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Last active August 27, 2021 03:58
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* @author knee-cola /
* Original file URL:
* This is a spinner/loader built for Three.js platform.
* It can be used to notify user that some resources are being loaded.
* I made it to replace pure CSS spinner, which was displayed in the
* overlay above the 3D animation, since it was slowing down WebGL
* How to use:
* // creating a new spinner
* var spinLoader = new THREE.BallSpinLoader({ groupRadius:20 });
* // add spinner to the scene
* spinLoader.addToScene(scene);
* // add it to the render funcion
* function render() {
* requestAnimationFrame( render );
* // make it spin
* spinLoader.animate();
* renderer.render( scene, camera );
* }
THREE.BallSpinerLoader = function(config) {
config = config || {};
this.groupRadius = config.groupRadius || 20;
this.circleCount = config.circleCount || 8;
this.circleRadius = config.circleRadius || 5;
this.groupAngle = 0;
// circles depending on their opacity will
// have higer or lower opacity
// [depth] defines the amplitude
this.animationDepth = config.animationDepth || 80;
this.circles = [];
this.mesh = this.initGroup();
THREE.BallSpinerLoader.prototype = {
makeCircle: function(config) {
config = config || {};
var circleRadius = config.radius || 5,
circleSegments = config.segments || 16, //<-- Increase or decrease for more resolution I guess
circleGeometry = new THREE.CircleGeometry( circleRadius, circleSegments ),
circleMaterial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: 0xffffff, transparent:true, opacity: config.opacity, side: THREE.DoubleSide });
mesh: new THREE.Mesh(circleGeometry, circleMaterial),
opacityStep: config.opacityStep || 0.01
addToScene:function(scene) {
initGroup: function() {
var mesh = new THREE.Object3D(),
// the opacity will be distributed symetrically
// with maximum on one side of the circle group
// and minimum at the opposite side
currOpacity = 0,
opacityStep = 1 / (this.circleCount/2+1),
// opacity will be animated - here we define how fast
animationStep = 0.02,
// circles are distributed evenly around the group edge
currAngle = 0,
angleStep = 2*Math.PI / this.circleCount;
for(var i=0;i<this.circleCount;i++) {
if(currOpacity>1) {
// IF the max opacity has been reached
// > go into oposit direction
currOpacity = 1-opacityStep;
opacityStep = -opacityStep;
// reverse the opacity animation direction,
// so that the second halve of the circles
// is on the fade-out direction
// ... the net result that the opacity minimum/maximum
// will rotate around the group
animationStep = -animationStep;
var oneCircle = this.makeCircle({opacity:currOpacity, opacityStep: animationStep, radius: this.circleRadius});
// oneCircle.rotation.x = Math.PI / 4; // rotiram krug tako da bude položen na ravninu
var pos = this.polar2cartesian({ distance: this.groupRadius, radians: currAngle});
oneCircle.mesh.position.set(pos.x, pos.y, currOpacity*this.animationDepth);
polar2cartesian: function(polar) {
x: Math.round(polar.distance * Math.cos(polar.radians)*1000)/1000,
y: Math.round(polar.distance * Math.sin(polar.radians)*1000)/1000
animate: function() {
var circles = this.circles;
var zStep = 50 / (this.circleCount/2+1);
for(var i=0; i<circles.length; i++) {
var oneCircle = circles[i],
newOpacity = oneCircle.mesh.material.opacity + oneCircle.opacityStep,
newRadius = oneCircle.mesh.geometry.radius;
if(newOpacity>1) {
newOpacity = 1-oneCircle.opacityStep;
} else if(newOpacity<0) {
newOpacity = oneCircle.opacityStep;
oneCircle.mesh.material.opacity = newOpacity;
oneCircle.mesh.position.z = newOpacity*this.animationDepth;
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