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Forked from jef-sure/
Created July 3, 2019 01:11
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package World::Schema;
use base qw/DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader/;
my $schema = World::Schema->connect("DBI:mysql:database=world", "world", "world1",
{PrintError => 1, RaiseError => 1, mysql_enable_utf8 => 1});
package main;
use DBIx::Connector;
use DBIx::Struct;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Benchmark qw|:all|;
# used this world database
DBIx::Struct::connect("DBI:mysql:database=world", "world", "world1");
my $connector = DBIx::Connector->new("DBI:mysql:database=world", "world", "world1",
{PrintError => 1, RaiseError => 1, mysql_enable_utf8 => 1});
my $tests = {
Struct => sub {
my $cities = all_rows(
[ "city s" => -right => "country c" => -left => "countrylanguage l",
-columns => ['s.Name city', 'c.Name country', 'Language language'],
-where => {Language => 'English'}
StructFor => sub {
my $cities = for_rows(
[ "city s" => -right => "country c" => -left => "countrylanguage l",
-columns => ['s.Name city', 'c.Name country', 'Language language'],
-where => {Language => 'English'},
sub {1}
DBI => sub {
my $dbh_cities = $connector->run(
sub {
qq{select s.Name city, c.Name country, Language language from city s}
. qq{ right join country c on(s.CountryCode = c.Code)}
. qq{ left join countrylanguage l on(l.CountryCode = c.Code)}
. qq{ WHERE ( Language = ? )},
{Slice => {}},
DBIC => sub {
{'countrylanguages.Language' => 'English'},
{ join => ['cities', 'countrylanguages'],
select => [qw(cities.Name me.Name countrylanguages.Language)],
as => [qw(city country language)]
cmpthese(-5, $tests);
Rate DBIC Struct StructFor DBI
DBIC 123/s -- -66% -67% -80%
Struct 361/s 194% -- -3% -40%
StructFor 371/s 202% 3% -- -38%
DBI 602/s 389% 67% 62% --
another computer:
Rate DBIC StructFor Struct DBI
DBIC 119/s -- -60% -64% -77%
StructFor 295/s 148% -- -9% -44%
Struct 325/s 174% 10% -- -38%
DBI 526/s 343% 78% 62% --
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