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Last active February 24, 2023 08:49
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gitlab-gh: query all "awesome lists
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# using gh the commandline tool for github
# to filter for all repos with topic awesome-list
# and then get the json from gitlab
# needs gh, perl and jq installed
# knb 2023
DATE=$( date +%Y-%m-%d--%H-%M )
# fieldlist is a comma separated list of fields
# gotten from gitlab and to be re-sent to gitlab API
# createdAt,defaultBranch,description,forksCount,fullName,hasDownloads,hasIssues,hasPages,hasProjects,hasWiki,homepage,id,isArchived,isDisabled,isFork,isPrivate,language,license,name,openIssuesCount,owner,pushedAt,size,stargazersCount,updatedAt,url,visibility,watchersCount
#get fieldlist from gitlab, save to file
gh search repos --topic awesome awesome-list --json 2>&1 | grep -v Specify > fields.txt
# format fieldlist for gh
< fields.txt perl -lnE 'say qq($_,)' | xargs | perl -plE "s/ //g; s/,\$//;" > fields-oneliner.txt
fieldlist=$( cat fields-oneliner.txt )
# get formatted json with list of from gitlab
gh search repos \
--topic awesome awesome-list \
--json $fieldlist \
> $OUTFILE.json
< $OUTFILE.json jq ".[0]"
echo "< $OUTFILE.json jq \".[0]\""
echo "output in $OUTFILE.json"
rm -i fields.txt fields-oneliner.txt
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