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Created October 16, 2020 11:13
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  • Save knownothingsnow/a3e417a02fe9835c464b1f68709ac870 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save knownothingsnow/a3e417a02fe9835c464b1f68709ac870 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
通过 加速 github clone
if [[ "$1" =~ ^ ]]; then
local repo=$(echo $1 | grep -Po '(?<=git@github\.com:)[\w-]+\/[\w-]+')
local origin_url=$1
elif [[ $1 =~ ^ ]]; then
local repo=$(echo $1 | grep -Po '(?<=https:\/\/github\.com\/)[\w-]+\/[\w-]+')
local origin_url=$1
elif [[ $1 == "gh" ]]; then
local repo=${4}
local origin_url="$repo.git"
echo "Url isn't vaild."
local repo_name=$(echo $repo | grep -Po '(?<=\/)[\w-]+')
local new_url="$repo.git"
echo "start downloading : ${repo}" && git clone $new_url
if [ -d $repo_name ] && [ $? == 0 ]; then
cd ./$repo_name && git remote rename origin mirror && git remote add origin $origin_url && cd -
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