If white is on top and outer side color matches outer edge color - target the edge piece. do R or L' to put it in the back, second layer. U2 to put the corner piece in the back-left or back-right corner, then undo with R' or L.
If white is on top and outer side color is opposite the outer edge color - target the corner piece. R U R' to put it in the back-left or back-right corner with white now on the side.
A W A - move corner over the edge, then U'
A B A - rotate side so that corner is over the edge, then U2
A B B - bad case. Put corner on left-near side, then insert in right corner with R U' R'. Then rotate U towards corner, then take corner back out in the direction of edge.
A W B - intuitive. hide the corner in the way that doesn't also move the edge, then rotate edge away
W A B - match sides and sledgehammer
If white is on top, and sides aren't matched: move corner away so both matching sides are on the front. Then insert corner, move edge back, then take corner out. OR do a "sledgehammer" R' F R F' / L F' L' F
A B B / A W A - turn corner to see white, take out edge behind corner
If white is on side and some colors are adjacent, turn corner so white is still visible, then take out edge to behind the corner. OR push white corner so you can't see it. Then push the edge one extra turn.
A W B / A B A - U2, take out edge near side
If white is on side and colors aren't adjacent, move corner 2 turns, then take out edge to near side. Or move white corner so the sticker is still showing, but take edge out the opposite way.
If side color matches top color, put the edge on the side of the corner that has color, then take corner out in the direction of the edge.
If side color matches edge color, put edge on the white side, then take corner out by hiding the edge and moving it away from the edge.
If white is on the bottom, match edge side color with corner on front, move edge away, then bring corner out in either direction.