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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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Installing Lapis

Installing Openresty

Add the homebrew/nginx tap.

$ brew tap homebrew/nginx

Install openresty from homebrew.

$ brew install openresty

Installing Lapis

Install the LuaRocks package manager.

$ brew install luarocks

Install Lapis.

$ luarocks install lapis

Install Moonscript (optional).

$ luarocks install moonscript

Running Lapis

Lapis looks for the Openresty nginx binary in these locations:


But the homebrew Openresty nginx binary is called openresty, not nginx. To tell Lapis where to look for the Openresty nginx binary we can set the LAPIS_OPENRESTY environment variable to the nginx path; which openresty, and then run the server with lapis server.

LAPIS_OPENRESTY=$(which openresty) lapis server

Another caveat

Openresty requires lua 5.1 not 5.2

Running with vagrant/docker

Because docker uses linux container which aren't available on OS X we'll need to run docker inside of a linux virtual machine. Docker provides a Boot2Docker app for this reason, but we'll use Vagrant instead.


Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
  config.vm.provider "docker" do |d|
    d.image = "jchaney/openresty-nginx"
  end "public_network"
	config.vm.provision "shell", inline: "lapis server production"

Docker needs a process to run, otherwise it will imediately exit.

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