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trait Printable {
def print: String
case class PrintableClass(value: String) extends Printable {
override def print: String = s"value: ${value.toString}"
case class ValueCaseClass(value: String)
val userId: Long = 12
val deviceUuid: Long = 1234
val carSerialId: Long = 12345
def getHashCode(
userId: Long,
deviceUuid: Long,
carSerialId: Long
): String = {
val userIdPlus: Long = userId + 1
import shapeless.{Coproduct, CNil, :+:, Inl, Inr}
type Id = UserId :+: DeviceUuid :+: CarSerialId :+: CNil
def getId(id: Id): Long = id match {
case Inl(userId) => userId + 1
case Inr(Inl(deviceUuid)) => deviceUuid + 2
case Inr(Inr(Inl(carSerialId))) => carSerialId + 3
case Inr(Inr(Inr(cNil))) => 0
def getUserIdOrDeviceIdOrCarSerialId(
id: Either[UserId, Either[DeviceUuid, CarSerialId]]
): Long = id match {
case Left(userId) => userId + 1
case Right(Left(deviceUuid)) => deviceUuid + 2
case Right(Right(carSerialId)) => carSerialId + 3
def getId(userId: UserId): Long = userId + 1
def getId(deviceUuid: DeviceUuid): Long = deviceUuid + 2 // Not Compiled because tagged type erased after compile
def getId(carSerialId: CarSerialId): Long = carSerialId + 3 // Not Compiled because tagged type erased after compile
import shapeless.tag
import shapeless.tag.@@
trait UserIdTag
trait DeviceUuidTag
trait CarSerialIdTag
type UserId = Long @@ UserIdTag
type DeviceUuid = Long @@ DeviceUuidTag
type CarSerialId = Long @@ CarSerialIdTag
case class UserIdCaseClass(userId: Long)
case class DeviceUuidCaseClass(deviceUuid: Long)
case class CarSerialIdCaseClass(carSerialId: Long)
def getHashCodeCaseClass(
userIdCaseClass: UserIdCaseClass,
deviceUuidCaseClass: DeviceUuidCaseClass,
carSerialIdCaseClass: CarSerialIdCaseClass
): String = {
val userIdPlus: Long = userIdCaseClass.userId + 1
val userId: Long = 12
val deviceUuid: Long = 1234
val carSerialId: Long = 12345
def getHashCode(
userId: Long,
deviceUuid: Long,
carSerialId: Long
): String = {
val userIdPlus: Long = userId + 1
implicit val string: String = "Hello"
implicit val boolean: Boolean = true
implicit val int: Int = 0
def getImplicitT[T](implicit t: T): T = t
implicit val optionInt: Option[Int] = Some(1)
implicit val optionBoolean: Option[Boolean] = Some(true)
def getImplicitOptionInt(implicit oInt: Option[Int]): Int = oInt.get
def getImplicitOptionBoolean(implicit oBoolean: Option[Boolean]): Boolean = oBoolean.get
def getImplicitlyOptionA[A: Option]: A = implicitly[Option[A]].get