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Last active July 16, 2024 22:12
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nix to powershell
Unix Command PowerShell Equivalent Description
pwd Get-Location or $PWD Print working directory
ls Get-ChildItem or dir List directory contents
cd Set-Location or cd Change directory
mkdir New-Item -ItemType Directory or mkdir Create a new directory
touch New-Item -ItemType File Create a new file
rm Remove-Item or del Remove a file
rm -r Remove-Item -Recurse Remove a directory and its contents
cp Copy-Item or copy Copy a file
mv Move-Item or move Move or rename a file
cat Get-Content or type Display file contents
grep Select-String Search for patterns in text
chmod icacls Change file permissions (more complex in Windows)
nano or vim notepad or code Edit a file (PowerShell ISE or VS Code are better alternatives)
echo Write-Output or echo Print to standard output
> (redirect) > (works the same) Redirect output to a file
ps Get-Process List running processes
kill Stop-Process Terminate a process
which Get-Command Locate a program or command
export $env:VARIABLE = "value" Set environment variables
man Get-Help Display command documentation
clear Clear-Host or cls Clear the console screen
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