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Created October 5, 2012 16:21
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PowerShell script to find all of the Nuget packages being used in the source code
# PowerShell script to find all of the Nuget packages being used in the source code
# get all packages.config files
$files = ls -Filter packages.config -Recurse
# create an empty array in powershell
$packages = @()
# get the name of the packages in each file
foreach($file in $files)
$xml = [xml]"<root></root>"
foreach($package in $xml.packages.package)
$packages = $packages + $
$knownpackages = ("Backbone", "Foundation","Quartz.NET","RavenDB","Mongo")
$packages = $packages + $knownpackages
# get unique package names
$packages = $packages | select -uniq | sort
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