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Created December 9, 2018 17:23
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Create pretty network-diagram of tweets with visjs, after custom filtering. (WORK IN PROGRESS)
# create pretty network-diagram of tweets,
# captured with Gephi's Twitter plugin,
# exported as JSON
# with more sophisticated filtering
# knbknb 20181209
workdir <- "/home/knut/gephi/"
# infile created with "Export as ..." Feature of Gephi Desktop App
infile <- "twitter-neurips2018--tweetnetwork.gephi.json"
outfile <- paste0(workdir, infile, ".html")
gephi_json_str <- readr::read_file(file.path(workdir, infile))
# convert stringified JSON to R data structure
# (list of (sublists, data frames, empty data frames))
gephi_json <- jsonlite::fromJSON(txt = gephi_json_str)
# gephi_json is a JSON object with 2 keys:
# {"nodes": [], "edges": []}
# both are data frames with sublists
# str(gephi_json, max.level = 2) # long output
map_dbl(gephi_json, nrow) # number of elements
map_dbl(gephi_json, length) # number of attributes
nodes <- gephi_json$nodes %>%
nest(attributes) %>%
filter(str_detect(label, "@")) %>%
select(id, label, size)
edges <- gephi_json$edges %>%
rename("from" = source, "to"=target) %>%
select(-attributes, -color)
# edges2 <- edges %>% semi_join(nodes, by=c("to"="id") )
#g <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(d= edges2, directed = TRUE,
# vertices = nodes)
# enable_phys = FALSE:
# - much shorter rendering times even for larger graphs
# - layout is ugly
# enable_phys = TRUE:
# - startup + rendering time can be several minutes
# - layout is better (repulsion between nodes)
enable_phys <- TRUE
nw <- visNetwork::visNetwork(nodes = nodes, edges = edges,
width = 2000, height = 2000
) %>%
#visEdges(smooth = list(type="discrete", forceDirection="vertical")) %>%
#visOptions(manipulation = FALSE) %>%
visPhysics(enabled = enable_phys)
visNetwork::visSave(nw, outfile)
# open a web browser
browseURL(url = outfile, browser = "google-chrome")
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