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Last active July 2, 2022 15:49
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x86 Assembly FizzBuzz
section .text
global _start
_start: ; entry point
mov ecx, 1 ; set loop counter
push ecx ; save loop counter
xor dx, dx ; reset dx
mov ax, cx
mov bx, 15
div bx
cmp dx, 0
jz div_by_3_5 ; if divisible by 3 and 5
xor dx, dx ; reset dx
mov ax, cx
mov bx, 3
div bx
cmp dx, 0
jz div_by_3 ; if divisible by 3
xor dx, dx ; reset dx
mov ax, cx
mov bx, 5
div bx
cmp dx, 0
jz div_by_5 ; if divisible by 5
; print number
mov eax, ecx ; set print_num arg
call print_num
jmp cont
div_by_3_5: ; print fizz buzz
mov eax, 4 ; syscall number
mov ebx, 1 ; stdout
mov ecx, fizzbuzz ; ptr to buffer
mov edx, 11 ; buffer size
int 0x80
jmp cont
div_by_3: ; print fizz
mov eax, 4 ; syscall number
mov ebx, 1 ; stdout
mov ecx, fizz ; ptr to buffer
mov edx, 6 ; buffer size
int 0x80
jmp cont
div_by_5: ; print buzz
mov eax, 4 ; syscall number
mov ebx, 1 ; stdout
mov ecx, buzz ; ptr to buffer
mov edx, 6 ; buffer size
int 0x80
jmp cont
pop ecx ; restore loop counter
cmp ecx, 100
jz exit ; end of loop
inc ecx ; increment loop counter
jmp loop_main
mov eax, 1
mov ebx, 0 ; exit(0)
int 0x80
print_num: ; arg eax
push esi ; put counter on stack
mov esi, 0 ; set counter to 0
loop_div: ; keep dividing until eax is 0
mov edx, 0
mov ebx, 10
div ebx ; divide eax by 10, mod in edx
add edx, 48 ; ascii char offset
push edx ; put char on stack
inc esi ; increment counter
cmp eax, 0
je print_stack ; eax is 0, break
jmp loop_div
print_stack: ; print chars on stack
cmp esi, 0
je done ; nothing left to print
dec esi ; decrement counter
mov eax, 4 ; syscall number
mov ebx, 1 ; stdout
mov edx, 1 ; length
mov ecx, esp ; syswrite arg is top of stack
int 0x80
add esp, 4 ; update stack ptr
jmp print_stack
; print new line
mov eax, 4 ; syscall number
mov ebx, 1 ; stdout
mov ecx, nl ; ptr to buffer
mov edx, 1 ; buffer size
int 0x80
pop esi ; restore counter
section .data
fizz dw "Fizz", 0Ah, 0Dh
buzz dw "Buzz", 0Ah, 0Dh
fizzbuzz dw "Fizz Buzz", 0Ah, 0Dh
nl dw 0Ah, 0Dh ; new line
section .bss
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