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Last active August 24, 2017 12:47
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import SharingContext from "./sharing-context"
export type Jpeg = {type: "image/jpeg", extension: "jpg" }
export type Csv = {type: "text/csv", extension: "csv" }
export type Binary = {type: "application/octet-stream", extension: "bin" }
export type Json = {type: "application/json", extension: "json" }
export type RepresentationType = Jpeg | Csv | Binary | Json
export type Url = string
export type Identifier = string | number
export interface Representation {
type: RepresentationType
dataUrl: Url
export interface LaunchApplication {
launchUrl: Url
name: string
export const PublishMessageName = "SharinatorPublish"
export const PublishResponseMessageName = "SharinatorPublishResponse"
export interface Publishable {
context: SharingContext
createdAt: Date
application: LaunchApplication
representations: Representation[]
import SharingContext from "./sharing-context"
export const InitMessageName = "SharinatorInit"
export interface SharinatorInitArgs {
context: SharingContext
version: string
requestTime: Date
import SharingContext from "./sharing-context"
import {InitMessageName, SharinatorInitArgs} from "./sharinator-init-args"
import {
Representation} from "./publishable"
interface listener{ }
type MessageContent = any
type MessageType = string | object
interface IFramePhone {
getListenerNames(): listener[]
addListener(messageName:string, listener:Function): void
removeAllListeners(): void
disconnect(): void
post(type:MessageType, content:MessageContent): void
export interface SharableApp {
application: LaunchApplication
getDataFunc(): Representation[]
export class SharinatorPhoneClient {
phone: IFramePhone
context: SharingContext
app: SharableApp
constructor(phone:IFramePhone, app:SharableApp) { = phone = app
// For now assume that its ready to add listeners … (TBD)
(args:SharinatorInitArgs) =>
this.context = args.context
), (args:any) => this.sendPublish())
sendPublish() {
const representations =
const publishContent:Publishable = {
context: this.context,
createdAt: new Date(),
representations: representations
}, publishContent)
export type Identifier = string | number
export interface User {
displayName: string
id: Identifier
export interface Group {
displayName: string
id: Identifier
export interface Offering {
displayName: string
id: Identifier
export default interface SharingContext {
userId: User
groupId: Group
offeringId: Offering
localId: Identifier
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Looks like a great start - just a couple of comments:

  1. We need to check on the json serialization/deserialization for JavaScript Date types - you use them in a couple of structures.
  2. I think app.getDataFunc() would need to be passed a completion callback since it (in the case of the collaboration space) would need to send async publish messages to its children and wait for their response.

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