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Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
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Script for producing a pf.conf for jail traffic NAT/redirection
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# blog: http://localhost:8000/blog/2014/blog/2014-12-31-using-warden-to-setup-jails-in-freebsd.html
use strict;
use warnings;
use v5.10; # because we use some new stuff
use feature qw(say);
my $card = 're0';
my $opt_file = "/etc/pf/jails.options.conf";
my $nat_file = "/etc/pf/jails.translation.conf";
my %ips = ();
my %ports = ();
# Parses an input string containing the port list the format of the
# list is:
# 'proto':port[-portend][/jail_port[-jail_port_end]]
# If portend is given, function will return all ports in range port to
# portend If jail_port is given, function will return values that
# notify the caller that translation should map host ports port to
# portend (on host) to jail_port to jail_port_end (on jail)
# jail_port_end might be omitted, in which case all input ports will
# map to a single port. If jail_port_end is '*', there will be a
# one-to-one mapping from the range of ports on host to the range of
# ports on jail, starting with 'port' and 'jail_port'.
# This function returns a reference to a hash whose key '$proto'
# contains a hash whose keys are the ports that translate to the same
# ports on the host. The returned hash reference might also contain
# another key, '${proto}_special' that describes port mapping through
# a hash whose keys represent host ports, while values represent host
# ports.
sub get_ports($$) {
my ($proto, $ports) = @_;
my @ports = map { s/$proto://; $_ }
grep { /$proto:/ }
split /,\s*/, $ports;
my %out = ();
foreach my $port (@ports) {
my ($rangeh, $rangej) = split /\//, $port;
$rangej = $rangej // $rangeh;
$rangeh =~ tr/-/:/;
$rangej =~ tr/-/:/;
say STDERR "comparing '$rangeh' to '$rangej'";
$out{$proto . ($rangeh eq $rangej?'':'_special')}->{$rangeh} = $rangej;
return \%out;
# Prints the option part of pf.conf
# This function creates variables 'jail_proto_ports' containing the
# list of ports that will be used verbatim on host, and a list of pairs of
# variables named 'jail_proto_ports_JX'/'jail_proto_ports_HX', where X
# is a number, which represents pairings of ports used on the jail and
# on the host, respectively.
sub print_opt($$$$) {
my ($fout, $JN, $proto, $ports) = @_;
my @normal = keys %{$ports->{$proto}};
my $special = $ports->{$proto . '_special'} // {};
say $fout qq(${JN}_\U$proto\E_PORTS="{) . (join ',', @normal) . qq(}") if 0+@normal;
my $cnt = 0;
foreach my $port (keys %$special) {
say $fout qq(${JN}_\U$proto\E_PORTS_H${cnt}="$port");
say $fout qq(${JN}_\U$proto\E_PORTS_J${cnt}=") . $special->{$port} . qq(");
return (0+@normal, $cnt);
while (<>) {
# skip comments
next if /^#/;
my ($jail, $ports) = split /;\s*/;
$ips{$jail} = `warden get ipv4 $jail`;
print STDERR "JAIL: $jail -> $ips{$jail}\n";
my $udp_ports = get_ports('udp', $ports);
my $tcp_ports = get_ports('tcp', $ports);
$ports{$jail} = { %$udp_ports, %$tcp_ports };
print STDERR "Writing data to output files\n";
open my $fopt, '>', $opt_file or die "Can't write to $opt_file: $!";
open my $fnat, '>', $nat_file or die "Can't write to $nat_file: $!";
foreach my $jail (keys %ips) {
my $JN = uc($jail);
say $fopt qq(${JN}_IP="$ips{$jail}");
my (%ok, %cnt);
($ok{udp}, $cnt{udp}) = print_opt($fopt, $JN, 'udp', $ports{$jail});
($ok{tcp}, $cnt{tcp}) = print_opt($fopt, $JN, 'tcp', $ports{$jail});
say $fnat qq,nat on $card from \$${JN}_IP to any -> ($card),;
foreach my $proto (qw(udp tcp)) {
say $fnat qq,rdr on $card inet proto $proto from any to port \$${JN}_\U$proto\E_PORTS -> \$${JN}_IP, if $ok{$proto};
foreach my $c (1..$cnt{$proto}) {
say $fnat qq,rdr on $card inet proto $proto from any to port \$${JN}_\U$proto\E_PORTS_H$c -> \$${JN}_IP port \$${JN}_\U$proto\E_PORTS_J$c,;
close $fopt or die "Can't close $fopt: $!\n";
close $fnat or die "Can't close $fnat: $!\n";
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