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Last active February 12, 2024 05:04
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Create a VM on azure
set -euo pipefail
set -x
export VM_NAME=stateless
export RESOURCE_GROUP=headlamp-stateless
export IMAGE="Ubuntu2204"
export VM_SIZE=Standard_D8as_v5
# Create a key value pair for the ssh key with name headlamp and no password
ssh-keygen -m PEM -t rsa -b 4096 -N "" -f ~/.ssh/headlamp
ssh-add ~/.ssh/headlamp
export SSH_KEY=$(cat ~/.ssh/
export VM_USER="headlamp"
# Create a resource group
az group create \
--name "${RESOURCE_GROUP}" \
--location "${LOCATION}"
# Create a VM
az vm create \
--name "$VM_NAME" \
--resource-group "$RESOURCE_GROUP" \
--location "$LOCATION" \
--image "$IMAGE" \
--size "$VM_SIZE" \
--ssh-key-values "$SSH_KEY" \
--admin-username "$VM_USER" \
# Get the public IP of the VM
PUBLIC_IP=$(az vm show \
--resource-group "$RESOURCE_GROUP" \
--name "$VM_NAME" \
--show-details \
--query 'publicIps' \
--output tsv)
echo $PUBLIC_IP;
# Connect to the VM
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