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Last active September 10, 2022 18:46
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qutebrowser in daemon mode + extras
'recycle': 'quit --save _recycle',
'restart': 'quit --save _restart',
'shutdown': 'quit --save _shutdown',
#!/bin/bash -eu
set -o pipefail
case "${1:-}" in
while true; do
if [ "${1:-}" == '--restore' ]; then
mkdir "${DAEMON}"
BASE="${DAEMON}" "${0}" --no-daemon --nowindow "${@:-}"
BASE="${BASE:-$(mktemp -d -p '' qute-nodaemon-XXXXX)}"
while true; do
if ! [ -d "${BASE}"/config ]; then
cp -a "${HOME}/.config/qutebrowser-${USER}" "${BASE}/config"
if ! [ -d "${BASE}"/data ]; then
cp -a "${HOME}/.local/share/qutebrowser-${USER}" "${BASE}/data"
if [ "${SAVED:-}" ]; then
cat <&${SAVED} > "${SESSION}"/_autosave.yml
exec {SAVED}<&- && unset SAVED
if ! python3 -m qutebrowser -B "${BASE}" "${@}"; then
case "${BASE}" in
mv "${BASE}" "$(mktemp --dry-run --tmpdir='' qute-crash-XXXXX)"
mkdir "${BASE}"
continue ;;
exit 1 ;;
if [ -e "${SESSION}"/_recycle.yml ]; then
exec {SAVED}< "${SESSION}"/_recycle.yml
rm -rf "${SESSION}"/_recycle.yml
if [ -e "${SESSION}"/_restart.yml ]; then
exec {SAVED}< "${SESSION}"/_restart.yml
rm -rf "${BASE}"/*
if [ -e "${SESSION}"/_shutdown.yml ]; then
rm -rf "${BASE}"
exit 1
rm -rf "${BASE}"
exit 0
until IPC=$(ls "${DAEMON}"/runtime/ipc-*); do
sleep 0.1 && [ -d "${DAEMON}" ]
done 2> /dev/null
ARGS=$(printf %s\\n "${@:-about:blank}")
jq -c . <<-EOT | socat - "${IPC}"
"args": $(jq -R . <<< "${ARGS}" | jq -s .),
"cwd": "${PWD}",
"protocol_version": 1,
"target_arg": "window"
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tbsmn commented May 9, 2022

Thank you!

If I run ./qutebrowser --daemon I get this error
mkdir: /Users/*****/qutebrowser: File exists

If I delete the ~/qutebrowser I get this error

./qutebrowser --daemon 
./qutebrowser: line 20: @: unbound variable

I now mamaged to run qutebrowser als "kind of" daemon over systemd. But your script seems to be more advanced than simply restarting qutebrowser --nowindow everytime it quits.

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I updated the script to:

  • remove some stuff not needed for general use
  • changed "${@}" to "${@:-}" in line 20

The error you get is probably because MacOS's /bin/bash is pretty old and behaves differently.

I suggest that you either install a new/latest version of bash via homebrew,
or, try this script again, but it may still not work because it hasn't been tested or used with an old bash version.

For reference, my bash version is 5.1.16. I guess anything > 5.0.0 should work.

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I now mamaged to run qutebrowser als "kind of" daemon over systemd. But your script seems to be more advanced than simply restarting qutebrowser --nowindow everytime it quits.

One of the nice things this script does, in addition to the systemd solution you mention, is that it supports the restart/recycle/shutdown commands. See the aliases at the top.

  • shutdown is pretty much self-explanatory
  • restart, restarts without keeping any not-yet-persisted user data (cookies, etc. See below)
  • recycle, restarts but keeps non-yet-persisted user data

The other is that, it always starts qutebrowser from a clean state. No cookies, web page data or caches are persisted. I have some user scripts for persisting such data on-demand, on a page by page basis (I could share them if you are interested). This way, I can keep cookies etc., only for few, select, pages where I want to stay logged in. Cookies and other data from any other page gets deleted when the last qutebrowser window closes.

All this works nicely for me, but it is something you may not want or need.

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tbsmn commented May 12, 2022

Thank your for the elaboration. I tried the updates put I still get some errors.
But as I read your explanations about the script I guess I am fine running the systemd solution.

Anyway thank you very much for your Help!

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