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knutole /
Last active November 7, 2018 16:48
Install Docker on Ubuntu
# Update the apt package index:
sudo apt-get update
# Install packages to allow apt to use a repository over HTTPS:
sudo apt-get install -y \
apt-transport-https \
ca-certificates \

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am knutole on github.
  • I am knutole ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASBT74e3EQKj9uGxrw-yK_x32_G0AvYU0XFgX_M94FEqNgo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

knutole / docker-compose.yml
Created May 30, 2017 20:17 — forked from volkanunsal/docker-compose.yml
docker-postgis setup with streaming replication
image: mdillon/postgis:9.3
- '5432:5432'
- /import_data
- ./postgis/
- ./postgis:/tmp/postgresql
restart: always
# Install docker community edition on Ubuntu
# Updated May 5th 2017
# Maintained by <knutole at mapic dot io>
# For more info, see:
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knutole /
Created October 6, 2016 12:45 — forked from rclark/
Leaflet WMS + GetFeatureInfo

There are a bunch of reasons why this is convoluted, mostly in building the URL to make the request:

  1. You have to rely on an AJAX request, this example uses jQuery
  2. To make a GetFeatureInfo request, you must provide a BBOX for a image, and the pixel coordinates for the part of the image that you want info from. A couple of squirrely lines of Leaflet code can give you that.
  3. Output formats. The info_format parameter in the request. We don't know a priori which will be supported by a WMS that we might make a request to. See Geoserver's docs for what formats are available from Geoserver. That won't be the same from WMS to WMS, however.
  4. WMS services return XML docs when there's a mistake in the request or in processing. This sends an HTTP 200, which jQuery doesn't think is an error.
I simply need to clip a raster by a GeoJSON polygon. However, the query needs to fit into a Mapnik wrapper (of which I have no control).
# Full Mapnik query from PostGIS logs
SELECT ST_AsBinary(ST_Band(ST_Resample(ST_Clip("rast", ST_Expand(ST_SetSRID('BOX3D(743579.4111581944 8570731.10756024,900122.4450862355 8727274.141488284)'::box3d, 3857), greatest(abs(ST_ScaleX("rast")), abs(ST_ScaleY("rast"))))),305.748 * sign(ST_ScaleX("rast")),305.748 * sign(ST_ScaleY("rast")), 0, 0), 1)) AS geom FROM (SELECT ST_Clip(rast, st_transform(st_setsrid(ST_geomfromgeojson('{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[9.019775390625,61.370409712010435],[7.998046875,61.17503266354878],[8.7890625,61.16443708638272],[9.29443359375,60.62471311568258],[10.469970703124998,61.63250678169624],[9.5361328125,61.201506036385375],[9.019775390625,61.370409712010435]]]}'), 4326), 3857)) FROM file_tpspmpkrwlsrcchskibg) as subquery WHERE "rast" && ST_SetSRID('BOX3D(743579.4111581944 8570731.10756024,900122.4450862355 8727274.141488284)'::box3d, 3857)
The idea here is that there are two different rasters - one large rasterA, and one small rasterB used as a mask. We need to get the values of rasterA which are within the bounds of rasterB.
Additional problem: rasterB has NODATA value of 0, and ONLY the part of the rasterB that is NOT NODATA should be used as a mask.
The example below is wrong, for several reasons. Can you fix it?
select row_to_json(t) from (
SELECT A.rid, B.rid, pvc
FROM rasterA A
JOIN rasterB B
WITH first AS (
SELECT id, (ST_Intersection(rast, rast, 0)).val
FROM file_caolvkddzzlgmvyeofrh
INNER JOIN file_xbwnbydpmwesokzmrcht ON ST_Intersects(rast, rast, 0)
SELECT id, COUNT(val), SUM(val), AVG(val), stddev(val), MIN(val), MAX(val)
FROM first
# second problem
select row_to_json(t) from (SELECT rid, pvc FROM file_pszjkuicfjvxvizbygbq, ST_ValueCount(rast,1) AS pvc WHERE st_intersects(st_transform(st_setsrid(ST_geomfromgeojson('{"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[9.31640625,60.88770004207789],[9.31640625,61.48075950007598],[10.8984375,61.48075950007598],[10.8984375,60.88770004207789],[9.31640625,60.88770004207789]]]}}'), 4326), 3857), rast) as t;
error running query { [Error: ERROR: unknown GeoJSON type
# first problem, solved!
select row_to_json(t) from (