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Created November 19, 2018 21:43
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Game Boy boot rom disassembly
File: dmg_rom.bin
File created with Hopper 4.4.7
Analysis version 55
Loader: RAW
CPU: Sharp/LR35902
64 bits (Little Endian)
; Segment Boot ROM
; Range: [0x0; 0x100[ (256 bytes)
; File offset : [0; 256[ (256 bytes)
; Permissions: readable / writable / executable
; Section
; Range: [0x0; 0x100[ (256 bytes)
; File offset : [0; 256[ (256 bytes)
; ================ B E G I N N I N G O F P R O C E D U R E ================
00000000 ld sp, $fffe ; Set up the stack
00000003 xor a
00000004 ld hl, $9fff ; Zero VRAM from $9fff - $8000
00000007 ld [hl-], a ; CODE XREF=Boot+10
00000008 bit 7, h
0000000a jr nz, @-$05 ; 0x7
0000000c ld hl, rNR52
0000000f ld c, $11
00000011 ld a, $80
00000013 ld [hl-], a ; rNR52 = $80, Enable sound
00000014 ld [c], a ; rNR11 = $80
00000015 inc c
00000016 ld a, $f3
00000018 ld [c], a ; rNR12 = $f3
00000019 ld [hl-], a ; rNR51 = $f3
0000001a ld a, $77
0000001c ld [hl], a ; rNR50 = $77
0000001d ld a, $fc
0000001f ldh [rBGP], a ; Set color 0 to white and colors 1 - 3 to black
00000021 ld de, $0104 ; de = cartridge header logo
00000024 ld hl, $8010 ; hl = VRAM
00000027 ld a, [de] ; for loop over cartridge logo data, CODE XREF=Boot+50
00000028 call $0095 ; Copy cartridge logo data to VRAM at $8010, CopyData
0000002b call $0096
0000002e inc de
0000002f ld a, e
00000030 cp $34
00000032 jr nz, @-$0d ; 0x27
00000034 ld de, $00d8 ; de = boot rom data after logo
00000037 ld b, $08 ; b = length of data
00000039 ld a, [de] ; CODE XREF=Boot+62
0000003a inc de
0000003b ld [hl+], a ; Write additional data into VRAM. Copyright logo?
0000003c inc hl
0000003d dec b
0000003e jr nz, @-$07 ; 0x39
00000040 ld a, $19
00000042 ld [$9910], a
00000045 ld hl, $992f
00000048 ld c, $0c ; CODE XREF=Boot+83
0000004a dec a ; CODE XREF=Boot+79
0000004b jr z, @+$08 ; 0x55
0000004d ld [hl-], a
0000004e dec c
0000004f jr nz, @-$07 ; 0x4a
00000051 ld l, $0f
00000053 jr @-$0d ; 0x48
00000055 ld h, a ; h = 0, CODE XREF=Boot+75
00000056 ld a, $64
00000058 ld d, a
00000059 ldh [rSCY], a ; SCY = $64
0000005b ld a, $91
; rLCDC = b10010001
; LCD enabled
; BG data select 1 8000-8FFF
; BG display enabled
0000005d ldh [rLCDC], a
0000005f inc b ; b = 1
00000060 ld e, $02 ; CODE XREF=Boot+140, Boot+147
00000062 ld c, $0c ; CODE XREF=Boot+110
00000064 ldh a, [rLY] ; Wait for frame, CODE XREF=Boot+104, Boot+107
00000066 cp $90
00000068 jr nz, @-$06 ; 0x64
0000006a dec c
0000006b jr nz, @-$09 ; 0x64
0000006d dec e
0000006e jr nz, @-$0e ; 0x62
00000070 ld c, $13
00000072 inc h
00000073 ld a, h
00000074 ld e, $83
00000076 cp $62
00000078 jr z, @+$06 ; 0x80
0000007a ld e, $c1
0000007c cp $64
0000007e jr nz, @+$06 ; 0x86
00000080 ld a, e ; CODE XREF=Boot+120
00000081 ld [c], a
00000082 inc c
00000083 ld a, $87
00000085 ld [c], a
00000086 ldh a, [rSCY] ; CODE XREF=Boot+126
00000088 sub b
00000089 ldh [rSCY], a ; Scroll the Nintendo Logo on screen
0000008b dec d
0000008c jr nz, @-$2e ; 0x60
0000008e dec b
0000008f jr nz, @+$4f ; Jump to Nintendo Logo check, 0xe0
00000091 ld d, $20
00000093 jr @-$35 ; 0x60
; ================ B E G I N N I N G O F P R O C E D U R E ================
00000095 ld c, a ; CODE XREF=Boot+40
00000096 ld b, $04 ; CODE XREF=Boot+43
00000098 push bc ; CODE XREF=CopyData+12
00000099 rl c
0000009b rla
0000009c pop bc
0000009d rl c
0000009f rla
000000a0 dec b
000000a1 jr nz, @-$0b ; 0x98
000000a3 ld [hl+], a
000000a4 inc hl
000000a5 ld [hl+], a
000000a6 inc hl
000000a7 ret
; endp
000000a8 db 0xce, 0xed, 0x66, 0x66, 0xcc, 0x0d, 0x00, 0x0b, 0x03, 0x73, 0x00, 0x83, 0x00, 0x0c, 0x00, 0x0d,
000000b8 db 0x00, 0x08, 0x11, 0x1f, 0x88, 0x89, 0x00, 0x0e, 0xdc, 0xcc, 0x6e, 0xe6, 0xdd, 0xdd, 0xd9, 0x99,
000000c8 db 0xbb, 0xbb, 0x67, 0x63, 0x6e, 0x0e, 0xec, 0xcc, 0xdd, 0xdc, 0x99, 0x9f, 0xbb, 0xb9, 0x33, 0x3e
000000d8 db 0x3c, 0x42, 0xb9, 0xa5, 0xb9, 0xa5, 0x42, 0x3c
000000e0 ld hl, $0104 ; hl = rom cartridge header logo, CODE XREF=Boot+143
000000e3 ld de, $00a8 ; de = boot rom logo
000000e6 ld a, [de] ; for loop over the cartridge header logo, CODE XREF=CopyData+90
000000e7 inc de
000000e8 cp [hl]
000000e9 jr nz, @-$02 ; If a byte in the cartridge logo doesn’t equal the boot room then loop forever, 0xe9, CODE XREF=loc_e9
000000eb inc hl
000000ec ld a, l
000000ed cp $34
000000ef jr nz, @-$0b ; 0xe6
000000f1 ld b, $19
000000f3 ld a, b
000000f4 add [hl] ; for loop through the rest of the header to calculate checksum, CODE XREF=CopyData+98
000000f5 inc hl
000000f6 dec b
000000f7 jr nz, @-$05 ; 0xf4
000000f9 add [hl] ; Validate against the cartridge header checksum field
000000fa jr nz, @-$02 ; If header checksum is invalid then loop forever, 0xfa, CODE XREF=loc_fa
000000fc ld a, $01
000000fe ldh [$ff00+$50], a ; Write 1 to $ff50 to disable boot ROM
; endp
; Segment Cartridge ROM
; Range: [0x100; 0x150[ (80 bytes)
; No data on disk
; Permissions: -
00000100 nop ; Execution continues here in cartridge from boot ROM
00000101 jp $0150
; Logo
00000104 db 0xce, 0xed, 0x66, 0x66, 0xcc, 0x0d, 0x00, 0x0b, 0x03, 0x73, 0x00, 0x83, 0x00, 0x0c, 0x00, 0x0d,
00000114 db 0x00, 0x08, 0x11, 0x1f, 0x88, 0x89, 0x00, 0x0e, 0xdc, 0xcc, 0x6e, 0xe6, 0xdd, 0xdd, 0xd9, 0x99,
00000124 db 0xbb, 0xbb, 0x67, 0x63, 0x6e, 0x0e, 0xec, 0xcc, 0xdd, 0xdc, 0x99, 0x9f, 0xbb, 0xb9, 0x33, 0x3e
; Title
00000134 db 0x54 ; 'T'
00000135 db 0x45 ; 'I'
00000136 db 0x54 ; 'T'
00000137 db 0x52 ; 'L'
00000138 db 0x49 ; 'E'
00000139 db 0x00 ; '.'
0000013a db 0x00 ; '.'
0000013b db 0x00 ; '.'
0000013c db 0x00 ; '.'
0000013d db 0x00 ; '.'
0000013e db 0x00 ; '.'
0000013f db 0x00 ; '.'
00000140 db 0x00 ; '.'
00000141 db 0x00 ; '.'
00000142 db 0x00 ; '.'
00000143 db 0x00 ; '.'
; New Licensee Code
00000144 dw 0x0000
; SGB Flag
00000146 db 0x00 ; '.'
; Cartridge Type
00000147 db 0x00 ; '.'
; ROM Size
00000148 db 0x00 ; '.'
; RAM Size
00000149 db 0x00 ; '.'
; Destination Code
0000014a db 0x00 ; '.'
; Old Licensee Code
0000014b db 0x01 ; '.'
; Mask ROM Version number
0000014c db 0x01 ; '.'
; Header Checksum
0000014d db 0x0a ; '.'
; Global Checksum
0000014e dw 0xbf16
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