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Created January 31, 2016 18:25
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NetCat PTZ Data Wireshark Data
// The words SEND and RECEIVE were added by me to keep track of the direction
// SEND -> data sent to the Netcat camera
// RECEIVE -> data recevied from the Netcat camera
SEND: 9Xd'hxE-v@S"[%Pd{ "EncryptType" : "MD5", "LoginType" : "DVRIP-Web", "PassWord" : "ORsEWe7l", "UserName" : "admin" }
RECEIVE: 'hx9XdEg@@S"[&#PO{ "AliveInterval" : 21, "ChannelNum" : 1, "DeviceType " : "IPC", "ExtraChannel" : 0, "Ret" : 100, "SessionID" : "0x00000018" }
SEND: 9Xd'hxEr-w@S"[&#P6{ "Name" : "SystemInfo", "SessionID" : "0x00000018" }
RECEIVE: 'hx9XdEi@@S"[&mPI{ "Name" : "SystemInfo", "Ret" : 100, "SessionID" : "0x18", "SystemInfo" : { "AlarmInChannel" : 2, "AlarmOutChannel" : 1, "AudioInChannel" : 1, "BuildTime" : "2015-09-11 17:25:08", "CombineSwitch" : 0, "DeviceRunTime" : "0x00000A94", "DigChannel" : 0, "EncryptVersion" : "Unknown", "ExtraChannel" : 0, "HardWare" : "N51820L", "HardWareVersion" : "Unknown", "SerialNo" : "d4f6eef9ffc895b7", "SoftWareVersion" : "V4.02.R11.00001906.10010.230100", "TalkInChannel" : 1, "TalkOutChannel" : 1, "UpdataTime" : "", "UpdataType" : "0x00000000", "VideoInChannel" : 1, "VideoOutChannel" : 1 } }
SEND: 9Xd'hxE-|@S! ePd{ "EncryptType" : "MD5", "LoginType" : "DVRIP-Web", "PassWord" : "ORsEWe7l", "UserName" : "admin" }
RECEIVE: 'hx9XdEVe@@_S e"PTY{ "AliveInterval" : 21, "ChannelNum" : 1, "DeviceType " : "IPC", "ExtraChannel" : 0, "Ret" : 100, "SessionID" : "0x00000019" }
SEND: 9Xd'hxEr-}@S" P6{ "Name" : "SystemInfo", "SessionID" : "0x00000019" }
RECEIVE: 'hx9XdEVf@@]S "XP_I{ "Name" : "SystemInfo", "Ret" : 100, "SessionID" : "0x19", "SystemInfo" : { "AlarmInChannel" : 2, "AlarmOutChannel" : 1, "AudioInChannel" : 1, "BuildTime" : "2015-09-11 17:25:08", "CombineSwitch" : 0, "DeviceRunTime" : "0x00000A94", "DigChannel" : 0, "EncryptVersion" : "Unknown", "ExtraChannel" : 0, "HardWare" : "N51820L", "HardWareVersion" : "Unknown", "SerialNo" : "d4f6eef9ffc895b7", "SoftWareVersion" : "V4.02.R11.00001906.10010.230100", "TalkInChannel" : 1, "TalkOutChannel" : 1, "UpdataTime" : "", "UpdataType" : "0x00000000", "VideoInChannel" : 1, "VideoOutChannel" : 1 } }
SEND: 9Xd'hxEh-~@S"X VP,{ "Name" : "", "SessionID" : "0x00000019" }
RECEIVE: 'hx9XdEvVg@@_S V"PY:{ "Name" : "", "Ret" : 100, "SessionID" : "0x00000019" }
SEND: 9Xd'hxEt-@S" P`8{ "Name" : "ChannelTitle", "SessionID" : "0x00000019" }
RECEIVE: 'hx9XdEVh@@_S "P?d{ "ChannelTitle" : [ "CAM01" ], "Name" : "ChannelTitle", "Ret" : 100, "SessionID" : "0x00000019" }
SEND: 9Xd'hxEw-@S" P$P;{ "Name" : "TalkAudioFormat", "SessionID" : "0x00000019" }
RECEIVE: 'hx9XdEVi@@ZmS #3PyQ{ "Name" : "TalkAudioFormat", "Ret" : 100, "SessionID" : "0x00000019", "TalkAudioFormat" : [ { "BitRate" : 128, "EncodeType" : "G711_ALAW", "SampleBit" : 8, "SampleRate" : 44100 }, { "BitRate" : 128, "EncodeType" : "G711_ALAW", "SampleBit" : 8, "SampleRate" : 44100 }, { "BitRate" : 128, "EncodeType" : "G711_ALAW", "SampleBit" : 8, "SampleRate" : 44100 }, { "BitRate" : 128, "EncodeType" : "G711_ALAW", "SampleBit" : 8, "SampleRate" : 44100 }, { "BitRate" : 128, "EncodeType" : "G711_ALAW", "SampleBit" : 8, "SampleRate" : 44100 }, { "BitRate" : 128, "EncodeType" : "G711_ALAW", "SampleBit" : 8, "SampleRate" : 44100 }, { "BitRate" : 128, "EncodeType" : "G711_ALAW", "SampleBit" : 8, "SampleRate" : 44100 }, { "BitRate" : 128, "EncodeType" : "G711_ALAW", "SampleBit" : 8, "SampleRate" : 44100 }, { "BitRate" : 128, "EncodeType" : "G711_ALAW", "SampleBit" : 8, "SampleRate" : 44100 }, { "BitRate" : 128, "EncodeType" : "G711_ALAW", "SampleBit" : 8, "SampleRate" : 44100 }, { "BitRate" : 128, "EncodeType" : "G711_ALAW", "SampleBit" : 8, "SampleRate" : 44100 }, { "BitRate" : 128, "EncodeType" : "G711_ALAW", "SampleBit" : 8, "SampleRate" : 44100 }, { "BitRate" : 128, "EncodeType" : "G711_ALAW", "SampleBit" : 8, "SampleRate" : 44100 }, { "BitRate" : 128, "EncodeType" : "G711_ALAW", "SampleBit" : 8, "SampleRate" : 44100 }, { "BitRate" : 128, "EncodeType" : "G711_ALAW", "SampleBit" : 8, "SampleRate" : 44100 }, { "BitRate" : 128, "EncodeT
RECEIVE: 'hx9XdEiVj@@_S #3Pype" : "G711_ALAW", "SampleBit" : 8, "SampleRate" : 44100 } ] }
SEND: 9Xd'hxEv-@S#3 PP:{ "Name" : "SystemFunction", "SessionID" : "0x00000019" }
RECEIVE: 'hx9XdEVk@@ZkS #PQ{ "Name" : "SystemFunction", "Ret" : 100, "SessionID" : "0x00000019", "SystemFunction" : { "AlarmFunction" : { "AlarmConfig" : true, "BlindDetect" : true, "IPCAlarm" : false, "LossDetect" : true, "MotionDetect" : true, "NetAbort" : true, "NetAbortExtend" : true, "NetAlarm" : true, "NetIpConflict" : true, "StorageFailure" : true, "StorageLowSpace" : true, "StorageNotExist" : true, "VideoAnalyze" : false }, "CommFunction" : { "CommRS232" : true, "CommRS485" : true }, "EncodeFunction" : { "CombineStream" : false, "DoubleStream" : true, "IFrameRange" : false, "LowBitRate" : true, "SnapStream" : true, "WaterMark" : false }, "InputMethod" : { "NoSupportChinese" : false }, "MobileDVR" : { "CarPlateSet" : false, "DVRBootType" : false, "DelaySet" : false, "GpsTiming" : false, "StatusExchange" : false }, "NetServerFunction" : { "MACProtocol" : false, "MonitorPlatform" : false, "NATProtocol" : false, "Net3G" : true, "NetARSP" : true, "NetAlarmCenter" : true, "NetAnJuP2P" : false, "NetBaiduCloud" : false, "NetBjlThy" : false, "NetDAS" : true, "NetDDNS" : true, "NetDHCP" : true, "NetDNS" : true, "NetDataLink" : false, "NetEmail" : true, "NetFTP" : true, "NetGodEyeAlarm" : false, "NetIPFilter" : true, "NetKaiCong" : false, "NetKeyboard" : false, "NetLocalSdkPlatform" : false, "NetMobile" : false, "NetMobileWatch" : false, "NetMutliCast" : false, "NetNTP" : true, "NetNat" : true, "NetOpenVPN" : false, "NetPMS" : false, "NetPPPoE" :
RECEIVE: 'hx9XdEVl@@ZjS #P true, "NetPhoneMultimediaMsg" : false, "NetPhoneShortMsg" : false, "NetPlatMega" : false, "NetPlatShiSou" : false, "NetPlatVVEye" : false, "NetPlatXingWang" : false, "NetRTSP" : true, "NetSPVMN" : false, "NetTUTKIOTC" : false, "NetUPNP" : true, "NetVPN" : false, "NetWifi" : true, "NetWifiMode" : false, "PlatFormGBeyes" : false, "XMHeartBeat" : false }, "OtherFunction" : { "AlterDigitalName" : true, "DownLoadPause" : true, "HddLowSpaceUseMB" : false, "HideDigital" : false, "MusicFilePlay" : false, "NOHDDRECORD" : false, "NotSupportAH" : true, "NotSupportAV" : true, "NotSupportTalk" : false, "SDsupportRecord" : false, "ShowAlarmLevelRegion" : true, "ShowFalseCheckTime" : false, "SupportAbnormitySendMail" : true, "SupportBT" : true, "SupportC7Platform" : false, "SupportCamareStyle" : true, "SupportCameraMotorCtrl" : false, "SupportCloudUpgrade" : true, "SupportCommDataUpload" : false, "SupportCustomOemInfo" : false, "SupportDigitalEncode" : false, "SupportDigitalPre" : false, "SupportDimenCode" : true, "SupportEncodeAddBeep" : false, "SupportFTPTest" : false, "SupportFishEye" : false, "SupportImpRecord" : false, "SupportMailTest" : true, "SupportMaxPlayback" : false, "SupportModifyFrontcfg" : false, "SupportNVR" : false, "SupportNetLocalSearch" : false, "SupportOSDInfo" : false, "SupportOnvifClient" : false, "SupportPOS" : false, "SupportPlayBackExactSeek" : true, "SupportPtzIdleState" : false, "SupportResumePtzState" : true, "SupportSPVM
RECEIVE: 'hx9XdE^Vm@@]S y#PbNNasServer" : false, "SupportSetDigIP" : false, "SupportShowConnectStatus" : false, "SupportShowProductType" : false, "SupportSmallChnTitleFont" : false, "SupportSnapCfg" : false, "SupportTextPassword" : true, "SupportTimeZone" : true, "SupportUserProgram" : false, "SupportWriteLog" : true, "Supportonviftitle" : true, "SuppportChangeOnvifPort" : true, "TitleAndStateUpload" : true, "USBsupportRecord" : false }, "PreviewFunction" : { "GUISet" : true, "Tour" : false }, "TipShow" : { "NoBeepTipShow" : false, "NoEmailTipShow" : false, "NoFTPTipShow" : false } } }
SEND: 9Xd'hxE-@S# P\{ "Name" : "OPTimeSetting", "OPTimeSetting" : "2016-01-31 09:47:02", "SessionID" : "0x19" }
SEND: 9Xd'hxEq-@S# P5{ "Name" : "KeepAlive", "SessionID" : "0x00000019" }
RECEIVE: 'hx9XdEvVp@@_S $:Pq:{ "Name" : "", "Ret" : 100, "SessionID" : "0x00000019" }
RECEIVE: 'hx9XdEVq@@_S $:PeC{ "Name" : "KeepAlive", "Ret" : 100, "SessionID" : "0x00000019" }
SEND: 9Xd'hxE-@SH'L<P-{ "Name" : "OPMonitor", "OPMonitor" : { "Action" : "Claim", "Parameter" : { "Channel" : 0, "CombinMode" : "NONE", "StreamType" : "Main", "TransMode" : "TCP" } }, "SessionID" : "0x19" }
RECEIVE: 'hx9XdE@@S'L<HPC{ "Name" : "OPMonitor", "Ret" : 100, "SessionID" : "0x00000019" }
SEND: 9Xd'hxE-@S$: TP-{ "Name" : "OPMonitor", "OPMonitor" : { "Action" : "Start", "Parameter" : { "Channel" : 0, "CombinMode" : "NONE", "StreamType" : "Main", "TransMode" : "TCP" } }, "SessionID" : "0x19" }
RECEIVE: 'hx9XdEVr@@_S T%PC{ "Name" : "OPMonitor", "Ret" : 100, "SessionID" : "0x00000019" }
SEND: 9Xd'hxE.@S% PxI{ "Name" : "OPPTZControl", "OPPTZControl" : { "Command" : "DirectionRight", "Parameter" : { "AUX" : { "Number" : 0, "Status" : "On" }, "Channel" : 0, "MenuOpts" : "Enter", "POINT" : { "bottom" : 0, "left" : 0, "right" : 0, "top" : 0 }, "Pattern" : "SetBegin", "Preset" : 65535, "Step" : 5, "Tour" : 0 } }, "SessionID" : "0x19" }
RECEIVE: 'hx9XdEvVt@@_S &dPy:{ "Name" : "", "Ret" : 100, "SessionID" : "0x00000019" }
SEND: 9Xd'hxE.@S&d P[xF{ "Name" : "OPPTZControl", "OPPTZControl" : { "Command" : "DirectionRight", "Parameter" : { "AUX" : { "Number" : 0, "Status" : "On" }, "Channel" : 0, "MenuOpts" : "Enter", "POINT" : { "bottom" : 0, "left" : 0, "right" : 0, "top" : 0 }, "Pattern" : "SetBegin", "Preset" : -1, "Step" : 5, "Tour" : 0 } }, "SessionID" : "0x19" }
RECEIVE: 'hx9XdEvVv@@_S 'Py:{ "Name" : "", "Ret" : 100, "SessionID" : "0x00000019" }
SEND: 9Xd'hxE.K@S' GP4xI{ "Name" : "OPPTZControl", "OPPTZControl" : { "Command" : "DirectionRight", "Parameter" : { "AUX" : { "Number" : 0, "Status" : "On" }, "Channel" : 0, "MenuOpts" : "Enter", "POINT" : { "bottom" : 0, "left" : 0, "right" : 0, "top" : 0 }, "Pattern" : "SetBegin", "Preset" : 65535, "Step" : 5, "Tour" : 0 } }, "SessionID" : "0x19" }
RECEIVE: 'hx9XdEvVx@@_S G)P8y:{ "Name" : "", "Ret" : 100, "SessionID" : "0x00000019" }
SEND: 9Xd'hxE.O@S) PxF{ "Name" : "OPPTZControl", "OPPTZControl" : { "Command" : "DirectionRight", "Parameter" : { "AUX" : { "Number" : 0, "Status" : "On" }, "Channel" : 0, "MenuOpts" : "Enter", "POINT" : { "bottom" : 0, "left" : 0, "right" : 0, "top" : 0 }, "Pattern" : "SetBegin", "Preset" : -1, "Step" : 5, "Tour" : 0 } }, "SessionID" : "0x19" }
RECEIVE: 'hx9XdEvVz@@_S *uPy:{ "Name" : "", "Ret" : 100, "SessionID" : "0x00000019" }
SEND: 9Xd'hxE.@S*u PxH{ "Name" : "OPPTZControl", "OPPTZControl" : { "Command" : "DirectionDown", "Parameter" : { "AUX" : { "Number" : 0, "Status" : "On" }, "Channel" : 0, "MenuOpts" : "Enter", "POINT" : { "bottom" : 0, "left" : 0, "right" : 0, "top" : 0 }, "Pattern" : "SetBegin", "Preset" : 65535, "Step" : 5, "Tour" : 0 } }, "SessionID" : "0x19" }
RECEIVE: 'hx9XdEvV|@@_S +Py:{ "Name" : "", "Ret" : 100, "SessionID" : "0x00000019" }
SEND: 9Xd'hxE.@S+ !1PxE{ "Name" : "OPPTZControl", "OPPTZControl" : { "Command" : "DirectionDown", "Parameter" : { "AUX" : { "Number" : 0, "Status" : "On" }, "Channel" : 0, "MenuOpts" : "Enter", "POINT" : { "bottom" : 0, "left" : 0, "right" : 0, "top" : 0 }, "Pattern" : "SetBegin", "Preset" : -1, "Step" : 5, "Tour" : 0 } }, "SessionID" : "0x19" }
RECEIVE: 'hx9XdEvV~@@_S !1-*P?y:{ "Name" : "", "Ret" : 100, "SessionID" : "0x00000019" }
SEND: 9Xd'hxE.@S-* !PxJ{ "Name" : "OPPTZControl", "OPPTZControl" : { "Command" : "DirectionLeftUp", "Parameter" : { "AUX" : { "Number" : 0, "Status" : "On" }, "Channel" : 0, "MenuOpts" : "Enter", "POINT" : { "bottom" : 0, "left" : 0, "right" : 0, "top" : 0 }, "Pattern" : "SetBegin", "Preset" : 65535, "Step" : 5, "Tour" : 0 } }, "SessionID" : "0x19" }
RECEIVE: 'hx9XdEvV@@_S !.Py:{ "Name" : "", "Ret" : 100, "SessionID" : "0x00000019" }
SEND: 9Xd'hxE.@S. !PqxG{ "Name" : "OPPTZControl", "OPPTZControl" : { "Command" : "DirectionLeftUp", "Parameter" : { "AUX" : { "Number" : 0, "Status" : "On" }, "Channel" : 0, "MenuOpts" : "Enter", "POINT" : { "bottom" : 0, "left" : 0, "right" : 0, "top" : 0 }, "Pattern" : "SetBegin", "Preset" : -1, "Step" : 5, "Tour" : 0 } }, "SessionID" : "0x19" }
RECEIVE: 'hx9XdEvV@@_S !/Py:{ "Name" : "", "Ret" : 100, "SessionID" : "0x00000019" }
SEND: 9Xd'hxE/@S/ "PJxJ{ "Name" : "OPPTZControl", "OPPTZControl" : { "Command" : "DirectionLeftUp", "Parameter" : { "AUX" : { "Number" : 0, "Status" : "On" }, "Channel" : 0, "MenuOpts" : "Enter", "POINT" : { "bottom" : 0, "left" : 0, "right" : 0, "top" : 0 }, "Pattern" : "SetBegin", "Preset" : 65535, "Step" : 5, "Tour" : 0 } }, "SessionID" : "0x19" }
RECEIVE: 'hx9XdEvV@@_S "1AP>y:{ "Name" : "", "Ret" : 100, "SessionID" : "0x00000019" }
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