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Created January 14, 2018 12:16
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import random
import math
from chalice import Chalice
app = Chalice(app_name='sushigo-algorithm')
app.debug = False
def sort_hand(hand, order):
card_dict = {card: i for i, card in enumerate(order)}
return sorted(hand, key=lambda x: card_dict[x])
def score_table(hand_player, hand_opponent):
score = 0
player_temaki = sum([1 for c in hand_player if c == "temaki"])
opponent_temaki = sum([1 for c in hand_opponent if c == "temaki"])
if player_temaki > opponent_temaki:
score += 4
hand_player = [c for c in hand_player if c != "temaki"]
hand_opponent = [c for c in hand_opponent if c != "temaki"]
multiplier = 1
for card in hand_player:
if card == "wasabi":
multiplier = multiplier * 2
if card == "egg":
score += 1 * multiplier
multiplier = 1
if card == "salmon":
score += 2 * multiplier
multiplier = 1
if card == "squid":
score += 3 * multiplier
multiplier = 1
player_maki = sum([int(c.replace("maki-", "")) for c in hand_player if "maki" in c])
opponent_maki = sum([int(c.replace("maki-", "")) for c in hand_opponent if "maki" in c])
if player_maki > opponent_maki:
score += 6
elif player_maki > 1:
score += 3
player_sashimi = sum([1 for c in hand_player if c == "sashimi"])
score += math.floor(player_sashimi/3)
player_tempura = sum([1 for c in hand_player if c == "tempura"])
score += math.floor(player_tempura / 3)
player_dumpling = sum([1 for c in hand_player if c == "dumpling"])
dumpling_scores = [0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15]
score += dumpling_scores[player_dumpling]
player_tofu = sum([1 for c in hand_player if c == "tofu"])
tofu_scores = [0, 2, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
score += tofu_scores[player_tofu]
player_eel = sum([1 for c in hand_player if c == "eel"])
eel_scores = [0, -3, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7]
score += eel_scores[player_eel]
return score
def simulate(order):
There's 14 cards, so there's 14! = 87178291200 possibilities!
Such complexity! Must have compute power!
cards = ["maki-1", "maki-2", "maki-3", "sashimi",
"egg", "salmon", "squid", "wasabi", "pudding",
"tempura", "dumpling", "tofu", "eel", "temaki"]
deck = cards * 5
deck, hand_player = deck[10:], deck[:10]
deck, hand_opponent = deck[10:], deck[:10]
hand_player = sort_hand(hand_player, order)
table_player, table_opponent = [], []
while len(hand_player) > 0:
hand_player, hand_opponent = hand_opponent, hand_player
return score_table(table_player, table_opponent) > score_table(table_opponent, table_player)
def index():
return {'hello': 'sim'}
@app.route('/sim/{n}', methods=['POST'])
def simulation_endpoint(n):
json_body = app.current_request.json_body
return sum([simulate(json_body['order']) for _ in range(int(n))])
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