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Created May 30, 2011 07:14
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Example file for my History API experiment
# JSONP callback for tweets fetched later than current (max_id)
window.twitterTimelineLaterCallback = (data) ->, false)
# JSONP callback for tweets fetched earlier than current (since_id)
window.twitterTimelineEarlierCallback = (data) ->, true)
class window.TwitterTimeline
# Distance from the bottom that we ask for more tweets, distance from the
# top that we preload if getting an existing permalink.
infiniteScrollThreshold: 375
# How many pixels do we have to scroll before we permalink the page?
permalinkScrollThreshold: 100
# Are there tweets earlier than the ones we've shown?
earlierTweetsPossible: false
# Are there tweets later than the ones we've shown?
laterTweetsPossible: true
# Figures out what kind of request to make (is there a max_id present?),
# makes the request to the API, and activates the scroll event handlers
# that make infinite scrolling possible.
# wrapperElement - The HTML element to insert the tweets into. It should
# have a data-url attribute pointing to the desired API
# endpoint.
# Returns nothing.
constructor: (wrapperElement) ->
@elements =
wrapper: wrapperElement
firstTweet: wrapperElement.find('.tweet:first-child')
lastTweet: wrapperElement.find('.tweet:last-child')
@template = Handlebars.compile $('#tweet-template').html()
@shouldCheckScroll = false
@lastPermalinkPosition = $(document).scrollTop()
$(window).scroll =>
@shouldCheckScroll = true
every 250, =>
# Should we scroll down once the tweets are loaded? We should if we're
# getting something other than the latest.
@shouldScrollDown = false
params = getUrlVars()
url = @elements.wrapper.attr('data-url') + "&callback=?"
if (params.max_id)
url += "&max_id=" + params.max_id
@shouldScrollDown = true
@earlierTweetsPossible = true
$.getJSON(url, twitterTimelineLaterCallback)
# Got some data back from the server, time to parse it!
# tweets - Array of Tweet Objects returned from the Twitter API.
# prepend - Boolean indicating whether we should prepend the tweets to the
# timeline
# Returns nothing.
receivedData: (tweets, prepend=false) ->
# Since we're prepending data, we need to build from the bottom up
tweets = tweets.reverse() if prepend
rendered = for tweet in tweets
created_at = new Date(tweet.created_at)
context =
id: tweet.id_str
handle: tweet.user.screen_name
avatar: tweet.user.profile_image_url.replace('_normal', '_reasonably_small')
body: twttr.txt.autoLink(tweet.text)
timestamp: $.timeago created_at
author_url: "" + tweet.user.screen_name
permalink: "" + tweet.user.screen_name + "/status/" + tweet.id_str
if prepend
@elements.wrapper.prepend @template(context)
@elements.wrapper.append @template(context)
# Preserve the scroll position if we're adding stuff above
if prepend
@earlierTweetsPossible = tweets.length > 0
scrollOffset = $(window).scrollTop() + @elements.firstTweet.offset().top
scrollOffset -= @elements.wrapper.find('.tweet:first-child').offset().top
@elements.lastTweet = @elements.wrapper.find('.tweet:last-child')
@elements.firstTweet = @elements.wrapper.find('.tweet:first-child')
if @shouldScrollDown
$(window).scrollTop($(window).height() - @infiniteScrollThreshold)
@shouldScrollDown = false
# So we've scrolled down the page, do we need to load more tweets? This
# analyzes what tweets are visible and figures out if we need to load more
# tweets (either earlier ones or later ones).
# Returns nothing.
didScroll: ->
return if !@shouldCheckScroll
@shouldCheckScroll = false
# Get more tweets for infinite scroll
visibleBottom = $(document).scrollTop() + $(window).height()
topOfFirstTweet = @elements.firstTweet.offset().top
bottomOfLastTweet = @elements.lastTweet.outerHeight() + @elements.lastTweet.offset().top
url = @elements.wrapper.attr('data-url')
# Get more tweets for infinite scroll downwards?
if @laterTweetsPossible && ((bottomOfLastTweet - visibleBottom) < @infiniteScrollThreshold)
url += "&callback=?&max_id=" + @elements.lastTweet.attr('data-id')
$.getJSON(url, twitterTimelineLaterCallback)
# Get more tweets for infinite scroll upwards?
if (@earlierTweetsPossible && (topOfFirstTweet >= $(document).scrollTop()))
url += "&callback=?&since_id=" + @elements.firstTweet.attr('data-id')
$.getJSON(url, twitterTimelineEarlierCallback)
# Permalink?
scrolledDownEnough = $(document).scrollTop() > (@lastPermalinkPosition + @permalinkScrollThreshold)
scrolledUpEnough = $(document).scrollTop() < (@lastPermalinkPosition - @permalinkScrollThreshold)
if (scrolledDownEnough || scrolledUpEnough)
@lastPermalinkPosition = $(document).scrollTop()
for tweet in @elements.wrapper.find('.tweet')
tweet = $(tweet)
if tweet.offset().top >= (@lastPermalinkPosition - @infiniteScrollThreshold)
if':first-child') && !@earlierTweetsPossible
# Permalink the page.
# tweet - A <div.tweet> jQuery collection to permalink to. If false, the
# permalink is cleared.
# Returns nothing.
permalink: (tweet) ->
# Only give the good stuff to newer folks
return if !window.history || !window.history.pushState
# This is totally cheating and specific to my use, you'd probably have to
# be smarter in the real world.
url = window.location.pathname
url += "?max_id=" + tweet.attr('data-id') if tweet
window.history.replaceState({}, document.title, url)
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