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Last active September 8, 2016 01:07
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Messing around with DOM parsing using sanctuary.js
const R = require('ramda');
const Sanctuary = require('sanctuary');
const $ = require('sanctuary-def');
// Type definitions
// Tokens :: Array String
const Tokens = $.NullaryType(
x => $.test([], $.Array($.String), x)
// Nodes :: [Node]
const Nodes = $.NullaryType(
x => $.test([], $.Array(Node), x)
// HTMLNode :: name: String, attr: Attributes, children: Nodes
const HTMLNode = $.RecordType({name: $.String,
attr: $.Object,
children: Nodes});
// TextNode :: String
const TextNode = $.NullaryType(
x => $.test([], $.String, x)
// Node :: HTMLNode | TextNode
const Node = $.NullaryType(
x => $.test([], HTMLNode, x) || $.test([], TextNode, x)
// $Maybe :: Type -> Type
var Maybe = $.UnaryType(
function(x) { return x != null && x['@@type'] === 'sanctuary/Maybe'; },
function(maybe) { return maybe.isJust ? [maybe.value] : []; }
const env = $.env.concat([Tokens, Nodes, HTMLNode, TextNode, Node, Maybe]);
const def = $.create({checkTypes: true, env});
const S = Sanctuary.create({checkTypes: true, env: Sanctuary.env});
// ============================
// Actual Code
// ============================
const string = "<html><body class='body-class'><div id='header'><p>Hello, world!<test></test></p><p>Welcome</p></div></body></html>"
const tokenRE = /(<\/?[a-z]+[^>]*>|[^<]+)/
// tokenizer :: String -> Tokens
const tokenize = R.compose(R.filter(S.I), R.split(tokenRE));
// getNameOfFirstElement :: String -> Maybe String
const getNameOfFirstElement = R.compose(
// getCloseTag :: String -> Maybe String
const getCloseTag = el => S.Just(`</${el}>`);
// children :: Tokens -> Maybe Tokens
const children = def('children', {}, [Tokens, Maybe(Tokens)], (tokens) => {
return R.composeK(
R.ifElse(R.isEmpty, S.Nothing, S.Just),
S.take(R.__, tokens),
S.indexOf(R.__, tokens),
// siblings :: Tokens -> Maybe Tokens
const siblings = def('siblings', {}, [Tokens, Maybe(Tokens)], (tokens) => {
// Should be able to use R.composeK here, but I can't figure out how to
// "unchain" S.or
return R.compose(
R.chain(R.ifElse(R.isEmpty, S.Nothing, S.Just)),
R.chain(S.drop(R.__, tokens)),
// If the first token is not an opening element tag, but instead
// some inner text, use 1 as the drop index instead of the closing tag
// (since there is no closing tag)
S.or(R.__, S.Just(1)),
R.chain(S.indexOf(R.__, tokens)),
// tree :: Tokens -> Nodes
const tree = def('tree', {}, [Tokens, Nodes], (tokens) => {
var element = getNameOfFirstElement(tokens);
var node;
if (element.isNothing) {
node = S.head(tokens).value;
} else {
node = {
name: element.value,
attr: {},
children: S.maybe([], tree, children(tokens))
return R.filter(R.identity,
[node, R.head(S.maybe([], tree, siblings(tokens)))]
const tokens = tokenize(string);
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