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Last active March 23, 2023 13:54
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Some example code for codingame smash the code contest. Lets you look up board state using (x, y) coordinates and un-fucks the print function.
from functools import partial
from collections import namedtuple, MutableMapping, Counter, deque
from operator import itemgetter, attrgetter
import sys
import random
# Auto-generated code below aims at helping you parse
# the standard input according to the problem statement.
# print function that writes to stderr
# therefore doesn't affect game logic
print = partial(print, file=sys.stderr)
# A coordinate tuple we can use to look up locations later
Coordinate = namedtuple('Coordinate', ['x', 'y'])
class Board(MutableMapping, dict):
Dictionary reprsenting state of game board.
items in at particular coordinates can be accessed
via Board[(x, y)] or Board(Coordinate(x, y)]
color_map = {
-1: 'empty',
0: 'blocked',
1: 'blue',
2: 'green',
3: 'pink',
4: 'red',
5: 'yellow'
def __init__(self):
self._empty_coordinates = []
self._red_coordinates = []
self._blue_coordinates = []
self._yellow_coordinates = []
self._green_coordinates = []
self._pink_coordinates = []
self._blocked_coordinates = []
# a flag to set whether we went left last or not
self._left_last = False
for y in range(12):
for x in range(6):
self[Coordinate(x, y)] = '.'
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
# coerse types so that they're all integers
# '.' values are converted to -1
if value == '.':
value = -1
value = int(value)
coordinate = Coordinate._make(key)
x, y = coordinate
coordinate = Coordinate(int(x), int(y))
assert 0 <= coordinate.x <= 5, "x-axis out of range"
assert 0 <= coordinate.y <= 11, "y-axis out of range"
cache_map = {
-1: self._empty_coordinates,
0: self._blocked_coordinates,
1: self._blue_coordinates,
2: self._green_coordinates,
3: self._pink_coordinates,
4: self._red_coordinates,
5: self._yellow_coordinates,
# add coordinate to appropriate cache of coordinates
# remove coordinate from its previous list if we have it cached
for l in cache_map.values():
if coordinate in l:
def __getitem__(self,key):
return dict.__getitem__(self,key)
def __delitem__(self, key):
def __iter__(self):
return dict.__iter__(self)
def __len__(self):
return dict.__len__(self)
def __contains__(self, x):
return dict.__contains__(self,x)
def __repr__(self):
Return a string representation of the Board.
Replaces -1 with '.' for clarity
rows = []
for y in range(12):
row = str()
for x in range(6):
value = self.get((x, y))
if value == -1:
value = '.'
value = str(value)
row += value
rows = list(reversed(rows))
rows.append('Bottom left: {}'.format(str(self.bottom_left)))
rows.append('Bottom right: {}'.format(str(self.bottom_right)))
rows.append('Bottom six: {}'.format([str((x, y)) for x, y in self.bottom_six]))
return '\n'.join(rows)
def bottom_left(self):
"""Return the leftmost, lowest coordinate that is empty."""
return min(self._empty_coordinates, key=attrgetter('y', 'x'))
def bottom_right(self):
"""Return the leftmost, lowest coordinate that is empty."""
y = min(c.y for c in self.bottom_six)
x = max(c.x for c in self.bottom_six if c.y==y)
return Coordinate(x, y)
def bottom_six(self):
"""Return the bottom 6 coordinates."""
coordinates = [self.lowest_empty_coordinate(c) for c in range(6)]
return sorted(coordinates)
def lowest_empty_coordinate(self, column):
"""Return the bottom-most coordinate for a given column."""
coordinates = [c for c in self._empty_coordinates if c.x==column]
return min(coordinates, key=attrgetter('y'))
def horizontally_adjacent(self, coordinate, value):
"""Return true if there are equal color adjacent to the value horizontally."""
x, y = coordinate
# find horizontal adjacency
horizontal = Counter(self.get((x, y), -1) for x in range(x-1, x+1))
most_common = horizontal.most_common(1)
return most_common[0] == value and most_common[1] > 1
def is_equal_below(self, coordinate, value):
"""Return True if the coordinate below is of the same value."""
x, y = coordinate
return self.get((x, y-1), -1) == value
def bottom_coordinates_with_horizontal_adjacency(self, value):
"""Return the lowest coordinates for which there are equal values horizontally"""
return [c for c in self.bottom_six if self.horizontally_adjacent(c, value)]
def coordinates_with_equal_value_below(self, value):
"""Return all possible coordinates that have the same value directly below for a given value."""
return [c for c in self.bottom_six if self.is_equal_below(c, value)]
def decide(self, bottom_color, verbose=False):
horizontals = self.bottom_coordinates_with_horizontal_adjacency(bottom_color)
verticals = self.coordinates_with_equal_value_below(bottom_color)
if verbose:
print('color is', bottom_color, Board.color_map[bottom_color])
print('horizontals:', horizontals)
print('verticals:', verticals)
if horizontals:
Board.move(horizontals[0], verbose)
elif verticals:
Board.move(verticals[0], verbose)
elif self._left_last:
Board.move(self.bottom_right, verbose)
Board.move(self.bottom_left, verbose)
def move(coordinate, verbose=True):
Move to column.
assert 0 <= integer <=5, coerce it to string and write to stdout.
column = coordinate.x
assert (isinstance(column, int) and 0 <= column <= 5)
if verbose:
print('moving to', coordinate)
print(str(column), file=sys.stdout)
def color(n):
"""Return the color for a given number."""
return Board.color_map[n]
my_board = Board()
bitch_board = Board()
# game loop
while True:
inputs = deque()
for i in range(8):
# color_a: color of the first block
# color_b: color of the attached block
inputs.append([int(j) for j in input().split()])
bottom, top = inputs.popleft()
# print("my board:")
for row in range(12):
# since we start from the top, and work our way down, we need to
# reverse the number of the row
row = abs(11-row)
row_ = input()
row = [(Coordinate(col, row), i) for col, i in enumerate(row_)]
for coordinate, item in row:
my_board[coordinate] = item
# print(my_board)
my_board.decide(bottom, verbose=False)
# print("\n" + "bitch_board:")
for row in range(12):
# since we start from the top, and work our way down, we need to
# reverse the number of the row
row = abs(11-row)
row_ = input()
# row = [(Coordinate(col, row), i) for col, i in enumerate(row_)]
# for coordinate, item in row:
# bitch_board[coordinate] = item
# print(bitch_board)
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