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A qmd quarto frontmatter and template document, simple
title: Title
subtitle: Subtitle
author: # originally: Erik Erhardt
date: last-modified # today, now, last-modified
date-format: long # full, long, medium, short, iso,
theme: litera
highlight-style: atom-one
page-layout: full # article, full #
toc: true
toc-depth: 4
toc-location: body # left, body, right
number-sections: true # true, false
number-depth: 3
code-fold: show # true (initially hidden), false, show (initially shown)
code-tools: # menu top-right to show/hide all code
toggle: true
caption: "Code" # none
source: false
code-overflow: scroll # scroll, wrap
code-block-bg: true
code-block-border-left: "#30B0E0"
df-print: paged # default, kable, tibble, paged #
fig-width: 6
fig-height: 4
execute: #,
cache: false # false, true
eval: true # true, false Evaluate the code chunk (if false, just echos the code into the output).
echo: true # true, false Include the source code in output
# Erik's compile commands in R:
fn_qmd <- "erik_qmd_template_simple.qmd"
quarto::quarto_render(input = fn_qmd)
```{r chunk-01, echo=FALSE}
options(width = 80)
#options(warn = -1)
options(str = strOptions(list.len = 1e3))
options(knitr.kable.NA = '') # Display NAs as blanks
my_seed <- 34567
# Section
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