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Last active March 29, 2022 04:45
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@Knowblesse 2021
21 AUG 31
Process new video and return row,col coordinates with head direction
- Inputs
-video_path : path to the to-be-labeled video
- Outputs
- row, col, degree 2D np matrix
from collections import namedtuple
import pathlib
from pathlib import Path
from tqdm import tqdm
from queue import Queue
import cv2 as cv
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from tensorflow import keras
import tensorflow as tf
from ROI_image_stream import *
class VideoProcessor:
Process New Video. Find ROI and detect head location and degree in the ROI.
def __init__(self, video_path, model_path, process_fps=5):
video_path : pathlib.PosixPath(Path) : target video path
model_path : pathlib.PosixPath(Path) : pre-trained model path
process_fps : int : number of frame to process per second.
if not(type(video_path) is pathlib.PosixPath):
raise(BaseException('VideoProcessor : video_path should be pathlib.Path object'))
if not(type(model_path) is pathlib.PosixPath):
raise(BaseException('VideoProcessor : model_path should be pathlib.Path object'))
self.video_path = video_path
self.model_path = model_path
self.isStartPositionChecked = False
self.isProcessed = False
# Batch Size
self.predictBatchSize = 100
# Load Model
model = keras.models.load_model(str(model_path))
raise(BaseException('VideoProcessor : Can not load model from ' + str(model_path)))
self.model = model
# Get ROI size from the loaded model
self.ROI_size = model.layers[0].input.shape[1]
# Train ROI_image_stream
self.istream = ROI_image_stream(video_path, ROI_size=self.ROI_size)
# Print Video Info
self.process_fps = process_fps
self.num_frame = self.istream.getFrameCount()
self.fps = self.istream.getFPS()
time_sec = self.num_frame / self.fps
print(f"VideoProcessor : Video Info : {self.num_frame:05d}frames : {int(np.floor(time_sec/60)):d} m {int(np.remainder(time_sec,60)):d} s")
def buildForegroundModel(self):
def checkStartPosition(self):
Find out starting position.
Go through the video until a blob is found.
Show the blob and ask whether the found blob is the animal
#Find out when to start
start_frame = 0
while True:
while True: # run until a Blob is found
(chosen_image, [blob_center_row, blob_center_col]) = self.istream.getROIImage(start_frame)
except BlobDetectionFailureError:
start_frame += self.process_fps
print(f'VideoProcessor : Frame {start_frame:d}')
prompt = int(input('VideoProcessor : Found? (0: Found, not zero: skip frame)'))
if prompt == 0 :
start_frame += int(self.process_fps * prompt)
self.start_frame = start_frame
self.isStartPositionChecked = True
print(f'VideoProcessor : Starting from Frame {self.start_frame:d}')
def run(self):
roi_batch = ROI_Batch(self.predictBatchSize)
if not self.isStartPositionChecked:
raise(BaseException('VideoProcessor : check Start Position First!'))
self.output_data = np.zeros((np.arange(self.start_frame, self.num_frame, self.process_fps).shape[0],4),
cumerror = 0
# set for multiprocessing. reading frame automatically starts from this function
self.istream.startROIextractionThread(np.arange(self.start_frame, self.num_frame, self.process_fps))
for idx, frameNumber in enumerate(tqdm(np.arange(self.start_frame, self.num_frame, self.process_fps))):
image, coor = self.istream.getROIImage()
roi_batch.push(idx, frameNumber, image, coor)
except BlobDetectionFailureError:
cumerror += 1
print(f'VideoProcessor : Couldn\'t find the ROI in Frame {frameNumber}. Total {cumerror}')
self.output_data[idx,:] = [frameNumber, -1, -1, -1]
# Predict the batch
if roi_batch.full():
batch = ROI(*zip(*roi_batch.popall()))
testing = tf.keras.applications.mobilenet_v2.preprocess_input(np.array(batch.image))
result = self.model.predict(testing)
self.output_data[batch.idx,:] = np.concatenate((np.expand_dims(batch.frameNumber,1), (np.array(batch.coor) + result[:,:2] - int(self.ROI_size/2)).astype(, np.expand_dims(vector2degree(result[:,0], result[:,1], result[:,2], result[:,3]),1)), axis=1)
# Run for the last batch
print(f'Batch size : {len(roi_batch)}')
batch = ROI(*zip(*roi_batch.popall()))
testing = tf.keras.applications.mobilenet_v2.preprocess_input(np.array(batch.image))
result = self.model.predict(testing)
self.output_data[batch.idx, :] = np.concatenate((np.expand_dims(batch.frameNumber, 1), (np.array(batch.coor) + result[:, :2] - int(self.ROI_size / 2)).astype(, np.expand_dims(vector2degree(result[:, 0], result[:, 1], result[:, 2], result[:, 3]), 1)), axis=1)
self.isProcessed = True
def save(self, save_path=''):
save processed data
save_path : pathlib.PosixPath object : save path. if nothing is provided, save next to target video
if not self.isProcessed:
raise(BaseException('VideoProcessor : run the processor first!'))
if save_path == '':
save_path = self.video_path
if save_path.is_dir():
if sorted(save_path.glob('*.mkv')):
video_path = next(save_path.glob('*.mkv'))
elif sorted(save_path.glob('*.avi')):
video_path = next(save_path.glob('*.avi'))
elif sorted(save_path.glob('*.mp4')):
video_path = next(save_path.glob('*.mp4'))
raise(BaseException('VideoProcessor : Save path must be a file not directory'))
txt_save_path = video_path.parent / (video_path.stem + '_buttered.csv')
elif save_path.is_file():
if save_path.suffix == '.csv':
txt_save_path = save_path
elif save_path.suffix == '.avi' or save_path.suffix == '.mkv':
txt_save_path = save_path.parent / (save_path.stem + '_buttered.csv')
raise(BaseException('VideoProcessor : Save path must end with .csv'))
raise(BaseException('VideoProcessor : Unknown path'))
def checkResult(self, num_frame_to_check = 10):
if not self.isProcessed:
raise(BaseException('VideoProcessor : run the processor first!'))
if type(num_frame_to_check) is np.ndarray:
frames = num_frame_to_check
frames = np.random.permutation(self.output_data[:,0])[0:num_frame_to_check]
for frame in frames:,frame)
ret, img =
if not ret:
raise(BaseException(f'VideoProcessor : Can not retrieve frame # {frame}'))
idx = np.where(self.output_data[:,0] == frame)[0]
if self.output_data[idx,1] == -1:
print(f'VideoProcessor : Frame {frame} is a ROI extraction failed frame. Skipping')
img =, np.round(self.output_data[idx,2:0:-1]).astype(int)[0], 5, [0, 0, 255], -1)
np.concatenate((np.round(self.output_data[idx, 2]), np.round(self.output_data[idx, 1]))).astype(int),
np.round(self.output_data[idx, 2] + 50 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(self.output_data[idx, 3]))),
np.round(self.output_data[idx, 1] + 50 * np.sin(np.deg2rad(self.output_data[idx, 3]))))).astype(
[35, 139, 251], 3)
cv.imshow('frame', img)
ROI = namedtuple('ROI', ('idx', 'frameNumber', 'image', 'coor'))
class ROI_Batch(object):
def __init__(self, capacity):
self.item = deque([], maxlen=capacity)
def push(self, *args):
def __len__(self):
return len(self.item)
def full(self):
if len(self.item) == self.item.maxlen:
return True
return False
def clear(self):
def popall(self):
items = list(self.item)
return items
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