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## full stack
NoMethodError in CommentController#post_comment
undefined method `new_record?' for "oooh trying again, goddamn it!":String
RAILS_ROOT: /home/jeremy/dk4-exper
Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace
/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/dm-core-0.9.11/lib/dm-core/property.rb:450:in `lazy_load'
knowtheory / scratch
Created May 31, 2009 17:20 — forked from paul/scratch
Adapter Returns
Nothing. Doesn't matter what it returns. In the case of auto-populated fields, the adapter HAS all the records, it can just modify the
values directly. They don't need to be returned, DM should just update the identity map, and keep using them.
If something bad happens (not created for some reason) that is, and should be, and exception. In the case of DO, the most common case
require 'dm-core'
require 'dm-core/core_ext/symbol'
require 'dm-validations'
require 'appengine-apis'
require 'appengine-apis/local_boot'
require 'dm-appengine', :debug)
DataMapper.setup(:default, "app_engine://memory")

Good news everyone!

We at Videojuicer are currently working on our next-generation API product, and we have a vacancy for a Ruby application developer to join our small team.

Our product is an API-led platform for generating leads from online video. It's designed to work in any situation where you have a video, and want it to drive traffic back to your product. That means it's good for screencasts, movie trailers, music videos, product commercials - you name it.

Our environment is a distributed team in the UK, US and Canada. We communicate mainly with Skype. Your working hours will be flexible, and you'll be able to work from your home, our London office or from a Brighton coworking venue if you so choose.

We work with Merb/Rails/Rack, DataMapper, Flex, Git, and jQuery. We use a series of futuristic moon-standards including HTML5, OAuth, OEmbed and SMIL3.

%w[rubygems dm-core].each { |g| require g.to_s }
DataMapper.setup(:default, 'sqlite3::memory:')
class Something
include DataMapper::Resource
property :id, Serial
property :p1, String
property :p2, String
knowtheory / gist:94809
Created April 13, 2009 22:50 — forked from paul/gist:94701
Rando's DM goals
Rando's DM Goals
* Adapters (complete)
* Types (waiting on dkubb to realize my ideas are right)
* Migrations
* Work with the new type system
* Combine auto- and normal migrations
* Alternative Methods of Doing Joins (foreign_key, links, embedded) See: