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Created February 19, 2014 04:28
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regexps =
code: regex.code
url: regex.url
parse = (str) ->
strings = [{text: str}]
for name, regexp of regexps
for string, i in strings
if not string.token? and matches = string.text.match regexp
results = []
start = 0
for match in matches
matchIndex = string.text.indexOf match
first = string.text.slice start, matchIndex
second = string.text.slice matchIndex, (matchIndex + match.length)
third = string.text.slice (matchIndex + match.length)
results.push {text: first}
results.push {text: second, token: name}
results.push {text: third} if third.length > 0
start = matchIndex + match.length
strings[i] = results
strings = _.flatten strings
return strings
# Get message text.
p = $(@find('p'))
message = p.html()
ptext = for string in parse(message)
switch string.token
when 'code'
string.text.replace(/`([^`]*)`/g, "<code>$1</code>")
when 'url'
string.text.replace regexps.url, (str) ->
youtubeMatch = str.match
if Meteor.user().profile.inlineMedia and str.match /\.(?:jpe?g|gif|png)/i
<a href="#{str}" target="_blank">
<img onload="scrollToPlace();" src="#{str}" alt=""/>
else if youtubeMatch and
youtubeMatch[1].length is 11 and
"<iframe src=\"//{youtubeMatch[1]}\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen></iframe>"
else # All other links
"<a href=\"#{str}\" target=\"_blank\">#{str}</a>"
when 'channel'
string.text.replace(/#(\d*[a-zA-Z_]+)/g, '<a href="/channels/$1">#$1</a>')
for nick of Channels.findOne(name:
string.text = string.text.replace regex.nick(nick), "$1<a href=\"/users/$2\">$2</a>$3"
string.text.replace(/\*\*([^\*]*)\*\*/g, "<strong>$1</strong>")
.replace(/\*([^\*]*)\*/g, "<em>$1</em>")
.replace(/_([^_]*)_/g, '<span class="underline">$1</span>')
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