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Created August 19, 2016 03:49
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Save knowsuchagency/0ac324af52b846496d839aca7b9dbac6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. created by knowsuchagency
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <set>
using namespace std;
vector<int> get_indexes(string input_string, char letter){
/* Return a vector of integers indicating the indexes where the char is
found in the string. */
vector<int> output;
for(int i = 0; i < input_string.size(); i++){
if (input_string[i] == letter){
return output;
void update_guess(string& guess_string, string secret_word, char letter){
/* Modify the guess string in place, replacing the characters in the
string with the corresponding letter in the secret word. */
// We need letter to be a string for the .replace method to work
// so we'll consruct it
string sletter(1, letter);
for (int i: get_indexes(secret_word, letter)){
guess_string.replace(i, 1, sletter);
int main(){
// create a set of words we can use as potential answers
set <string> words_set = {
// construct a vector from the set of words
vector <string> secret_words(words_set.begin(), words_set.end());
// seed random
// Choose a secret word from the secret words at random
int random_index = rand() % secret_words.size();
string secret_word = secret_words[random_index];
// set guess counter and max number of guesses
int guesses = 0;
int max_guesses = 5;
// set placeholder for incorrect guesses
set<char> wrong_guesses;
// create a guess string of equal length to the secret
// word made up of '.'
string guess_string(secret_word.size(), '.');
// Prints at the beginning of every game
cout << "Let's play some hangman!" << endl << endl;
// Begin the game loop
while (guesses <= max_guesses){
// Get user input
string user_input;
cout << "Type in a letter:" << endl << endl;
cin >> user_input;
// Make sure they only type in one letter
if (user_input.size() > 1) {
cout << endl << "You can only type in ONE character" << endl;
// The letter they typed in was in the answer
else if (secret_word.find(user_input) != string::npos) {
// Convert the input string to a character
char letter = user_input.front();
// Update the guess_string
update_guess(guess_string, secret_word, letter);
// Win condition; exit loop and return 0
if (guess_string == secret_word){
cout << endl << "You win! The secret word was " << secret_word + '!' << endl;
return 0;
cout << endl << "Good guess!" << endl;
// The letter they typed in was not in the secret_word
cout << endl << "Shitty Guess" << endl;
// append guess to wrong guesses
// increment guesses
// endif
// calculate remaining guesses
int remaining_guesses = max_guesses - guesses;
// variable to print guess if only one guess remaining else guesses
string guess_or_guesses = (remaining_guesses==1) ? "guess":"guesses";
// construct string from wrong guess set
string swrong_guesses(wrong_guesses.begin(), wrong_guesses.end());
// print correct guesses
cout << endl << "Your correct guesses thus far: " << guess_string << endl;
// print wrong guesses
if (!wrong_guesses.empty()){
cout << "Wrong guesses thus far: {" << swrong_guesses << '}' << endl;
// print the remaining number of turns
cout << "You have " << remaining_guesses << ' ' + guess_or_guesses << " remaining" << endl << endl;
// You lost
cout << "Lost. You suck. The word was: " << secret_word << endl;
gcc version 4.6.3
>>> Let's play some hangman!
Type in a letter:
Shitty Guess
Your correct guesses thus far: ......
Wrong guesses thus far: {u}
You have 4 guesses remaining
Type in a letter:
Shitty Guess
Your correct guesses thus far: ......
Wrong guesses thus far: {iu}
You have 3 guesses remaining
Type in a letter:
Good guess!
Your correct guesses thus far: ....e.
Wrong guesses thus far: {iu}
You have 3 guesses remaining
Type in a letter:
Shitty Guess
Your correct guesses thus far: ....e.
Wrong guesses thus far: {iru}
You have 2 guesses remaining
Type in a letter:
Good guess!
Your correct guesses thus far: ....ey
Wrong guesses thus far: {iru}
You have 2 guesses remaining
Type in a letter:
Good guess!
Your correct guesses thus far: ..lley
Wrong guesses thus far: {iru}
You have 2 guesses remaining
Type in a letter:
Good guess!
Your correct guesses thus far: v.lley
Wrong guesses thus far: {iru}
You have 2 guesses remaining
Type in a letter:
You win! The secret word was valley!
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