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Created May 31, 2013 19:57
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Sidebar - Simple Ember view.
<div id="mapContainer">
<!-- renders map.hbs automatically (if it exists) -->
{{view App.MapView}}
<!-- renders sidebar.hbs automatically (if it exists) -->
{{view App.SidebarView}}
App.SidebarView = Ember.View.extend({
templateName: "sidebar",
elementId: "sidebar",
// These are bindings between classes and view properties, sweet!
classNameBindings: ["position", "isVisible"],
position: "right",
isVisible: true,
settings: null,
// Called after the element is created but
// right before it's inserted into the DOM
init: function () {
// Make sure to call this, or some Ember magic will be missed (trouble)
// Settings.json, pulled in earlier in App.initSettings()
var settings = App.get("settings").map.sidebar;
// Using setters and getters guarantees that the bindings work as they should.
this.set("position", settings.position);
this.set("isVisible", settings.visible);
this.set("settings", settings);
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