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Last active March 28, 2022 18:51
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Author: Davide Spataro
typedef double2 cl_double_complex;
typedef float2 cl_float_complex;
typedef cl_double_complex cl_complex;
typedef double TYPE;
typedef cl_float_complex cl_complex;
typedef float TYPE;
inline TYPE cl_complex_real_part(const cl_complex* n){
return n->x;
inline TYPE cl_complex_imaginary_part(const cl_complex* n){
return n->y;
* Returns modulus of complex number (its length):
inline TYPE cl_complex_modulus(const cl_complex* n){
return (sqrt( (n->x*n->x)+(n->y*n->y) ));
inline cl_complex cl_complex_add(const cl_complex* a, const cl_complex* b){
return (cl_complex)( a->x + b->x, a->y + b->y );
inline cl_complex cl_complex_multiply(const cl_complex* a, const cl_complex* b){
return (cl_complex)(a->x*b->x - a->y*b->y, a->x*b->y + a->y*b->x);
* Computes the integer Integer power of a complex number.
* */
inline cl_complex cl_complex_ipow(const cl_complex* base , int exp ){
cl_complex res;
if(exp & 1)
res = cl_complex_multiply(&res,&res);
return res;
inline cl_complex cl_complex_divide(const cl_complex* a, const cl_complex* b){
const TYPE dividend = (b->x*b->x + b->y*b->y);
return (cl_complex)((a->x*b->x + a->y*b->y)/dividend , (a->y*b->x - a->x*b->y)/dividend);
* Get the argument of a complex number (its angle):
inline TYPE cl_complex_argument(const cl_complex* a){
if(a->x > 0){
return atan(a->y / a->x);
}else if(a->x < 0 && a->y >= 0){
return atan(a->y / a->x) + M_PI;
}else if(a->x < 0 && a->y < 0){
return atan(a->y / a->x) - M_PI;
}else if(a->x == 0 && a->y > 0){
return M_PI/2;
}else if(a->x == 0 && a->y < 0){
return -M_PI/2;
return 0;
* Returns the Square root of complex number.
* Although a complex number has two square roots,
* only one of them -the principal square root- is computed.
* see wikipedia:
inline cl_complex cl_complex_sqrt(const cl_complex* n){
const TYPE sm = sqrt(cl_complex_modulus(n));
const TYPE a2 = cl_complex_argument(n)/2;
const TYPE ca2 = cos(a2);
const TYPE sa2 = sin(a2);
return (cl_complex)(sm * ca2 , sm * sa2);
* Computes the exponential function for the complex number z = x+iy
* as: exp(z) = e^x(cos(y) + isin(y))
* See:
* */
inline cl_complex_exp(const cl_complex* n){
const TYPE e = exp(n->x);
return (cl_complex)(e*cos(n->y) , e*sin(n->y));
* Computes the logatirm of the complex number z= x+iy
* x+iy = re^{i\theta}
* log(x+iy) = log(re^{i\theta} = log(r)+log(e^{i\theta}
* where r is the module of |z| = sqrt(x^2+y^2)
* log(z) = log(|z|) + iarg(z) = log(sqrt(x^2+y^2) + i atan(y/b)
* */
inline cl_complex_log(const cl_complex* z){
return (cl_complex)( log(cl_complex_modulus(z)) , cl_complex_argument(z));
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Hi. I have seen your video. looks nice. I was wandering how c i changing in this video so made this program:

#include <stdio.h>      /* Standard Library of Input and Output */
#include <complex.h>    /* Standard Library of Complex Numbers */


  gcc j.c -lm -Wall
  ./a.out > j.txt
  gnuplot plot ./j.txt
  Host function that prepares data array and passes it to the CUDA kernel.
//# c = 1j              # dentrite fractal
//# c = -0.123 + 0.745j # douady's rabbit fractal
//# c = -0.750 + 0j     # san marco fractal
//# c = -0.391 - 0.587j # siegel disk fractal
//# c = -0.7 - 0.3j     # NEAT cauliflower thingy
//# c = -0.75 - 0.2j    # galaxies
//# c = -0.75 + 0.15j   # groovy
//# c = -0.7 + 0.35j    # frost
int main(void) {

	double incre =0.00000003;
	double inci =-0.00009;
	double startre=-0.75;
	double starti=0.09;
	//double zoom=1.0;
	complex double c;
	printf("# x y \n"); // header for txt file with data for gnuplot
	for(int i=0;i<2500;i++){
		c =  startre+i*incre + (starti+i*inci)*I ;
		// 		sprintf(fileName, "julia_%f_%f.png", startre+i*incre,starti+i*inci);
		printf("%.16f %+.16f \n", creal(c), cimag(c));

	return 0;


Is this OK ?

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