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Gustavo Lacoste knxroot

  • Santiago, Chile
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knxroot /
Created September 13, 2021 01:21 — forked from rondomondo/
Two methods/examples of how to decode and verify the signature of AWS cognito JWT web tokens externally. This uses RSA key pair and alternatively PKCS1_v1_5. See for example of signing and verification by downloading an ISSUERS PKI SSL certificate from the signers website, and h…
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import time
import json
import base64
import requests
import argparse
from base64 import urlsafe_b64decode, b64decode
from Crypto.Hash import SHA256, SHA512
knxroot /
Created September 1, 2021 02:53 — forked from kentbrew/
How to change the Chrome default language on OSX

How to Change your Chrome Default Language

Open up a Terminal window. (If you have never seen Terminal before, go to Spotlight Search and type "Terminal.")

In the Terminal box, try this:

defaults read AppleLanguages

If you see this:

knxroot / Vagrantfile
Created April 11, 2021 05:40 — forked from akrabat/Vagrantfile
Example Vagrantfile for Windows
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :
# Base box:
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "19ft/windows2016"
config.vm.guest = :windows
config.vm.boot_timeout = 600
knxroot /
Last active April 11, 2021 05:19 — forked from andrealbinop/
Setup vagrant boxes

Setup vagrant boxes

Since released vagrant boxes, it' no longer necessary to manually import the ova file to virtualbox, as mentioned here.

However, the guys at didn't configured the box to work with WinRM. This how-to addresses that, presenting steps to proper repackage these boxes, adding WinRM support. Additionally configures chocolatey package manager and puppet provisioner.


#.editorconfig default
root = true
indent_style = space
end_of_line = lf
charset = utf-8
trim_trailing_whitespace = true
insert_final_newline = true
max_line_length = 80
knxroot / BIPCatalogUtil.cmd
Created March 14, 2018 22:09 — forked from Dnefedkin/BIPCatalogUtil.cmd
Runs BI Publisher Catalog Utility on Windows OS
setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
@REM *************************************************************************
@REM Purpose: Runs BI Publisher Catalog Utility on Windows OS
@REM Author: Dmitry Nefedkin (
@REM Description: script is based on
@REM found in $MW_HOME\Oracle_BI1\clients\bipublisher\ of Oracle BI EE installation
@REM Last changed: Oct, 25, 2012 18:00
@REM Version: 0.1
@REM *************************************************************************
knxroot / BIPCatalogUtil.cmd
Created March 14, 2018 22:09 — forked from Dnefedkin/BIPCatalogUtil.cmd
Runs BI Publisher Catalog Utility on Windows OS
setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
@REM *************************************************************************
@REM Purpose: Runs BI Publisher Catalog Utility on Windows OS
@REM Author: Dmitry Nefedkin (
@REM Description: script is based on
@REM found in $MW_HOME\Oracle_BI1\clients\bipublisher\ of Oracle BI EE installation
@REM Last changed: Oct, 25, 2012 18:00
@REM Version: 0.1
@REM *************************************************************************
knxroot / gist:faa0e3b2d763feee1348af45ab2473ad
Created July 28, 2016 15:35 — forked from buhrmi/gist:1344659
Sublime Text 2 Git Annotation Colors - fix background for foreground
<!-- ====================================
Colors for git annotation
====================================== -->
<string>Git Modified Line</string>
def force_unicode(string, codecs=['utf8', 'cp1252']):
""" Force use unicode when you don't know correct codec of the string """
for i in codecs:
return unicode(string, i)
knxroot / rut-flask-restful-validation
Last active August 29, 2015 14:26 — forked from rbonvall/
Dígito verificador del RUT en Python
# encoding=utf-8
# Idea of a Custom data types for validate the Chilean RUT in Flask-RESTful
# by @lacosox
from itertools import cycle
def chilean_rut(rut_text):
rut_text.upper().strip().replace(".", "").replace("K", "10")
(rut, dv)=rut_text.split('-')