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Created April 8, 2024 13:25
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Comparing dot-separated version numbers in shell script (one-liners)
# Comparing dot-separated version numbers in one line
# How to say $a >= $b using various tools and languages?
set -e
[ "$({ echo $a; echo $b; } | sort -n -t. -k1,1 -k2,2 -k3,3 | tail -n1)" = "$a" ]
# GNU sort
[ "$({ echo $a; echo $b; } | sort -V | tail -n1)" = "$a" ]
# awk
{ echo $a; echo $b; } | awk -F. '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)v[NR]=v[NR]sprintf("%05d",$i)}END{exit!(v[1]>=v[2])}'
# Perl
perl -Mversion -e '($a,$b)=map{qv("v$_")}@ARGV;exit(!($a>=$b))' "$a" "$b"
# Ruby
ruby -e 'a,b=$*.map{};exit(a>=b)' "$a" "$b"
ruby -e 'exit($*.map{}.reduce(:>=))' "$a" "$b"
# Ruby >=3.1
ruby -e 'a,b=$*;exit(>=b)' "$a" "$b"
# jq
echo "$a $b" | jq -eR 'split(" ")|map(split(".")|map(tonumber))|.[0]>=.[1]' >/dev/null
jq --arg a "$a" --arg b "$b" -en '[$a,$b]|map(split(".")|map(tonumber))|.[0]>=.[1]' >/dev/null
# dpkg (Debian/Ubuntu)
dpkg --compare-versions "$a" ge "$b"
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