.',
urlServer: (("" + (location.protocol)) + ("//" + (location.hostname)) + "") + ((function() {if (location.port) { return (":" + (location.port)) }})() || ''),
urlPath: '/eventbus',
reconnectEnabled: true,
sockjsStateInterval: 10000,
sockjsReconnectInterval: 10000,
sockjsOptions: {},
messageBuffer: 0
// options (globally, application-wide)
var options = angular.extend({}, DEFAULT_OPTIONS)
this.enable = function() {var value = arguments[0];if(value === void 0)value = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.enabled;
options.enabled = (value === true)
return this$0
this.enable.displayName = (("" + (CONSTANTS.MODULE)) + ("/" + (CONSTANTS.COMPONENT)) + ": provider.enable")
this.useDebug = function() {var value = arguments[0];if(value === void 0)value = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.debugEnabled;
options.debugEnabled = (value === true)
return this$0
this.useDebug.displayName = (("" + (CONSTANTS.MODULE)) + ("/" + (CONSTANTS.COMPONENT)) + ": provider.useDebug")
this.usePrefix = function() {var value = arguments[0];if(value === void 0)value = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.prefix;
options.prefix = value
return this$0
this.usePrefix.displayName = (("" + (CONSTANTS.MODULE)) + ("/" + (CONSTANTS.COMPONENT)) + ": provider.usePrefix")
this.useUrlServer = function() {var value = arguments[0];if(value === void 0)value = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.urlServer;
options.urlServer = value
return this$0
this.useUrlServer.displayName = (("" + (CONSTANTS.MODULE)) + ("/" + (CONSTANTS.COMPONENT)) + ": provider.useUrlServer")
this.useUrlPath = function() {var value = arguments[0];if(value === void 0)value = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.urlPath;
options.urlPath = value
return this$0
this.useUrlPath.displayName = (("" + (CONSTANTS.MODULE)) + ("/" + (CONSTANTS.COMPONENT)) + ": provider.useUrlPath")
this.useReconnect = function() {var value = arguments[0];if(value === void 0)value = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.reconnectEnabled;
options.reconnectEnabled = value
return this$0
this.useReconnect.displayName = (("" + (CONSTANTS.MODULE)) + ("/" + (CONSTANTS.COMPONENT)) + ": provider.useReconnect")
this.useSockJsStateInterval = function() {var value = arguments[0];if(value === void 0)value = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.sockjsStateInterval;
options.sockjsStateInterval = value
return this$0
this.useSockJsStateInterval.displayName = (("" + (CONSTANTS.MODULE)) + ("/" + (CONSTANTS.COMPONENT)) + ": provider.useSockJsStateInterval")
this.useSockJsReconnectInterval = function() {var value = arguments[0];if(value === void 0)value = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.sockjsReconnectInterval;
options.sockjsReconnectInterval = value
return this$0
this.useSockJsReconnectInterval.displayName = (("" + (CONSTANTS.MODULE)) + ("/" + (CONSTANTS.COMPONENT)) + ": provider.useSockJsReconnectInterval")
this.useSockJsOptions = function() {var value = arguments[0];if(value === void 0)value = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.sockjsOptions;
options.sockjsOptions = value
return this$0
this.useSockJsOptions.displayName = (("" + (CONSTANTS.MODULE)) + ("/" + (CONSTANTS.COMPONENT)) + ": provider.useSockJsOptions")
this.useMessageBuffer = function() {var value = arguments[0];if(value === void 0)value = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.messageBuffer;
options.messageBuffer = value
return this$0
this.useMessageBuffer.displayName = (("" + (CONSTANTS.MODULE)) + ("/" + (CONSTANTS.COMPONENT)) + ": provider.useMessageBuffer")
A stub representing the VertX Event Bus (core functionality)
Because the Event Bus cannot handle a reconnect (because of the underlaying SockJS), a new instance of the bus have to be created.
This stub ensures only one object holding the current active instance of the bus.
The stub supports theses VertX Event Bus APIs:
- close()
- login(username, password, replyHandler)
- send(address, message, handler)
- publish(address, message)
- registerHandler(adress, handler)
- unregisterHandler(address, handler)
- readyState()
Furthermore, the stub supports theses extra APIs:
- recconnect()
this.$get = function($timeout, $log) {
// Current options (merged defaults with application-wide settings)
var enabled = (messageBuffer = angular.extend({}, DEFAULT_OPTIONS, options)).enabled
, debugEnabled = messageBuffer.debugEnabled
, prefix = messageBuffer.prefix
, urlServer = messageBuffer.urlServer
, urlPath = messageBuffer.urlPath
, reconnectEnabled = messageBuffer.reconnectEnabled
, sockjsStateInterval = messageBuffer.sockjsStateInterval
, sockjsReconnectInterval = messageBuffer.sockjsReconnectInterval
, sockjsOptions = messageBuffer.sockjsOptions
, messageBuffer = messageBuffer.messageBuffer
if (enabled && vertx && vertx.EventBus) {
if (debugEnabled) {
$log.debug("[Vert.x EB Stub] Enabled")
return new ProxyEventbusWrapper(vertx.EventBus, $timeout, $log, {
enabled: enabled,
debugEnabled: debugEnabled,
prefix: prefix,
urlServer: urlServer,
urlPath: urlPath,
reconnectEnabled: reconnectEnabled,
sockjsStateInterval: sockjsStateInterval,
sockjsReconnectInterval: sockjsReconnectInterval,
sockjsOptions: sockjsOptions,
messageBuffer: messageBuffer
} else {
if (debugEnabled) {
$log.debug("[Vert.x EB Stub] Disabled")
return new SentinelEventbusWrapper()
} // $get
var EventbusWrapper = (function(){"use strict";var proto$0={};
function EventbusWrapper() {}DP$0(EventbusWrapper,"prototype",{"configurable":false,"enumerable":false,"writable":false});
proto$0.connect = function() {};
proto$0.reconnect = function() {};
proto$0.close = function() {};
proto$0.login = function(username, password, replyHandler) {};
proto$0.send = function(address, message, replyHandler) {};
proto$0.publish = function(address, message) { };
proto$0.registerHandler = function(address, handler) { };
proto$0.unregisterHandler = function(address, handler) {};
proto$0.readyState = function() {};
proto$0.getOptions = function() {
return {}
// empty: can be overriden by externals
proto$0.onopen = function() {};
// empty: can be overriden by externals
proto$0.onclose = function() {};
MIXIN$0(EventbusWrapper.prototype,proto$0);proto$0=void 0;return EventbusWrapper;})();
var ProxyEventbusWrapper = (function(super$0){"use strict";if(!PRS$0)MIXIN$0(ProxyEventbusWrapper, super$0);var proto$0={};
function ProxyEventbusWrapper(EventBus, $timeout, $log, messageBuffer) {var enabled = messageBuffer.enabled
, debugEnabled = messageBuffer.debugEnabled
, prefix = messageBuffer.prefix
, urlServer = messageBuffer.urlServer
, urlPath = messageBuffer.urlPath
, reconnectEnabled = messageBuffer.reconnectEnabled
, sockjsStateInterval = messageBuffer.sockjsStateInterval
, sockjsReconnectInterval = messageBuffer.sockjsReconnectInterval
, sockjsOptions = messageBuffer.sockjsOptions
, messageBuffer = messageBuffer.messageBuffer
// actual EventBus type
this.EventBus = EventBus
this.$timeout = $timeout
this.$log = $log
this.options = {
enabled: enabled,
debugEnabled: debugEnabled,
prefix: prefix,
urlServer: urlServer,
urlPath: urlPath,
reconnectEnabled: reconnectEnabled,
sockjsStateInterval: sockjsStateInterval,
sockjsReconnectInterval: sockjsReconnectInterval,
sockjsOptions: sockjsOptions,
messageBuffer: messageBuffer
// asap create connection
}if(super$0!==null)SP$0(ProxyEventbusWrapper,super$0);ProxyEventbusWrapper.prototype = OC$0(super$0!==null?super$0.prototype:null,{"constructor":{"value":ProxyEventbusWrapper,"configurable":true,"writable":true}});DP$0(ProxyEventbusWrapper,"prototype",{"configurable":false,"enumerable":false,"writable":false});
proto$0.connect = function() {var this$0 = this;
var url = (("" + (this.options.urlServer)) + ("" + (this.options.urlPath)) + "")
if (this.options.debugEnabled) {
this.$log.debug((("[Vert.x EB Stub] Enabled: connecting '" + url) + "'"))
// Because we have rebuild an EventBus object (because it have to rebuild a SockJS object)
// we must wrap the object. Therefore, we have to mimic the behavior of onopen and onclose each time.
this.instance = new this.EventBus(url, undefined, this.options.sockjsOptions)
this.instance.onopen = function() {
if (this$0.options.debugEnabled) {
this$0.$log.debug("[Vert.x EB Stub] Connected")
if (angular.isFunction(this$0.onopen)) {
this.instance.onclose = function() {
if (this$0.options.debugEnabled) {
this$0.$log.debug((("[Vert.x EB Stub] Reconnect in " + (this$0.options.sockjsReconnectInterval)) + "ms"))
if (angular.isFunction(this$0.onclose)) {
this$0.instance = undefined
if (this$0.options.reconnectEnabled) {
this$0.$timeout((function() {return this$0.connect()}), this$0.options.sockjsReconnectInterval)
proto$0.reconnect = function() {
if (this.instance) {
return this.instance.close()
proto$0.close = function() {
if (this.instance) {
return this.instance.close()
proto$0.login = function(username, password, replyHandler) {
if (this.instance) {
return this.instance.login(username, password, replyHandler)
proto$0.send = function(address, message, replyHandler) {
if (this.instance) {
return this.instance.send(address, message, replyHandler)
proto$0.publish = function(address, message) {
if (this.instance) {
return this.instance.publish(address, message)
proto$0.registerHandler = function(address, handler) {var this$0 = this;
if (this.instance) {
this.instance.registerHandler(address, handler)
// and return the deregister callback
var deconstructor = function() {
this$0.unregisterHandler(address, handler)
deconstructor.displayName = (("" + (CONSTANTS.MODULE)) + ("/" + (CONSTANTS.COMPONENT)) + ": EventBusStub.registerHandler (deconstructor)")
return deconstructor
proto$0.unregisterHandler = function(address, handler) {
if (this.instance) {
return this.instance.unregisterHandler(address, handler)
proto$0.readyState = function() {
if (this.instance) {
return this.instance.readyState()
} else {
return this.EventBus.CLOSED;
proto$0.getOptions = function() {
// clone options
return angular.extend({}, this.options)
MIXIN$0(ProxyEventbusWrapper.prototype,proto$0);proto$0=void 0;return ProxyEventbusWrapper;})(EventbusWrapper);
var SentinelEventbusWrapper = (function(super$0){"use strict";function SentinelEventbusWrapper() {if(super$0!==null)super$0.apply(this, arguments)}if(!PRS$0)MIXIN$0(SentinelEventbusWrapper, super$0);if(super$0!==null)SP$0(SentinelEventbusWrapper,super$0);SentinelEventbusWrapper.prototype = OC$0(super$0!==null?super$0.prototype:null,{"constructor":{"value":SentinelEventbusWrapper,"configurable":true,"writable":true}});DP$0(SentinelEventbusWrapper,"prototype",{"configurable":false,"enumerable":false,"writable":false});;return SentinelEventbusWrapper;})(EventbusWrapper);
System.registerModule("src/vertxbus-wrapper.js", [], function() {
"use strict";
var __moduleName = "src/vertxbus-wrapper.js";
angular.module('knalli.angular-vertxbus').provider('vertxEventBus', function() {
var $__0 = this;
MODULE: 'angular-vertxbus',
COMPONENT: 'wrapper'
enabled: true,
debugEnabled: false,
prefix: 'vertx-eventbus.',
urlServer: (location.protocol + "//" + location.hostname) + (((function() {
if (location.port) {
return (":" + location.port);
}))() || ''),
urlPath: '/eventbus',
reconnectEnabled: true,
sockjsStateInterval: 10000,
sockjsReconnectInterval: 10000,
sockjsOptions: {},
messageBuffer: 0
var options = angular.extend({}, DEFAULT_OPTIONS);
this.enable = (function() {
var value = arguments[0] !== (void 0) ? arguments[0] : DEFAULT_OPTIONS.enabled;
options.enabled = (value === true);
return $__0;
this.enable.displayName = (CONSTANTS.MODULE + "/" + CONSTANTS.COMPONENT + ": provider.enable");
this.useDebug = (function() {
var value = arguments[0] !== (void 0) ? arguments[0] : DEFAULT_OPTIONS.debugEnabled;
options.debugEnabled = (value === true);
return $__0;
this.useDebug.displayName = (CONSTANTS.MODULE + "/" + CONSTANTS.COMPONENT + ": provider.useDebug");
this.usePrefix = (function() {
var value = arguments[0] !== (void 0) ? arguments[0] : DEFAULT_OPTIONS.prefix;
options.prefix = value;
return $__0;
this.usePrefix.displayName = (CONSTANTS.MODULE + "/" + CONSTANTS.COMPONENT + ": provider.usePrefix");
this.useUrlServer = (function() {
var value = arguments[0] !== (void 0) ? arguments[0] : DEFAULT_OPTIONS.urlServer;
options.urlServer = value;
return $__0;
this.useUrlServer.displayName = (CONSTANTS.MODULE + "/" + CONSTANTS.COMPONENT + ": provider.useUrlServer");
this.useUrlPath = (function() {
var value = arguments[0] !== (void 0) ? arguments[0] : DEFAULT_OPTIONS.urlPath;
options.urlPath = value;
return $__0;
this.useUrlPath.displayName = (CONSTANTS.MODULE + "/" + CONSTANTS.COMPONENT + ": provider.useUrlPath");
this.useReconnect = (function() {
var value = arguments[0] !== (void 0) ? arguments[0] : DEFAULT_OPTIONS.reconnectEnabled;
options.reconnectEnabled = value;
return $__0;
this.useReconnect.displayName = (CONSTANTS.MODULE + "/" + CONSTANTS.COMPONENT + ": provider.useReconnect");
this.useSockJsStateInterval = (function() {
var value = arguments[0] !== (void 0) ? arguments[0] : DEFAULT_OPTIONS.sockjsStateInterval;
options.sockjsStateInterval = value;
return $__0;
this.useSockJsStateInterval.displayName = (CONSTANTS.MODULE + "/" + CONSTANTS.COMPONENT + ": provider.useSockJsStateInterval");
this.useSockJsReconnectInterval = (function() {
var value = arguments[0] !== (void 0) ? arguments[0] : DEFAULT_OPTIONS.sockjsReconnectInterval;
options.sockjsReconnectInterval = value;
return $__0;
this.useSockJsReconnectInterval.displayName = (CONSTANTS.MODULE + "/" + CONSTANTS.COMPONENT + ": provider.useSockJsReconnectInterval");
this.useSockJsOptions = (function() {
var value = arguments[0] !== (void 0) ? arguments[0] : DEFAULT_OPTIONS.sockjsOptions;
options.sockjsOptions = value;
return $__0;
this.useSockJsOptions.displayName = (CONSTANTS.MODULE + "/" + CONSTANTS.COMPONENT + ": provider.useSockJsOptions");
this.useMessageBuffer = (function() {
var value = arguments[0] !== (void 0) ? arguments[0] : DEFAULT_OPTIONS.messageBuffer;
options.messageBuffer = value;
return $__0;
this.useMessageBuffer.displayName = (CONSTANTS.MODULE + "/" + CONSTANTS.COMPONENT + ": provider.useMessageBuffer");
this.$get = (function($timeout, $log) {
var $__3 = angular.extend({}, DEFAULT_OPTIONS, options),
enabled = $__3.enabled,
debugEnabled = $__3.debugEnabled,
prefix = $__3.prefix,
urlServer = $__3.urlServer,
urlPath = $__3.urlPath,
reconnectEnabled = $__3.reconnectEnabled,
sockjsStateInterval = $__3.sockjsStateInterval,
sockjsReconnectInterval = $__3.sockjsReconnectInterval,
sockjsOptions = $__3.sockjsOptions,
messageBuffer = $__3.messageBuffer;
if (enabled && vertx && vertx.EventBus) {
if (debugEnabled) {
$log.debug("[Vert.x EB Stub] Enabled");
return new ProxyEventbusWrapper(vertx.EventBus, $timeout, $log, {
enabled: enabled,
debugEnabled: debugEnabled,
prefix: prefix,
urlServer: urlServer,
urlPath: urlPath,
reconnectEnabled: reconnectEnabled,
sockjsStateInterval: sockjsStateInterval,
sockjsReconnectInterval: sockjsReconnectInterval,
sockjsOptions: sockjsOptions,
messageBuffer: messageBuffer
} else {
if (debugEnabled) {
$log.debug("[Vert.x EB Stub] Disabled");
return new SentinelEventbusWrapper();
var EventbusWrapper = function EventbusWrapper() {};
($traceurRuntime.createClass)(EventbusWrapper, {
connect: function() {},
reconnect: function() {},
close: function() {},
login: function(username, password, replyHandler) {},
send: function(address, message, replyHandler) {},
publish: function(address, message) {},
registerHandler: function(address, handler) {},
unregisterHandler: function(address, handler) {},
readyState: function() {},
getOptions: function() {
return {};
onopen: function() {},
onclose: function() {}
}, {});
var ProxyEventbusWrapper = function ProxyEventbusWrapper(EventBus, $timeout, $log, $__3) {
var $__4 = $__3,
enabled = $__4.enabled,
debugEnabled = $__4.debugEnabled,
prefix = $__4.prefix,
urlServer = $__4.urlServer,
urlPath = $__4.urlPath,
reconnectEnabled = $__4.reconnectEnabled,
sockjsStateInterval = $__4.sockjsStateInterval,
sockjsReconnectInterval = $__4.sockjsReconnectInterval,
sockjsOptions = $__4.sockjsOptions,
messageBuffer = $__4.messageBuffer;
this.EventBus = EventBus;
this.$timeout = $timeout;
this.$log = $log;
this.options = {
enabled: enabled,
debugEnabled: debugEnabled,
prefix: prefix,
urlServer: urlServer,
urlPath: urlPath,
reconnectEnabled: reconnectEnabled,
sockjsStateInterval: sockjsStateInterval,
sockjsReconnectInterval: sockjsReconnectInterval,
sockjsOptions: sockjsOptions,
messageBuffer: messageBuffer
var $ProxyEventbusWrapper = ProxyEventbusWrapper;
($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ProxyEventbusWrapper, {
connect: function() {
var $__1 = this;
var url = ("" + this.options.urlServer + this.options.urlPath);
if (this.options.debugEnabled) {
this.$log.debug(("[Vert.x EB Stub] Enabled: connecting '" + url + "'"));
this.instance = new this.EventBus(url, undefined, this.options.sockjsOptions);
this.instance.onopen = (function() {
if ($__1.options.debugEnabled) {
$__1.$log.debug("[Vert.x EB Stub] Connected");
if (angular.isFunction($__1.onopen)) {
this.instance.onclose = (function() {
if ($__1.options.debugEnabled) {
$__1.$log.debug(("[Vert.x EB Stub] Reconnect in " + $__1.options.sockjsReconnectInterval + "ms"));
if (angular.isFunction($__1.onclose)) {
$__1.instance = undefined;
if ($__1.options.reconnectEnabled) {
$__1.$timeout(((function() {
return $__1.connect();
})), $__1.options.sockjsReconnectInterval);
reconnect: function() {
if (this.instance) {
return this.instance.close();
close: function() {
if (this.instance) {
return this.instance.close();
login: function(username, password, replyHandler) {
if (this.instance) {
return this.instance.login(username, password, replyHandler);
send: function(address, message, replyHandler) {
if (this.instance) {
return this.instance.send(address, message, replyHandler);
publish: function(address, message) {
if (this.instance) {
return this.instance.publish(address, message);
registerHandler: function(address, handler) {
var $__1 = this;
if (this.instance) {
this.instance.registerHandler(address, handler);
var deconstructor = (function() {
$__1.unregisterHandler(address, handler);
deconstructor.displayName = (CONSTANTS.MODULE + "/" + CONSTANTS.COMPONENT + ": EventBusStub.registerHandler (deconstructor)");
return deconstructor;
unregisterHandler: function(address, handler) {
if (this.instance) {
return this.instance.unregisterHandler(address, handler);
readyState: function() {
if (this.instance) {
return this.instance.readyState();
} else {
return this.EventBus.CLOSED;
getOptions: function() {
return angular.extend({}, this.options);
}, {}, EventbusWrapper);
var SentinelEventbusWrapper = function SentinelEventbusWrapper() {
$traceurRuntime.superConstructor($SentinelEventbusWrapper).apply(this, arguments);
var $SentinelEventbusWrapper = SentinelEventbusWrapper;
($traceurRuntime.createClass)(SentinelEventbusWrapper, {}, {}, EventbusWrapper);
return {};
//# sourceURL=src/vertxbus-wrapper.js
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