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Created August 9, 2016 21:11
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Introduction to elm-mdl - 2
{- This file re-implements the Elm Counter example (1 counter) with elm-mdl
buttons. Use this as a starting point for using elm-mdl components in your own
module Main exposing (..)
import Html.App as App
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (href, class, style)
import Material
import Material.Scheme
import Material.Button as Button
import Material.Options exposing (css)
-- You have to add a field to your model where you track the `Material.Model`.
-- This is referred to as the "model container"
type alias Model =
{ count : Int
, mdl :
-- Boilerplate: model store for any and all Mdl components you use.
-- `Material.model` provides the initial model
model : Model
model =
{ count = 0
, mdl =
-- Boilerplate: Always use this initial Mdl model store.
-- You need to tag `Msg` that are coming from `Mdl` so you can dispatch them
-- appropriately.
type Msg
= Increase
| Reset
| Mdl (Material.Msg Msg)
-- Boilerplate: Msg clause for internal Mdl messages.
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
Increase ->
( { model | count = model.count + 1 }
, Cmd.none
Reset ->
( { model | count = 0 }
, Cmd.none
-- When the `Mdl` messages come through, update appropriately.
Mdl msg' ->
Material.update msg' model
type alias Mdl =
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
[ style [ ( "padding", "2rem" ) ] ]
[ text ("Current count: " ++ toString model.count)
{- We construct the instances of the Button component that we need, one
for the increase button, one for the reset button. First, the increase
button. The first three arguments are:
- A Msg constructor (`Mdl`), lifting Mdl messages to the Msg type.
- An instance id (the `[0]`). Every component that uses the same model
collection (model.mdl in this file) must have a distinct instance id.
- A reference to the elm-mdl model collection (`model.mdl`).
Notice that we do not have to add fields for the increase and reset buttons
separately to our model; and we did not have to add to our update messages
to handle their internal events.
Mdl components are configured with `Options`, similar to `Html.Attributes`.
The `Button.onClick Increase` option instructs the button to send the `Increase`
message when clicked. The `css ...` option adds CSS styling to the button.
See `Material.Options` for details on options.
, Button.render Mdl
[ 0 ]
[ Button.onClick Increase
, css "margin" "0 24px"
[ text "Increase" ]
, Button.render Mdl
[ 1 ]
[ Button.onClick Reset ]
[ text "Reset" ]
-- Load Google Mdl CSS. You'll likely want to do that not in code as we
-- do here, but rather in your master .html file. See the documentation
-- for the `Material` module for details.
main : Program Never
main =
{ init = ( model, Cmd.none )
, view = view
-- Here we've added no subscriptions, but we'll need to use the `Mdl` subscriptions for some components later.
, subscriptions = always Sub.none
, update = update
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